great minds of the ancient world

10 Great Minds From Throughout History 1. We’d love your help. Great Minds of Ancient Science and Math Age Level: 9–15 Grade Level: 4–10 . Einstein’s theory of relativity was still just a theory, and one that was considered little short of heresy by a significant portion of the scientific community (Nikola Tesla included). Welcome back. Be the first to ask a question about Great Minds of the Medieval World. Forced to practice for hours on end, his father would loom over him ready to administer a beating for the slightest mistake. So many brilliant people and so little time to learn about them all! The medieval world is an intellectual space I haven’t engaged as often as I would like; I feel better equipped to read more deeply after this course. Liked it? The great courses series makes me want to go back to college! At the age of 12, Benjamin Franklin was made apprentice to his elder brother James at his printing business in Boston. In just one year he proved the existence of atoms, described the photoelectric effect, demonstrated that an object’s mass is an expression of the energy it contains (E = mc2), and published his Special Theory of Relativity. Shakespeare was by no means the only famous playwright of his era, but his work has stood the test of time in a way that others have not. Readers are given an in-depth understanding of the scientist's and mathematician's work. Convinced that an individual’s entrance to heaven would depend on what they had done rather than what they believed, he was passionate about improving the lot of his fellow man. He succeeded in spectacular fashion and would go on to become one of the wealthiest men in America. The holder of an A.B. If Principia had been Newton’s only achievement, then that would have been more than enough to earn him the title of scientific genius. Meanwhile, a good deal of Edison’s income was derived from the Edison Electric Light Company, which relied on direct current. Tesla won the war of the currents. Early theories of evolution and atomic theory began in Ancient Greece. This one clearly explores the lives and times of what we have come to know as the great medieval thinkers. Disappointed, Everett largely gave up on quantum mechanics. Very interesting take on historical figures of the medieval period. To me, a scholar who's great accomplishment is establishing an argument for how to understand the Trinity is rather like a scholar who devoted their work to developing the theory of phlogiston; it could be interesting to see how their mind worked through the issue, but ultimately what the spent so much time on is co. I'm not sure why this series of lectures has such lukewarm ratings. In the medieval era's great minds we find the roots of many aspects of today's world - from the religious/philosophical thought of Augustine, Ambrose of Milan, and Thomas Aquinas to the scientific innovations of Avicenna and Alhacen, the enlightened statesmanship of Charlemagne and Lorenzo de Medici, and the literary creations of Dante and Chaucer. She is an excellent presenter who really knows this time period. Born out of wedlock, and with no formal education, the young da Vinci seemed destined for a life of anonymous drudgery. Plato blurred the lines between philosophy and entertainment and challenged the reader to scrutinize their own beliefs. The best of his offerings are widely regarded to be amongst the finest, if not the finest, works of literature in the English language. Two of these were produced years after his death and the other probably isn’t a depiction of Shakespeare at all. But Newton did a great deal else besides. The great courses series makes me want to go back to colle. It’s fair to say that the academic world wasn’t beating a path to Einstein’s door. However, there was one major problem. A basic introduction and overview of some of the key ideas and thinkers of the medieval world, hopefully listeners will engage some of the texts mentioned. Architectural Wonders Of The Ancient World: The Pyramids – Egypt. Biographics – History, One Life at a Time. by The Teaching Company. Dorsey is a thoughtful and engaging lecturer, and she’s crafted a useful, interesting, and insightful course. Yet painting was by no means his only talent, nor perhaps even his greatest talent. Designed By: Mark Hedrick   -  2014                                                                                                                                                                                 History Class Project. His genius was actually very narrow and was limited to the fields of physics and Mathematics even the ancient Greek Archimedes contribute more to this day to human life on Earth with his invention of the Archimedes screw which is still used throughout much of the world to help irrigate fields to grow food Einstein in my opinion was the idiot of geniuses If there are an infinite number of universes, then an infinite number of possibilities are played out. Socrates’ resurrection in immortal literary form would no doubt have been particularly galling to certain influential Athenians who had only recently killed him off.

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