philippians 4:11 meaning

4. "What matters it," says he, "though I have all these acres, unless I can have Naboth's vineyard?" Paul has recently received a gift of support from the Philippian church delivered by one of their own, Epaphroditus. This phrase may be rendered as “to have more than I need” or “to have more than what is necessary for me.”. This is marked by our realization that things do not always go our way as God works out His will on earth. 1685. Philippians 4:11. As Paul says (2Co 9:8), “God is able to make all grace abound to you, that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed.”. (Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. Submit to and trust the Sovereign God and you will know the contentment that comes from Him. The more the invisible, eternal things above grip our heart, the less will be the power of the visible, temporal things of the world to cause us discontent. And help me stay that way. We should restrain our tongues from all unseemly expressions implying displeasure at God’s providence. II. There He had everything that He wanted. 1897. We must be ready to give up everything for him. We must be willing to go downwards, in order that Christ's name may ascend upwards, and be the better known and glorified among men. And have you not often seen a man who has sprung up from nothing to wealth, how purse-proud he becomes, how vain, how intolerant? It is evident from the reason thus assigned that in οὐχ. I can readily imagine the poor man being contented in his poverty, for he has been inured to it. "Commentary on Philippians 4:11". But notice, Paul learned to be content in all conditions. Your sufferings are not so great as your sins. He had asked of God that he might be kept humble—that when he had a full sail he might have plenty of ballast—that when his cup ran over he might not let it run to waste—that in his time of plenty he might be ready to give to those that needed—and that as a faithful steward he might hold all he had at the disposal of his Lord. Until his father told him to move, there would he stay. "Scofield Reference Notes on Philippians 4:11". Let not your hope depend upon these Outward things. Yes, and if you had it, it would be "A trifle more!" (1Ti 6:6-note). The next apology is, I meet with very great sufferings for the truth. (b) It is common (1 Corinthians 10:13; 1 Peter 5:9). The κατά has the signification here which it has in various places, and denotes “occasion.” Matthew 19:3; Acts 3:17; Winer, § 49, d, b, (b); Robinson, sub voce; Raphel. In addition, Paul is not saying, “This gift of yours makes me so happy, because I am so desperate for any help”. I come to the main thing, the lesson itself--“In whatsover state I am, therewith to be content.”. Abilene Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. Not that I speak in respect of want: he doth anticipate any conceit they might have, as if he had a mean soul, and his joy were solely for the fruit of their care be had received in the supply of his want, as the same word is elsewhere used, Matthew 12:44. It is only in what Jesus provides that can we can find genuine satisfaction and contentment. Yet in every situation those who are in Christ have whatever they need to be content (contentment is independent of what happens, while happiness is dependent upon what happens). It arises from the inward disposition, and is the offspring of humility, and of an intelligent consideration of the rectitude and benignity of divine providence (Psalms 96:1,2; 145), the greatness of the divine promises (2 Peter 1:4), and our own unworthiness (Genesis 32:10); as well as from the view the gospel opens up to us of rest and peace hereafter (Romans 5:2). But his mind calmly bowed to the will of God in every condition in which he was placed. Only look at it in that light, and you will be as cheerful as I am.”, If his trials were clouds upon his heavens, his contentment was the deep sunlight in which they bathed; and, just like the clouds of an evening sky, they made the heavens more beautiful than if no clouds were there. 3. "George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary". Alexander, with all the world at his feet, cries for another world to conquer. He had accustomed himself to dwell upon the bright side of things, to lay more stress upon what he had than upon what he lacked. We must, then, press upon the rich this exhortation: "Learn in your state, therewith to be content.". The resolving of some questions. Suffering need (5302) (hustereo from hústeros = last, latter, terminal, hindmost) has the basic meaning of come to late (in time) or to come after (in terms of space) and thus it means to fail in something, come short of, miss, not to reach. 6:21; 9:17; 15:16; 16:21; Jn. Alas! Use this table to get a word-for-word translation of the original Greek Scripture. All rights reserved. All are called to share the gospel and make disciples (Mt 28:18-20), but some will labor in such a way as to be privileged to work on behalf of the church, receiving their support from the people’s worship to God in tithes and offerings. It was used by the pagan religions with reference to their “inner secrets.” Paul is saying in essence “I have been initiated, I possess the secret”. The Biblical Illustrator. In the present context the idea would be that Paul learned through his experiences and came to know and experience the contentment he describes. 1999-2014. want. 2. You end up burning out, because I cannot do all things in my own strength. And this is just the Apostle’s consciousness, in his possession of Christ under all circumstances. "The New John Gill Exposition of the Entire Bible". The two senses of the preposition are intimately connected, the one suggesting and warranting the other. 3:2; Eph. How quick we are to forget this basic principle!) It has no kinship with fatalism. Not that I speak in respect of want - I am quite unconcerned in this respect; leaving the whole of my support, while bound for the testimony of Jesus, to the providence of God. He lived in 19th century Bristol, England, where he founded an orphanage. https: “I am resolved,” he said, “to like it and reconcile myself to it, which is more manly than to feign myself above it, and to send up complaints by the post of being thrown away, of lying desolate, and such like trash.” So Dr. Hook, when leaving Leeds for Chichester, said, “Wherever I may be, I shall, by God’s blessing, do with all my might what my hand findeth to do, and if I do not find work, I shall make it.” (S. He explains here that he doesn’t spend much time worrying about how God is going to provide for him, or to what extent. whether I have too many things or I do not have enough to fill my need, that makes no difference, What a great secret this is to learn! 450. Spurgeon commenting on how Paul learned the secret says…. Can learn the heavenly skill. With that in mind, here are a few things to consider: Both poverty and prosperity come with serious snares. The “I” is emphatic. Yet we were happy. Know (oida) then carries the idea of having the "know how" , the knowledge or skill necessary to accomplish a desired goal. 4:1; 11:37; 12:15. The Christian is content with his supplies as a pilgrim. The argument to contentation is, Consider the evil of discontent. The living Christ and His Word are powerful to strengthen you to serve Him, which includes emotional well-being. He says, "I have learned … to be content." Such contentment brings present peace and future reward." He told Mel, “When you have a speaker or visitor come to your mission, you send him over to the hotel. The fish said, “I wish I could sing like that canary. In his dramatic way, Dr. Parker concluded his lecture by exclaiming, "Its elevation had become its annihilation!" Aristotle defines τὸ αὔταρκες as τὰ πάντα ὑπάρχειν καὶ δεῖσθαι μηθενός (Polit. Heinrich Meyer's Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament. https: The idea of it has been always present to the minds of men, but the power by which the ideal could be realised has been lacking. Rather, he asks for prayer for boldness and faithfulness in his witness. But when they are put on the top of a pinnacle, their heads grow dizzy, and they are ready to fall. BibliographyAlford, Henry. Figuratively as used in this verse hustereo means to lack or be in need of. Mem. But one who has lived in a beautiful palace for many years would find it very hard to live in a damp, dark cellar, among thieves and beggars. "Family Bible New Testament". It is not because he needs external circumstances to be more favorable, but that he has learned to be content from another Source. His was the spirit of the Psalmist, when he said, "Whom have I in heaven but Thee, and there is none on earth beside Thee? "Commentary on Philippians 4:11". He had said "Our conversation or citizenship is in heaven."

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