how to grow tomato plant

For one, it helps protect them from the perils of Mother Nature. And this can play a huge role in keeping roots from developing to maximum capacity. The crushed eggs shells give a boost of calcium as they break down. Product Link : Pure Worm Castings. See : Pruning Tomatoes. To plant, use a post hole digger to create a perfect planting hole. For instance, tomato blight and blossom rot are both caused from issues in the soil. When it comes to growing great tomatoes, supporting the crop is a big key to keeping it healthy. Jim and Mary. When it comes to growing tomatoes, or more importantly, an incredible crop of tomatoes, a few tips and hints can help pave the way to sweet success. Growing Tomatoes – 7 Simple Secrets To Grow Your Best Crop Ever! The number 5 secret is mulch. Not only is it easier for the gardener, but it keeps you from trampling the soil and roots around the tomatoes as they grow. At minimum, clear 8 to 10 inches away from the bottom as your tomato plants grow. We start by digging our holes with the post hole digger to about 10″ in depth. Finally, we finish with a 4 to 6″ thick layer of straw on top at least 12″ around each plant. Weeds that rob plants of the vital nutrients they need to grow strong. One of the biggest secrets of all to tomato growing success is to feed your plants at planting time. Stepping on and around a plant’s root zone compacts the soil. And best of all, they release them back slowly as the plants grow. This article may contain affiliate links. Mulching aids in regulating soil temperature. But here is the biggest key of all when it comes to tomato supports – install your support before or as you plant, not weeks later! That trampling not only compresses roots and stops them from growing, but staking later can easily damage roots as posts are driven in near plants. Whether you use cages, stakes, or trellises like our DIY stake-a-cage, plants need support! Last but not least, prune your tomato plants as they grow. How deep? And it even makes it easier to water too! In fact, they dominate nearly a quarter of our entire garden space every year. Tomatoes love warm soil. Unsupported vines are easily damaged in storms or by foot traffic. There you have it, our 7 simple secrets to growing tomatoes! As always, feel free to email us at with comments, questions, or to simply say hello! Especially ones found in the soil. To receive our 3 Home, Garden, Recipe and Simple Life articles each week, sign up below for our free email list. Mulching is a huge key to success! A deep root structure dries out less quickly. Tomatoes are extremely susceptible to disease. Pruning also makes it harder for garden bugs and pests to find their way on your plants as well. And as we plant, we fill the hole back in with a mix of soil, compost, a few crushed egg shells, a couple teaspoons of coffee grounds, and a quarter cup of worm castings. Together, they create a slow-release fertilizing circle around each stalk. We love growing tomatoes on our little farm. We prune all of our heirlooms 12 to 16 inches off the ground by the time they are fully mature. We plant our tomato transplants to a depth of 6 to 8 inches in the soil. Plants are also more susceptible to disease and pests when allowed to sprawl on the ground. But by rotating the crop to a new space each season, you reduce the risk of both greatly. In addition, tomatoes are also heavy feeders of the soil. But most importantly, it keeps competing weeds out of the picture. The OWG Garden Guide – Our New “How-To” Page For Gardening Advice. More if the plants are a large variety. The practice of deep planting accomplishes two key things for tomato plants. Here is a look at our seven top tips to ensure a banner harvest of tomatoes from your garden year after year. This helps to prevent black rot and blossom-end rot. Growing tomatoes in the same space year after year is a recipe for disaster. As we plant each tomato, we put a huge energy boost into each hole. When roots become compressed, they can inhibit the flow of nutrients to tomato plants as they grow. And through the years, we have learned a few secrets about growing a healthy, vibrant crop. One last note on mulching : If the season and soil are still a little cool, hold off. That means moving them to a new location also assures them of fresh nutrients as well. Product Link : Post Hole Digger. As tomatoes grow in the garden, it is vital to keep heavy foot traffic away from the soil right around plants. See : How To Make Our DIY Stake-A-Cage Tomato Support. Less roots below = less tomatoes up top! And if you grow in pots or containers, be sure to change out the soil every season. And no need to worry if you bury a few of the lower leaves in the process. Happy Gardening! Get out there this year and grow your best crop of tomatoes ever! See : How To Make Our DIY Stake-A-Cage Tomato Support. It also helps keep soil and nutrients from eroding during strong rains. We then sprinkle on a quarter cup of worm castings on top of the compost ring. Tomatoes need to be planted deep in the soil. Especially at the bottom of each plant. It makes wide, deep holes quickly, and with little bending! As a good rule of thumb, tomato plants should never be planted in the same location for at least 3 years. Roots that are vital in helping find nutrients and water for the plant as it grows. New roots will grow from there as well, and it will not hurt the plant. It also provides more support for plants to handle wind and storms. But even more, planting deep allows for additional roots to grow off of the stem. Both of which are big factors in helping tomatoes to ripen quickly. The compost, coffee grounds and worm castings provide amazing nutrients. Because pruning these low branches away from the plant allows all-important air and light to circulate through the plants and rows. Mulch plays a major role in the health and production level of tomato plants. Every time it rains, or you water, those nutrients soak to the roots below. We double-mulch our plants. And all of that tangled mess prevents good air circulation and sunlight from hitting plants too. In fact, 7 of them to be exact – and they make a huge difference for sure! And mulching while it’s cool can actually keep the soil from warming. The cocktail of nutrients gets plants off to a great start in their first few weeks. First, we place a 1 to 2 inch thick layer of compost 6 to 8 inches in diameter around each plant. Why?

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