daily spiritual reflections non religious

Re: Reflection books, and the like, it’s tremendous that we are producing independently a growing body of secular literature. The Good News is that God is focused, God is purposeful, God is intimately close to the inner-workings of our lives.           Is an economics based on satisfying the wants of everyone simply dysfunctional and unsustainable?  Does an economics based on sharing with everyone in the world have a chance in this limited world in which we find ourselves at a time of climate change and radical renewal?  Growth then can be measured as an increment of shared benefits for all, not health or benefits for the few.  Thus we must challenge any materialistic economic model in its very structure.  To accept these premises leads to a world of haves and have-nots; the haves may surrender holdings voluntarily or expect that an aroused citizenry will remove excesses through taxation or even more violent means of redistribution. The Dominicans are a world-wide order. On this day when we remember the Annunciation of the Lord to Mary, we joyfully celebrate the beginning of our salvation. “I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.”. Not possible, apparently. It’s ridiculously simple but also powerfully effective. Maybe the lesson for all of us is to learn to navigate life, and especially those thing which frighten us, with trust in our ability to make sense of where we are and how we can get through what we experience by trusting what we know, what have learned and the goodness of those we love. of Of course not! St. Anthony was both learned in theology and a man of great faith. Jesus felt deep sorrow when people either choose to misunderstand his mission and work or outright reject His and the Father’s love. I enjoy sitting on one of the benches in the Peace Garden, the one looking toward the Via Matris. I shall therefore be pleased to try the texts suggested and thank members for these. Then you see this ‘undesirable’ coming toward you. You can be doggone sure that I feel beaten down, defeated, “LOST” a lot … especially these days, in this terrible year of 2020 (!!! Through death, grief, illness, and isolation, God offers peace, wholeness, reconciliation, hope, consolation, wisdom, mercy, inspiration, and the promise that we are never alone. And locally our Freethinkers Meeting of AA will celebrate our first anniversary on the first Monday in February. My dad was a proud veteran of the United States Army’s 1st Infantry Division. And for those who have faith, God will drive out demons with His finger, “If it is by the finger of God that I drive out demons, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you.”. Lord, I bring to you members of my family and friends who are finding these days tough, tiresome and unbearable. When I woke it was still, utterly quiet and peaceful, outside the wide open window right next to the bed … the window which I literally NEVER close except on the most freezing of winter nights. They daily pray for us. Right from day one I was struck most of all by its lack of useful content and overall smarminess and glurge. It seems that we are constantly on the go. We thank you for your love, peace, forgiveness and healing that we have received through your Holy Sacraments. Hail Mary, Mother of God, you have given the world its true light, Jesus, your Son – the Son of God.           Bare feet are comfortable -- outside of thorny patches.  The bare foot is not subject to skin rashes coming with moist or sweaty socks.  Feet toughen and bear healthy marks as much as rosy cheeks. The Eucharist is God’s greatest gift to us.         and lessen our footsteps out-of-doors. When we quarrel over doctrine and cling to the teachings of men, rather than following God, Paul says we are vain Christians, "mere infants in Christ.". The Importance of Every Member of the Body of Christ. Likewise, our hearts have warmed with the stories of neighbors using creative methods to care for each other. We are often on the go, aren’t we? There is a story, for example, about St. Thomas Aquinas, one of the most learned, theologians in the history of the Church, who, as an old and very accomplished, famous writer about God, faith and the Church, witnessed a simple peasant, likely unable to even read or write, praying before the Blessed Sacrament on one of the great churches in Paris, France (where Thomas was a Professor of Theology). Peggy, thanks, I have ordered one. Creation took its life from God. ... Daily … Our increased and hopefully intense prayer, fasting and almsgiving during Lent is meant to call us into honest reflection on our lives. And because of this, it is best to have an open mind to spirituality even if you’re not devoutly spiritual. In hope we stay vigilant to where Jesus is presently crucified in the sufferings of his sisters and brothers. All Rights Reserved. Gratitude toward god, or just plain talking about the things god does in the ordinary course of existence which apparently can’t be otherwise understood. Where is your humility? What is your favorite scripture passage? Hmmmm, I probably would choose not to do that. As I recall, we met once a week for a 20-minute lesson. “You follow me.” (John 21:22). DO IT! “Six days before Passover Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. You can’t quantify God. Their desire is to be close to us that their love can give us strength, hope and joy. "  The waxing and waning of Wall Street enters our world and our collective minds.  We cheer or boo and thus become participants of an economic system where the rich go unchallenged in their continued growth in wealth and power.  We are expected to join the national chorus and cheer rising numbers and groan at downswings.  In a short while we are addicted to numbers and can approximately quote yesterday's Standard & Poor's total.  We are being badgered to be part of the chorus of the multitudes.  We are mesmerized and hardly know it -- through numbers that are almost incomprehensible until we learn more and more.  Now we are hooked by a social addiction that is national in scope. Given the contemporary, empirical insights we have into the disorder called Addiction of which alcoholism is a subset, God or no God doesn’t really seem to be the issue. His life took an abrupt turn when he was accused of murder. That’s what it actually mean to be spiritual?!”). Open our eyes to the struggles of those exploited and help us speak for just wages and safe conditions, the freedom to organize, and time for renewal.For work was made for humankind and not humankind for work. Most such discussions seem valuable, and occasionally lead to action that changes things. You can’t put a label on God and say, “Here is God.” Scientists are the biggest atheists of us all. Waiting is written by an AA member, So is Common Sense Recovery, The Little Book or anything by John Lauritsen, Vince Hawkins or Steve K. Change starts with taking inventory. The smallest seed can grow a large tree; a couple of grains of yeast can leaven a whole lot of dough.           Christ has no body now on earth but yours; yours are the only hands to which he can do his work; yours are the only feet with which he can go about the world, yours are the only eyes through which his compassion can shine forth upon a troubled world.  Christ has no body on Earth now but yours. A simple, somewhat sad fact was that in the time of Jesus, the “practices” of the religion of the Chosen People had become the heart of their faith. Ask that the Lord fill them with wisdom and compassion in leading their flock to Christ. Priests are finding creative ways to meet the desire of God’s people to feel connected to Christ in the Church when public Masses are cancelled. Their sacrifice is our freedom. As a young girl, Catherine always had her nose in a book. Rainier Group presented a motion to the General Service Conference to exclude the mention of atheists and agnostics in all Conference-approved literature. These people hate theology and spirituality. Each reflection is based around a theme and contains a reading, discussion questions or activities. (Ephesians 4:32), When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. On the night of Jesus’ arrest, Peter denied knowing Jesus when questioned by a stranger. During this trying time, let us implore God for his mercy and forgiveness for all our sins, “in my thoughts, in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do” and let us ask God to give us a transformative heart, so with the help of the Holy Spirit, we too forgive those who have hurt us.

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