what is the purpose of religion

Father Simon Says November 24th – The Time has Come, St. Michael the Archangel Defeats Satan (Revelation 12:7-12), The Inner Life November 24th – The Virtue of Charity, Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, Father Rocky’s 40 Lenten Lessons on the Mass, St. Joseph’s Workshop with Father Matthew Spencer. So the man that he finds, an individual man, then perhaps a family, then perhaps a tribe, would be able to tell how they were found by God. Research in psychology indicates that positive attitudes are good for our health. Published to Oxford Scholarship Online: September 2007, DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199283927.001.0001, PRINTED FROM OXFORD SCHOLARSHIP ONLINE (oxford.universitypressscholarship.com). This would include the religions that worship the devil and not “God”. For instance, the social cohesion among the members of a terrorist group is high, but in a broader sense, religion is obviously resulting in conflict without questioning its actions against other members of society. Fr. These higher qualities are a natural by product of developing a deeper connection with our spiritual nature and so in this respect religion can be thought of as a vehicle to support our spiritual development and our re-connection with divinity. O Nanak, without recognising higher Truth, the world is engrossed in blind entanglements” (SGGSJ, p. 551). And it is the same across all the religions of the world. But if there is one God, and that God is seeking man, I think he would find that man he seeks, and not end up having 4,200 different views of man. Religion … Sadly more and more, religions are causing the disunion of humanity and religious uniformity. A much larger group said that they were spiritual and religious, and about 31% of the people polled were neither spiritual nor religious. We have seen civilization advance from the precivilization of Neolithic farming villages to the first cities to states to nations and now to transnational communities like the EU or the Sunni/Arab hegemony in the Middle East. Religion, misused and exploited, can be the most dangerous and the most persuasive force on Earth, but at its best, can be the path of re-connecting a person to higher spiritual truth and the reason behind the most loving and noble actions. Unless otherwise noted, LibreTexts content is licensed by CC BY-NC-SA 3.0. It is suppose to offer knowledge and understanding for the chaos and havoc, that a person may observe or experience in life. In my opinion, those 4,200 religions would be reduced to a much smaller number. Perhaps ironically, religion, which can help reduce anxiety, can also cause it. It’s origins are usually derived from historical and cultural influence. Is there any meaning to our existence? Bad religion. contact us However, out all those 4,200 religious beliefs, most of them do not offer any of what I’ve mentioned. It is rational for someone to pursue these goals by following a religious way (the practices commended by some religion, e.g., Buddhism or Christianity), in so far as they judge that it would be greatly worthwhile to achieve those goals and in so far as they judge that it is to some degree probable that they will attain them by following the way of that religion. Before we reject or embrace religion, it is important to explore what it is and what its purpose is in our lives. Alternatively, why not write one of our upcoming leaflets and send it to us so we can publish it online. What is interesting is that despite how popular the phrase ‘spiritual but not religious’ is, that group was the lowest number of the people who were polled. Users without a subscription are not able to see the full content. The purposes of the practice of a religion are to achieve the goals of salvation for oneself and others, and (if there is a God) to render due worship and obedience to God. Where ever you have the courage to look, to study, to practice, and to live out what you find. But it’s not the laws and rules that define our religion. In other words, many religious traditions assert that God, like a good parent, loves and values us no matter what we do. And it is true that our Catholic faith includes hierarchical structure, and it is true that our Catholic faith has a systematic exposition of the faith. May your respected religions bring you joy, happiness and proper guidance. Fr. If you are unwilling to act as though it is true, you can't really claim to believe it. Like optimism, self-esteem has been shown to be a predictor of good physical health. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. An individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a monograph in OSO for personal use. And above all religion is suppose to offer peace and love for all mankind, no matter what race, sex, age, sexual orientation and no matter what mistakes they’ve made in the past. There’s a time and a place for prophetic preaching, for raising awareness, for calling evil what it is and demanding it repent or be overthrown. Matthew Spencer, OSJ reflected on what religion means, and explained why many of of us may actually be more (or less) religious that we think. Matthew Spencer, OSJ reflected on what religion means, and explained why many of of us may actually be more (or less) religious that we think. I also think it makes sense that if God found man, man in some sense would know it. Collective consciousness, which is the fusion of all of our individual consciousnesses, creates a reality of its own. Third, people are frightened of … FAQs Stephanie is a wife, a mother of three boys, and in her free time she enjoys reading, running, and really good coffee. Obviously you will know where I’m coming from, but I am just trying to be faithful to the fact that I think God found me. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Religion is derived from the two latin words “re” and “ligare” which means “to reconnect”. “Rituals and religions are all just entanglements; bad and good are bound up with them. God seeking man could be something else altogether. What is the purpose of your religion? Why do you believe what you believe and why do you do what you do? That should of never happened. Change ). I just realized that I left something else out – that what if the seeking God became a man himself in order to find man? Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), is a relatively recent branch of science that enforces beliefs that physicians have held for many centuries, perhaps well before the times of the ancient Greeks. That’s why when people start knocking religion, I have to demonstrate that they don’t get what I’m talking about. So with the question of “what is the real purpose of religion“, the answer would have to take in consideration all religions not just Christianity. [ "article:topic", "showtoc:no", "columns:two" ], 14.3: The Functionalist Perspective on Religion, Explain how functionalists view the purpose of religion in society. All Rights Reserved. Explain how functionalists view the purpose of religion in society. Specifically, PNI studies the connection between the brain and the immune system. Church and ministry leadership resources to better equip, train and provide ideas for today's church and ministry leaders, like you. That’s not what religion is. Which in turn is creating hatred, evil and in some causes murder. So God’s religion and man’s religion work differently and have different results. Never mind all the suffering and injustice in the world – isn’t our church a great place? Key Takeaways Key Points . Can Evangelicals Ever Tolerate Gay Marriage? Green Bay, WI 54307-0707. Where’s the good religion? For example religious people, will typically be more inclined to visit regular religious programmes which are a group activity. The Purpose of Religion Introduction. Only 18% of the people ended up there. Where did we come from? PO BOX 10707 ( Log Out /  With those stories in mind, let’s look at three kinds of religion with three very different purposes. Bad religion says you’re OK but other people are screwing things up and screwing you over. Be the writer of your own life and write a wonderful story. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. In sociological terms, ‘Religion is a system of sacred belief and practices both in the tangible and intangible form’.

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