ammonium nitrate formula

Therefore the simplified molecular formula of this compound is given as N2H4O3. It is predominantly used in agriculture as a high-nitrogen fertilizer. So on heating Ammonium nitrate decomposes but leaves no residues behind. Il s'agit en particulier de coopératives agricoles[19]. It should not be heated in a confined space. Fertilizer: Ammonium Sulfate Grade: 21-0-0. C'est pourquoi des impuretés métalliques comme le cuivre, le chlorure d'ammonium ou salmiac, des dérivés chlorés ou certains autres corps chimiques réducteurs ou potentiellement réducteurs comme les hydrocarbures ou les mercaptans qui peuvent le souiller, voire le mazout ou les simples emballages de bois et de papier pour éviter sa prise en motte du fait de son caractère hygroscopique, accélèrent sa décomposition déjà possible dès 185 °C. Ammonium nitrate decomposes, non-explosively, into the gases nitrous oxide and water vapor when heated. Ammonia is used in its anhydrous form (a gas) and the nitric acid is concentrated. Apart from this, ANFO is in high demands for applications or used in coal mining, quarrying, metal mining, as well as in civil construction. Which means it absorbs thermal energy from the atmosphere or surrounding while cooling the surrounding media at the same time. Both the β-rhombic to α-rhombic forms are potentially present at ambient temperature in many parts of the world but have a 3.6% difference in density. Selon les concentrations souvent trouvées en France (15 à 60 mg/L), un phénomène en chaîne pourrait se créer et s'autoalimenter dans un tel substrat après la ponte des salmonidés : les œufs (nombreux à mourir) puis les larves qui meurent, font augmenter le taux de nitrate dans le substrat qui à son tour aggrave le taux de mortalité des embryons de salmonidés enfouis sous les graviers[34]. Il s'agit aussi de l'ancien nitrate d'ammoniaque, obtenu industriellement depuis le XXe siècle par un mélange d'ammoniaque et d'acide nitrique, deux dérivés potentiels de la chimie de synthèse du gaz ammoniac. Another advantage of this compound is that it doesn’t lose its nitrogen to the atmosphere, as is the case with urea. Global production was estimated at 21.6 million tonnes in 2017. To learn about other ionic compounds of the nitrate anion, such as potassium nitrate, register with BYJU’S and download the mobile application on your smartphone. Therefore Ammonium nitrate is considered to be acidic. Blending ammonium nitrate with certain other fertilizers can lower the critical relative humidity.[29]. A solution of ammonium nitrate with nitric acid called Cavea-b showed promise for use in spacecraft as a more energetic alternative to the common monopropellant hydrazine. Boukerche S, Aouacheri W et Saka S (2007). Ammonium nitrate is a solid crystalline substance. Ammonium nitrate readily dissolves in water by dissociating into its constituent ions. . [12] See § disasters for details. It is in use widely as a bulk industrial explosive. Ammonium nitrate can absorb enough moisture to liquefy. For this reason, phase stabilized ammonium nitrate (PSAN) which incorporates metal halides as stabilisers has been investigated.[14]. It is a white crystalline solid consisting of ions of ammonium and nitrate. Ammonium nitrate's advantage over urea is that it is more stable and does not rapidly lose nitrogen to the atmosphere. [26][21], Contact with certain substances such as chlorates, mineral acids and metal sulfides, can lead to vigorous or even violent decomposition capable of igniting nearby combustible material or detonating. Part A. Ammonium nitrate | NH4NO3 or H4N2O3 | CID 22985 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more. Le nitrate d'ammonium commence à se décomposer après avoir fondu, libérant ainsi du NOx, HNO3, NH3 et H2O. Ces conditions biogéochimiques sont propices à l'anoxie du substrat, et à une nouvelle production de nitrites et d'ammonium dans le substrat même[34]. How is Ammonium Nitrate Produced Industrially? Ammonium nitrate is an ingredient in certain explosives. Ammonium nitrate is a chemical compound with the chemical formula NH 4 NO 3.It is a white crystalline solid consisting of ions of ammonium and nitrate.It is highly soluble in water and hygroscopic as a solid, although it does not form hydrates.It is predominantly used in agriculture as a high-nitrogen fertilizer. La toxicité de l'ion ammonium pour les plantes est encore imparfaitement connue ; elle est généralement attribuée à un effet synergique associant : Une bonne mycorhization semble améliorer la régulation de l'absorption des différentes formes de l'azote par les arbres, et donc diminuer leur stress en condition de pollution azotée ou de stress par excès d'ions ammonium[33]. The ammonia required for this process is obtained by the Haber process from nitrogen and hydrogen. La constante de dissociation (Kp) du nitrate d'ammonium est égale au produit des pressions partielles des gaz ammoniac et acide nitrique à l'équilibre[40]. When Ammonium nitrate is subjected to decomposition it releases nitrous oxide and water. The molecule of ammonium nitrate is formed by the union of 2 nitrogen atoms, 4 hydrogen atoms and 3 oxygen atoms. Many countries are phasing out its use in consumer applications due to concerns over its potential for misuse. It showed great promise for use as an alternative to monopropellant hydrazine which is commonly used in spacecraft. Quand un cours d'eau traverse un bassin agricole ou y naît, il peut se charger en nitrates (dès la source parfois) et s'eutrophiser. Some of these are listed below: When metal hydroxides react with ammonium nitrate alkali metal nitrates are formed. La réaction avec le cuivre peut s'écrire : Il peut réagir à chaud avec le formol en donnant du nitrate de méthylammonium (en) explosif, selon un mécanisme radicalaire. The ammonium nitrate structural formula is represented as; Stay connected to BYJU’S to access all the different formulas of important chemical compounds. This compound has very low shock and friction sensitivities. [21] The resulting heat and pressure from decomposition increases the sensitivity to detonation and increases the speed of decomposition. Another method of Ammonium nitrate production that is in use at an industrial scale is the Odda process. Ammonium has a chemical formula NH4+ and nitrate has the chemical formula NO3-. Les taux de nitrite et d'ammonium diffèrent selon les compartiments interstitiels et varient beaucoup selon la nature du sédiment (« granulométrie et teneur en matière organique »)[34]. Ammonium nitrate is the nitric acid ammonium salt. Earlier, Ammonium nitrate used to be mined as a mineral from these regions. Pure ammonium nitrate does not burn, but as a strong oxidizer, it supports and accelerates the combustion of organic (and some inorganic) material. Ammonium nitrate is an ionic salt made up of the ammonium cation (NH 4) + and the nitrate anion (NO 3) –.The chemical formula of this compound is NH 4 NO 3.. In this process, one molecule of calcium nitrate reacts with two molecules of Ammonia, one molecule of carbon dioxide and one molecule of water to produce calcium carbonate and Ammonium nitrate. Dans certaines conditions (en milieu acide et donc dans l'estomac ou dans certaines zones humides naturellement acides), des nitrites (NO2-) se forment à partir des nitrates. It is found as gwihabaite which is called the Ammonium analogue of saltpetre. This compound is acidic. La constante de dissociation (Kp) du nitrate d’ammonium est exprimée en ppb2, elle dépend seulement de la température. It is crystalline in nature. On le fabrique par barbotage du gaz ammoniac (le produit de réduction du diazote par le procédé Haber-Bosch[11]) dans l'acide nitrique. For example, in Australia, the Dangerous Goods Regulations came into effect in August 2005 to enforce licensing in dealing with such substances.

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