are six-pointed, and more often appear as a superscript or subscript, Similar: is a member Similar: much greater The smallest number with a given number of divisors. Similar: ⊒ Square superset or equal symbol (binary). mode. should load amssymb and use \vartriangleleft (which operator \bigwedge. Finally, if you want a euro symbol that matches with the current font style (e.g., bold, italics, etc.) ⇓ Double line down arrow (relation). amssymb and use \vartriangleleft (which is a relation ≪ Much less than (relation). Xq%������-s?������酷s���H��O;(�Z���p�~�"��R�����t)��D� �E!7��M�!.��n����ؒ����U|��3myF�Dž�Mly3�D������7��S�l:�")�����i�FwY'!s����9|�2�tT�)�c�O���X*Ș\a��L��/�R��E�� �[�d�0)Yo"$���9�1Rl ◁ Arrowhead, that is, triangle, pointing right (binary). will match the height of the argument, whereas with stream For example, the symbols in Table 16, “textcomp Old-Style Numerals”, are made available by putting “\usepackage{textcomp}” in your document’s preamble. sometimes reserved for cross-correlation. less-than <. Similar: turnstile rotated a arrow \uparrow. Matches:\langle. } \vartheta ϑ. In LaTeX you need to load the stix package. also \cdot. For example: However, current versions of LaTeX do not need this anymore (and may, in fact, crash with an error). Not available in plain TeX. ⇑ Double-line upward-pointing arrow I was looking into how to produce this character in LaTeX when I found that the package cmll has two commands that produce this character, one semantic and one descriptive: \parr and \invamp [1]. ⊑ Square subset or equal symbol (binary). Synonym: \parallel. The Comprehensive L a T e X Symbol List – Symbols accessible from L a T e X Over 14000 symbols are listed as a set of tables. \varsigma ς. \abs{\frac{22}{7}} the bars do not grow with the height of Synonym: wedge \wedge. noxspace Do not load package xspace. It is by no means exhaustive. In LaTeX you need to load the amssymb package. diamond \Diamond, circle bullet \bullet. If you wanted to rotate a K, for example, there would be no need for a backslash. ⇀ Right-pointing harpoon with barb above the LaTeX symbols have either names (denoted by backslash) or special characters. LATEX Mathematical Symbols. epsilon \epsilonϵ and small letter script A typical use of Synonym: \}. β Lowercase Greek letter beta (ordinary). ⌊ Left floor bracket (opening). ′ Prime, or minute in a time expression (ordinary). ∨ Logical or; a downwards v shape (binary). double-line right arrow \Longrightarrow. anyone uses. Similar: much less Similar: Greek capital Now that you have succeeded in printing a euro sign, you may want the '€' on your keyboard to actually print the euro sign as above. result as $f^{\prime\prime\prime}$, but uses rather less relation and so gives better spacing). for \vert and for norm see the entry for \Vert. Similar: double-line up-pointing vertical bars will match the height of the argument, whereas with ← Single-line left arrow (relation). You can only use \prime in math mode. This is not a comprehensive list. \rhd horizontally spaced: if in the document body you write the starred The textcomp package features a \texteuro command which gives you the euro symbol as supplied by your current text font. Related: set This is a synonym for \wedge. MnSymbol is a symbol font family, designed to be used in conjunction with Adobe Minion Pro (via the MinionPro package). In addition to direct UTF-8 input, LaTeX supports the composition of special characters as well. Text Math Macro Category Requirements Comments 000A5 ¥ U \yen mathord amsfonts YEN SIGN 000AE ® r \circledR mathord amsfonts REGISTERED SIGN 02102 ℂ C \mathbb{C} mathalpha mathbb = \mathds{C} (dsfont), open face C 0210C ℌ H \mathfrak{H} mathalpha eufrak /frak H, black-letter capital H In Windows, you can hold Alt and type a to get a desired character. Similar: less than <. Similar: greater than >. See Fonts for more details on font encoding. than \gg. ⇕ Double-line upward-and-downward-pointing arrow and $f'$ produce the same result. ⊎ Multiset union, a union symbol with a plus symbol in �l��3�]y�� ͈����̡�F6��φfl/d����LTt���hY�W�$e��"�! There are some important steps to specify encoding. Similar: backslash \backslash and also → Right-pointing single line arrow (relation). (relation). This is Similar: is a member Make sure it saves your file in UTF-8. triangle, with a line under (binary). single-line left arrow \leftarrow. Related: arrow \Updownarrow. Greek letters are commonly used in mathematics, and they are very easy to type in math mode. Some keyboard layouts feature the degree symbol, you can use it directly if you are using UTF-8 and textcomp. %PDF-1.4 When writing about money these days, you need the euro sign. The following commands may be used only in paragraph (default) or LR (left-right) mode. for \ge. Synonym: \neg. For example, if you include $\pi$ in your source, use \vartrianglerighteq (which is a relation and so gives Almost all of L a T e X and AMS mathematical symbols are provided; remaining coverage is available from the MinionPro font with the MinionPro package.. Refer to the external references at the end of this article for more information. The more unusual symbols are not defined in base LATEX (NFSS) and require \usepackage{amssymb} 1 Greek and Hebrew letters. Older versions of LaTeX would not remove the dot on top of the i and j letters when adding a diacritic. ⨀ Variable-sized, or n-ary, circled dot operator (operator). Synonym: \owns. Accents may even be placed above a "missing" letter; for example, \~{} produces a tilde over a blank space. Not available in plain TeX. equal to \subseteq. ⋅ Multiplication (binary). ∪ Union of two sets (binary). of \in. subset \subset. For absolute value, see the entry Next, the command \ding{number}, will print the specified symbol. Dotless j; used when you are putting an accent on a j (see Math accents). Similar: ≤ Less than or equal to (relation). Not available in plain TeX. turnstile \vdash. For the Similar: The textcomp package features a \texteuro command which gives you the euro symbol as supplied by your current text font. Similar: ∉ Not an element of (relation). (operator). >> ASCII: the default. ⊨ Entails, or satisfies; double turnstile, short double dash than \ll. Related: ⇌ Right harpoon up above left harpoon down Similar: is less A "u" symbol should appear. \sigma σ. ϑ Variant on the lowercase Greek letter Similar: set minus \setminus, and more widely used in mathematics than the non-variant lunate epsilon form The variant form is Similar: \bot uses the ⊥ Up tack, bottom, least element of a partially ordered ℏ Planck constant over two pi (ordinary). Synonym: [. (binary). Make sure your text editor decodes the file in UTF-8. operation but sometimes reserved for cross-correlation (binary). for \geq. to \Doteq. (apostrophe). of \nsubseteq. Similar: not subset ≥ Greater than or equal to (relation). 15 0 obj The Euro sign (€) in LaTeX input, is very simple. The variant form is Matches \lfloor. △ Variable-sized, or n-ary, open triangle pointing up (operator). Linear logic uses an unusual symbol, an ampersand rotated 180 degrees, for multiplicative disjunction. Also used: ⊙ Dot inside a circle (binary). Synonym: ⋄ Diamond operator (binary). Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. (closing). Similar: Bullet same glyph but the spacing is different because it is in the class Your email address will not be published. See: real part \Re. set, or a contradiction (ordinary). The package with the official Euro sign is loaded. In LaTeX you need to load the amssymb package. e.g., \Bigg. This is a synonym See also relation and so gives better spacing). Matches \lceil. Similar: variable-sized operator \bigotimes. half-circle \dashv. arrow \updownarrow. ⟷ Long single-line double-headed arrow (relation). epsilon \varepsilon. ◇ Large diamond operator (ordinary). Paragraph sign (pilcrow) in math mode, ¶. ∗ Asterisk operator, convolution, six-pointed ⋂ Variable-sized, or n-ary, intersection (operator). Similar: vertical single Refer to the external references at the end of this article for more information. ⋀ Variable-sized, or n-ary, logical-or (operator). Here is a list of commonly-used symbols. ≥ Greater than or equal to (relation). ⨝ Condensed bowtie symbol (relation). amssymb and use \vartriangleright (which is a utf8x is not officially supported, but can be viable in some cases. (relation). superset \supset. The non-variant form is \rho ρ. ς Variant on the lowercase Greek letter The Comprehensive LATEX Symbol List Scott Pakin ∗ 25 June 2020 Abstract This document lists 14599 symbols and the corresponding LATEX commands that produce them. ���֒ҧ*Es�W�$]X�;wXt��`�~/D���ˊ�qB%c�dl�,�j�¢�!KyIQ���V+�c��E�t.�T�Hg$��4������ӗMJ��l. In LaTeX you need to load the amssymb package.
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