how to explain jesus to a child

By putting each story in context of the grand story, we help our kids recognize Jesus the Redeemer and God our Father as the main characters, even when it appears that someone else is. That big story starts in the garden. That means you must do two things: First, make certain that your children fully understand the Gospel. Thus, love would be just a creation of God’s. I don’t know why I couldn’t explain it to them, so I showed them with the Bible John 1:1. I later learned what my daughter and her dad had talked about that morning at breakfast. I tried explaining the Trinity but I ended up confusing myself, and I’m pretty sure they were confused too. We do not have three Gods, we do not have one God split in three parts - we have one God who consists of three distinct Divine Persons. He is both humble and victorious! At this age, your children probably love to learn. “Am I going to die if I accept Jesus?” my 5-year-old daughter, Amelia, asked one day. These are 3rd graders, right? Ask your child, “Why do you think Christians believe Jesus came back to life when we know that all other people who die remain dead?” Clarify that the Resurrection is a miracle claim and that miracles are events with a cause from outside of nature, so they don’t necessarily follow natural laws. Then I explained that the persons in front of the room don’t always like the same things. These are just a few of the questions kids may be faced with as they grow up as Christians. Most children begin life with a need for routine. His life was filled with the mystery of nighttime voices, direct revelation from God and even calling down thunderstorms in the name of God. Then we saw a homeless man standing near a stoplight. Underline it in their Bibles. Take turns sharing one thing that you were thankful for on the trip and one thing you look forward to when you get home. And then from this point, the Creed will be handy. Or is He the righteous, powerful and loving Creator found in the Bible? But because God is a Trinity existing from all eternity, love is also in existence from all eternity, because there has always been a Father and a Son, and there has always been love between them in the Person of the Holy Spirit. As your children grow, take note of their life stage and adjust your spiritual training accordingly. We can keep visual outlines handy so they can see the sequence of events, and how what they are reading fits into God’s long plan to save humanity. “It’s like with Santa Claus. An intellectual parent will tend toward deep Bible study with her children, while a caregiver will focus on finding family service projects and a naturalist will spend a lot of time out in nature with his children. The reality is that you do have time to talk about faith with your children. Do you ever ask your mom to read you a story? Miracles, by definition, happen supernaturally — by God’s direct action in our world. Sick time gives you a chance to watch videos or listen to music together. She read them Genesis 5:1: “When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God.” Then she reminded them that God created them, too, and they are precious to Him. There is great diagram to help explain the Trinity in my 5th grade “Faith and Life” text. At that age, they were like sponges soaking up the love of Jesus and spiritual truth. There is great diagram to help explain the Trinity in my 5th grade “Faith and Life” text. (Matthew 11:27) You cannot force your child to become a Christian; but you can pray for him, engage in a lifelong conversation with him about the gospel, and encourage him to trust in and follow Jesus. Help your kids see that Christians should welcome conversations based on reason and logic. I have a son who follows me around when we’re at home. When you talk about the child’s acts of service, have him consider which were done with a pure motive to bless others in Jesus’ name and which were done out of pride or feelings of righteousness. Intriguing and entertaining! Their selfish nature will battle it. That the Word was God, and because the Word is God, the Word became flesh, so God became human. Few street signs. Ethiopian eunuch (accepted Jesus after Philip ran alongside his chariot), Priscilla (who opened her home to Paul and learned about Jesus from him), Bible passage to read together: Acts 8:27-38. So much so that when she saw this man who needed a lunch, it was immediately compelling for her. How do the Father and the Son cooperate?But * the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. They need to see you trust in God. Jesus is the only human being who has ever also been God. Self-love isn’t the same thing as love of another; real love requires another. What text books are you using? The most important introduction I’ve ever made is the one that led my children to God through a relationship with Jesus. These are 3rd graders, right? Explain to the kids that there is a difference between God and their parents. It’s a great idea, but the Creeds aren’t even taught until their secaond yr. A good place to begin is . For many people, this is the same logic by which they determine that the claims of Christianity, such as the Resurrection, are not true. Not long ago, I was talking with some parents about how to best disciple children. I would start with the concept of the Trinity (which is a mystery) then expound from that point to explain how Jesus is God. I’d get lost. And since these objective moral “laws” truly exist, the best explanation is that a moral lawgiver exists, as well (Romans 2:14-16). Christians must recognize that true science — an honest observation of the created world — is not incompatible with our faith. More importantly, it gives them the hope of something bigger than the perceived enormity of their present situation. He gave us His Son, Jesus Christ, who is also God! Blest Are We, the bilingual version for first level. Or is He the righteous, powerful and loving Creator found in the Bible? They are 3rd graders but our parish uses this “level-based” books according to how much knowledge about the CC they have. No maps. ]We are baptized – and we say all our prayers – “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” He has paid the penalty. When reading or telling a Bible story, we can help our children place it into the larger continuum, reviewing when and where that story took place. You will more likely need to hold her back to help her find balance, once she’s recognized God’s heartbeat. Answering it starts with helping our children remember that God created humans with the gift of free will. If your children are young, you can and should take the lead in pointing out how God’s creation draws us toward Him, similar to the conversation I had with my son. When we are awakened to what God is doing all around us, we accept the gift and the responsibility to become part of the greatest story ever told. “Why did God let my best friend die in a car accident?” The lack of adequate answers can send their faith tumbling. Some children may be wired to connect with God through nature. It’s extraordinarily improbable that these factors would all, by chance, line up just right for life to flourish. If the intellectual pathway rings true for your child, consider partnering with him to a teach a Sunday school class for younger children or allow him to teach younger siblings. The Trinity: Think about ice, water, and steam. If you don’t have an answer, admit it — then find the answer together. So God gave Mary a very special baby, that grew inside her and this baby was fully human, from Mary, and fully God, from the Holy Spirit. Natasha Crain offers practical advice for strengthening your children’s faith and equipping them to defend it in a discussion based on her book Talking With Your Kids About God: 30 Conversations Every Christian Parent Must Have. How can we know God exists? Love, then, is not something created or manufactured, but is something truly divine in nature. Share the highs and lows from the day and then take time to pray for each other. * (1 Corinthians 12:3). Teach your children that God created a beautiful world and then made humans in His image. But that freedom allows us to make evil choices, too. The primary goal for 9- to 11-year-olds is to receive God’s grace. God is LOVE, a LOVE sooo big He needed someone to love in his infinity, and there was the Son, who is also God, infinite and eternal (He has been since before time and He will always be until after the end of time). To understand your children’s faith, ask questions: “Can you explain why Jesus died on the Cross?” “What does someone have to do to go to heaven?” “Why do you think you are a Christian?” Responses such as “I prayed a prayer” or “The teacher told me I was a Christian” may indicate they are trusting in the wrong thing. Although your child may have a combination of these seven temperaments, you’ll find that one or two of them may stand out a bit more than the others. Noooo. They may create their own daily rituals or homework routines; these children thrive on consistency.

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