most uncivilized country in the world

It would be hard to say which country is the friendliest, but we have had good experiences in France, England, Ireland, and Croatia.

This report is so untrue. I was reading that some tourists will go elsewhere on holiday rather than going to the US usually its a relief for tourists when they come to Bangladesh from India. Other states everyone was kind.

Entire world will behave friendly if you will behave friendly with them.

Other than those country, Vietnam, Thai and Aussie were so so.

Also discovered that the older the men were, the more they would flirt – harmless but very fun.

I completely agree! She was really rude to him shouting and being horrible just because she was not interested in what he was selling. I have lived here for 1.5 years, always speak and write in Spanish and am polite and friendly. Some white people have terrible experiences in India of being cheated and looted but these are the people going on very cheap budget holidays and taking a lot of shortcuts to save money, india is not a cheap country if u want to experience it properly, it can be more expensive than anywhere in europe, go on a luxury holiday to India and then compare the experience and level or royal service hospitality you receive in India….its truly a class apart. After maybe 30 minutes he has a horde of angry Texas chasing after him. Entering java, there are chinese that take themselves exclusively, some who really assimilate with the indigenous people and talk their local languages and even some who hate and prefer going out with non chinese! Remember this!

Support But you run into these things many places. Interestingly, not one plant family is endemic to the island though there is a wide variety of more than 9,250 vernacular plants (33% of which are endemic). We’ve been all over France several times and we’ve been treated very well over many years.

My advice spend more of your time in Krakow,Poland where the locals want to speak english and have a much warmer vibe. Niger’s HDI is .354, with 44.1% of people living below the poverty line, facing malnutrition and the highest birth rate in the world of 7.4. But you should try Baltimore. As I don’t understand Indian culture enough, I was hoping you could help me understand the cultural differences, or basis for the behaviour of Indians. is that they size you up before giving you the time of day. Read the original article on Business Insider UK. I was often invited to stay at people’s homes. working with them resulted in a few being remotely sociable, others being standoffish at best, and finally, those who were downright unfriendly. I understand, though, that once the Germans get to know you they are very kind. In my travels I’ve found some interesting contrasts, like the French which sometimes treat tourists like crap but on the other hand are friendly with each other, or the Portuguese which are extremely friendly with tourists but often are extremely uncivil with each other.

Looks like Brits aren’t just rude, but also self-effacing. On top of everything else, the subway system was a sewer, and a really scary place overall.

Beautiful country and beautiful people! We feel confident we will encounter wonderful people. so stupid to be published. Oh I disagree completely.

Korea, Japan & Hong Kong. This has happened to me here many times. I’ve enjoyed every country I’ve visited and there isn’t a place I wouldn’t go back to. I know it doesn’t let women have enough rights. This is what we’re talking about, not for any special case, isn’t it?

I’ve been from Guyana to Dominican Republic.

It never worked to offer ot pay my own or theirs. Their culture is a bit different than here in the United States. Counter that with the many wonderful experiences we have had traveling in France, eating at other restaurants, riding trains, etc. In total, Venezuela has 1,417 bird species, 351 mammals, 315 species of amphibians, and 341 reptiles. Any question or issue was addressed immediately. Scientists have estimated 16,087 plant species of which 4,173 are endemic.

I find China to be the rudest. If customers don’t, they are treated with disdain. Democratic Republic of the Congo - 3.112, • Analysts question the way Apple describes its data• Mike Ashley has a plan to save BHS with no job losses• Investors think central banks have lost their power. The people are rude, almost behond comprehension. However no-one starts whining that they are going to quit the UK and renounce their British citizenship, not even the Catholics! And again back to the USA, my short stay in Tennessee….very, very friendly in spite of my being an outsider. The most friendly and polite people i have ever met is pakistanis. I SAY CHINESE PEOPLE ARE MORE PLEASING..☺. Especially if you come from the third world country.

They really wanted to know what we thought of their country and were interested in the USA. Rudest on the road: France, German, Russia, China, Canadian, Australian “However, the friendliest people that I have met around the world are the Brazilians.

Indian People are always unhappy and stressed out and frustrated. Well, I told them that as an American I thought that French people only treat Americans mean. Reading all these comments reminds that you can come across good and bad in every country. However, both my father and I spoke some French, and we found people largely helpful and friendly, with the exception of one souvenir seller near the Eiffel Tower, who was probably just having a bad day. Don’t simply retire from something; have something to retire to. Tell me the top 5 most civilized countries are and why they are more civilized than any other country. Are you sure you want to mark this comment as inappropriate? He told me that i could stay there for a night or two. 2. As many Filipinos live a very simple life especially if you compare it to the West. was that little bag? The Rudest (And Friendliest) Nations For Travelers, What’s the Happiest Country in the World? Papua New Guinea houses some of the unique flora and fauna in the world.

The 10th annual edition of the Global Peace Index has found the most and least peaceful countries on the planet, ranking 163 nations according to how safe they are. Nobody truly knows what civilized is and how to define it. David ... you need to define "Uncivilized" .. to most folks it means the majority of the country or state has no running water (No not streams), electrical power, mass or efficient transit system, communications, etc . A Westerner with a Korean women is really putting his life at risk as they cherish their ethnic purity above all else and don’t expect any help from the police or authorities.

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