indus valley drainage system importance

The toilet was flushed with water from jars. About 50 km before Skardu, it is joined by the Shyok at an elevation of about 2,700 m. The Gilgit, Gortang,Dras, Shiger, Hunza are the other Himalayan tributaries of the Indus. India, Kashmir and with other countries of Asia. Other historians have suggested that some kind of natural disaster led to the decline and disappearance of the Indus Valley peoples, perhaps a great flood or a drought or an earthquake. Answer: Most people used cotton clothes. [35] Major Accomplishments: First civilization of the Indian sub-continent. They reveal the remarkable skill of the artists. Milk, vegetables and fruits were also eaten. [4] The Great Bath of Mohenjo-daro and also its many houses with their own water supply, bathrooms and excellent drainage system, all go to say that “the masses enjoyed a degree of comfort and luxury unknown in other parts of the civilized world.”. They were made from the seashell during 2000 BCE. It implies the use of superior technology and complex economic relationships. The drains were provided with manholes. The first known use of cotton as a fiber for weaving textiles occurred in the Indus Valley. Late Harappan from 1900 to 1300 BC, marked by violence, breakdowns in social order, the abandonment of most settlements, and the eventual extinction of the Indus Valley people. [19] The Indus Valley Civilization did not disappear suddenly, and many elements of the Indus Civilization can be found in later cultures. [21], Hostile neighbours India and Pakistan have fought three wars since winning their independence from the British in 1947, and have long squabbled over the true centre of the Indus civilisation, which straddles the border between the countries. Another distinctive feature of the Indus people was that they didn't really build to awe. -Underground sewer pipes are said to be planned and organized by a centralized government. Overall, the Indus RIver Valley Civilization left behind a huge legacy. According to some archaeologists, more than 500 Harappan sites have been discovered along the dried up river beds of the Ghaggar-Hakra River and its tributaries, in contrast to only about 100 along the Indus and its tributaries; consequently, in their opinion, the appellation Indus Ghaggar-Hakra civilization or Indus-Saraswati civilization is justified. The bread was baked using the baking ovens and rest were cooked using the regular cooking pots. [34], Harappa Mohenio-Daro or "Mound of the Dead" Both cities shared urban design and architectural features. [7] The artisans smelted bronze and produced vessels of fine quality. In Mohenjo-Daro, lots of complex sewer systems have been found. [29] [16] The average annual flow of water in the Indus River is 110,450 million cubic metres at Kalabagh. Answered: The drainage system in Indus Valley civilization shows that the people had a high sense of health and sanitation. Milk, vegetables and fruits were also there. The river finally empties itself into the Arabian Sea, south of Karachi after forming a big delta. (d) Sports and Games. [10] Perhaps the greatest advances made by the Indus civilization - which occupied much of modern-day Pakistan, India, and Afghanistan - were in the realm of liberal thought and ideals. The most striking feature of this Harappan civilization (Indus Valley Civilization) is that the Indus Valley people had constructed their drainage system on very scientific lines. From near Ferozepur to Fazilka it forms the boundary between India and Pakistan for nearly 120 km. Mention any two features to suggest that the Harappan people enjoyed a higher standard of civic amenities than those of Mesopotamia. Men used two pieces of cloth, the . Amazingly, the Indus Valley civilization appears to have been a peaceful one. Question 2. Mainly the adaptation by Buddhism made it possible to reach the creation and concept to other parts of the world. Men and women used to wear necklaces, finger-rings and armlets. [7] [21] For water, the big houses had their own wells,other wells would serve groups of smaller houses. when the Indus River Valley civilization had earthen plumbing pipes that connected water for use inside buildings. (c) Harappan Metal-craft. Before entering the Punjab plain, it cuts a gorge in Naina Devi Dhar, where the famous Bhakra dam has been constructed. Answer: Under Lord Curzon in 1901, Sir John Marshall was the Director General of the Archaeological Survey of India, who revealed the Harappan Civilisation around the city of Harappa. There also must have existed a theatrical tradition in the Indus valley cities, but of this we have no literary numismatic or any other material proof. Question 9. Most of the Indus settlements had been abandoned or had shrunk in size by about 1800 BCE. Mention any two features of the Harappan script. The expertized work on seal carving and stamping of clay for the trading of goods were notably the most efficient works of that period. (b) The importance of the Seals can not be underestimated. Answer: They worshiped the Mother Goddess who bears some resemblance to the one that was worshiped in the Middle East and Europe. We don't know why the Indus Valley Civilization ended, but we also don't really know why it started. By examining the teeth and bones of the Indus Valley people, archaeologists can tell what the Indus valley people ate from the bodies they discover. They made pottery of various shapes and sizes on a potter’s wheel. The Seals may be considered as the most valuable finds of the Harappan Civilization. [18] a. true b.false -, Sanitation of the Indus Valley Civilisation - Wikipedia, Indus Valley Civilization Flashcards | Quizlet, DNA could solve mystery of Indus Valley civilization - Business Insider, Indus River Valley plumbing introduced our world to a new way of sanitation. The Indus Valley civilization reached its heyday beginning about 2600 BC, and it was the remnants of that society that led to its discovery by modern scholars. Answer: The information about the religious beliefs mostly comes from the seals, seal impressions, terracotta and metal figurines, cemeteries, etc. The comers of the streets were rounded off : Houses were not allowed to encroach upon the streets. They give us an idea about their commercial activities. Mention any two probable causes for the decline and disappearance of the Harappan Civilization. Another water source that gave life to Indus Valley was the Ghaggar-Hakra River that passes through the northwest point of India and eastern section of Pakistan. Sometime around 1750 BCE, the Indus Valley Civilization declined until it faded into obscurity. The gradient of the river in this course is very gentle (about 30 cm per km). But, mostly the buttons made from seashell were famous and widely used during the Bronze Age. The Chenab originates from near the Bara Lacha Pass in the Lahul-Spiti part of the Zaskar Range. The Indus Valley people had well-built, well organised town planning. While others civilizations were devoting huge amounts of time and resources to the rich, the supernatural, and the dead, Indus Valley inhabitants were taking a practical approach to supporting the common, secular, living people. Answer: Animals worshiped by the Harappans are humped bull, elephant, buffaloes, tiger, bison, etc. They were made out of Ivory which were widely in use in that area. So, it is also known as the Harappan Script. There are a number of traits which mark a civilisation. Indus Valley people had a maintained and a constantly healthy diet. [4] Many aspects of the civilization remain a mystery, but archaeologists and historians have discovered quite a bit about this amazing culture. Rakhigarhi is a key site in the Indus Valley civilisation, which ruled a more than 1m sq km swath of the Asian subcontinent during the bronze age and was as advanced and powerful as its better known contemporary counterparts in Egypt and Mesopotamia.

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