is a communications degree useless

Still have questions? At what age do you think is to late to go to college or university ? A film director is responsible for the creative aspects of production. In some instances, the Beer Boredom can strike a Commy faster if some sort of job or parental intervention isn’t in the picture come summertime — effectively enlisting the person into a year-round vicious circle of booze. The list goes on and on! Kristen Haddox, Penn State University4. © 2020 I did my undergrad in communications and the number one thing I learned about my degree is that nobody has any clue of what communications studies actually is. It's a joke because it's one of the easiest majors to coast by on. That’s right: Communications majors are the most likely people on a college campus to seek out hallucinogens such as LSD, shrooms, and sometimes they hear eating a shitload of nutmeg will do the trick. I don't think a bachelor's degree in communications is useless because any college degree teaches you essential skills. Think about this the next time that you’re tempted to laugh after someone tells you they’re majoring in communications; instead, save that laughter for when you meet a human development and family studies major. Reportedly, those 15-minute study sessions prior to a communications exam can be brutal. I attended senior convocations for the communications department for about three decades. Deep down, you know what you need to thrive and I know that you can get there. oh fuck off, there is no major that is easy to coast by on. Basically only stupid people take that major. We have concentrations so we can take specific classes to prepare us for the jobs we want to do when we graduate. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t still perfectly viable career tracks out there that start with the degree you are interested in pursuing. "I want to major in Communication, because I’m really interested in it, but my parents say that it’s a worthless degree. Moved: Recommended concentrations at Brown for me? I suggest teaming up with your parents and an advisor to work out an educational path that will lead you to a profitable career. ! A once prestigious degree is at a greater risk of becoming useless, thanks or no thanks to contemporary media on one hand and technological advancements on the other hand. Before we go over the 10 most useless degrees in college, let’s go over some major gaps that apply towards pursuing a degree in the first place. They also say how ridiculously easy the major is. If you’ve had the absolute honor and pleasure of riding the bus to South, you’ll recognize... There’s nothing like enjoying the luxury of a beautiful, personal, clean bathroom. Do radio? It’s hard to argue with the government’s data since it is pretty comprehensive. This may sound a lot like the ideal lifestyle post lottery win or distant rich-relative-death-inheritance, but Beer Boredom is very real, and understandably very frightening. It's definitely not easy, but it's something so many kids are struggling with right now. We are told to earn a paper degree… I have a pretty small face in general, so I prefer having my homemade ones so they fit better. Princeton? Don't ask people their opinions unless it's sound advice. Search for better alternatives like digital marketing and content development. I think employment prospects are going to depend upon internships and work experience, not the title of your degree. There is probably a way that you can study what you want to and still get a great job after school. I recommend you look up “public relations specialist” first, if you are at all interested in PR. It's not worth the tuition. There is absolutely nothing in there that you don’t already know, lest you were raised in the forest by a bunch of dumbass deer, and even then you’d probably still pass any comm exam with at least a C.  All in all, it would almost be better off to be forced to learn actually pertinent, useful information than the shit that can be found in those $179.99 textbooks of common sense. This is because although some restauranteurs view culinary college as an … My fun fact for syllabus week is almost always related to my love of country music. Gainful Employment Disclosure: For more information about program cost, educational debt, and completion rates of students who attended these programs, visit here. What are some good private universities to apply to within 6 hours of New York with my stats. Since that day, I've been hooked. I suppose you could work in advertising or public relations. Victims of the Curriculum Plus, with the added tension that is 2020, this year's holiday season is a lot, to put it simply. Hanging onto words casual observers throw around will get you nowhere in life. Speaking well in front of people and being articulate are skills all jobs value, whether it is communications-related or not. We call her the dumb jock of the family and she's probably laughing all the way to the bank. A communications degree doesn’t have much value on its own to find a job. Work in video production? When the mov[...]. How Many Communication Concentrations Can I Have. We are told to earn a paper degree… Yes, it is a useless degree. She graduated with high honors right near the top of her class. My obsession with country music is easily one of my best personality traits. Studies show that speaking in front of people is a fear that almost every person in the world struggles with. Get answers by asking now. Most people say we won't find a job because our major isn't focused enough on one topic, but the thing is, we are going to be some of the most versatile future employees on the job market! if I have mostly C's in college could I get a job in my major ? If that appeals to you, I bet it will appeal to your parents too.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'careerigniter_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_0',106,'0','0'])); Another nice thing about Communication is that it provides you with an all-around useful set of skills. So it kind of is a bad major to take. Another awesome thing about communications is the fact that we are learning how society is changing and related skills that employers everywhere will pay anything to have in their organization. Have a job in mind that requires a particular degree. If they see communications degree they are more likely to put the resume in the trash than other majors. He loves being carried around and spoiled. However, i want people to take me seriously.

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