We use “starseeds” as a classification label, applicable to a specific type of humans who make up a very small part of the world's population. Photos: Melena WrightVideo: Matthew BacaTarot Images: Danielle Noel. You lived through a traumatic even or series of events. ), This Tumblr organizes all the flurrying questions of the starseed experience. ("customElements"in window)&&i.e(27).then(i.t.bind(null,736,7)),! You live beyond the 3D muggle world and find yourself having an aversion to being concerned with the materialistic part of life that so many others are enamored with. You and the people in your life need the truth, and it starts with you. ");if("undefined"!=typeof Element&&Element instanceof Object){if(! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The first wave of these people arrived in the late 1940s in direct response to the detonation of atomic bombs in 1945. To become her, what do you have to start believing? You are naturally drawn to animals, you understand them and they trust you. Take care of yourself and your frequency field will be light, progressive, and loving. There's a lot of confusion on the internet in the way people use the term. Some people who met you much later on might be surprised to learn you’d lived through it—they’d never suspect it! If they understand this deeper collective reason behind their personal traumatic experiences, they may develop their inborn healing abilities and turn from victims into healers. Sure, you were probably friendly & conscientious of the other children’s feelings, but always felt out of place amongst the group. ")).reduce((function(e,t){return e&&void 0!==e[t]?e[t]:null}),e);return null!==n?n:i},o=function(e,t){return(Array.isArray(t)?t:[t]).reduce((function(t,i){var n,o=r(e,i);return void 0!==o?Object.assign(t,((n={})[i]=o,n)):t}),{})};function a(){for(var e=arguments.length,t=new Array(e),i=0;i=32,o=i.edge&&n>=18,a=!e.firefoxos&&i.firefox&&!i.webkit&&n>=65;return!! A part of their mission in this lifetime is to heal humanity, starting with themselves. Being on Earth, you feel a strong urge to want to go home. Many starseeds are living in a state of amnesia about their extraterrestrial origins, their starseed awakening yet to begin. Growing and learning require you to get uncomfortable because you're going to be pushed to the learning edge. High vibe livin' is a deliberate choice you don't fall into. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Originally from other star systems, they've incarnated on Earth to seed a new consciousness. If they so choose, they can reopen their third eye by choice. Sign, sign, everywhere a sign. So commitments and burdens are not their jam. My little platform in my corner of the internet isn't going to help THE WORLD. ');var t=this.observations_;t.has(e)||(t.set(e,new _(e)),this.controller_.addObserver(this),this.controller_.refresh())}},e.prototype.unobserve=function(e){if(!arguments.length)throw new TypeError("1 argument required, but only 0 present. As we prepare for phase three Realignment, phase 1 being the awakening, phase 2 being the recalibration, we should all make personal care a priority. You find it difficult to fit in to most groups of people (but when you find other starseeds or woo-woos, you fit right in!) Kumbaya of epic proportions. Let's Crack The Code, Signs You're A Starseed + What To Do About It, When Your Inner Critic Affects Your Success, Getting Spiritually Aligned Once and For All, Your Purpose, Not Your Passion Will Make You Successful, The Secret Energies Affecting The Vibes At Home. (This is just a rough outline- there are many more). To Get Your Weekly Cosmic Update, Enter Your Details Below... Each week, we'll send you your guide to the most remarkable and mystifying cosmic events of the week (& other goodies! Creativity is an essential part of all humanity, but starseeds find themselves driven by a stronger urge to create something new, to innovate. Do you identify with any of those 12 common traits? You are spared the inner conflict and torment that come with the starseed package. They're here to guide you and support you. 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