spurgeon on philippians 4:8

Their bewilderment at the light is similar to that of the cricket. C. Upham, LL. He said, “This is not a ‘technique’ to pull out of your spiritual hat in a moment of need. It had been instituted by Caesar Augustus. )The transforming power of thoughtJ. May we always have this tender feeling towards one another, especially towards those who work for the Lord with us! Whatever tasks He assigns, He will give me the strength to accomplish. It went after the waifs and strays of Jewish society.2. That is the narrow interpretation of this verse. Richard worked as a mail carrier and farmer. So some think now that the highest good is only to be found in truth, scientific facts; others in the noble and self-denying; in the romantic aspect of things. This is especially true of "things honest and just." Lying is —(1)Most contrary to the nature of God, who is truth itself. It was the local sheriff’s deputy. He is no pilgrim who sits down as if rooted to the place. Let us covet earnestly each other's gifts — the fervour of the Wesleyan, the self-dependence of the Congregationalist, the ordered government of the Presbyterian, the beautiful worship of the Episcopalian.2. TO GOD.1. In the dictates of an enlightened conscience, we find a code to which not only the outward actions, but the appetites, propensities, and affections, are amenable, and which prescribes the limits of their just exercise. 1. He said, “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Those who employ all their art in order to have the outward clothing of gentleness, elegance, and grace have their reward. He developed his messages through prayer and Bible study; and in the course of time, he wrote over 240 books and tracts, some of which are still in print today. Philippians 4:19 A New Year's Wish She prayed as earnestly and as best as she knew how, and then she tried to think of all the things God had done for them and for which she could be thankful. Whichcote, B. D.)Spheres of truthW. Word had reached him that a friend of his in a home for old and retired Catholic priests had wanted to see him, but had not asked for an audience, because how could a humble priest request the time of the Holy Father? Can we not apply the same law to character? Think on whatever things you can look up to in persons, circumstances, and respect. You may as surely go down to the pit by the religious road as by the irreligious. But now we are advised to “keep abreast of the times,” and to “catch the spirit of the age.” If I could ever catch that spirit, I would hurl it into the bottomless abyss; for it is a spirit that is antagonistic to Christ in all respects. Sometimes he would take off on his horse and be gone weeks at a time, preaching to Dutch-speaking South African farmers. And every new application is a discovery of the wealth that remains to be dug out of the Book of God.V. Plus the Jewish rite of circumcision. • James said, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8, NKJV). Timothy is to let the candidates for the ministry consider their motives; he is to study their conduct for a while, lest love of money, or of applause, of vulgar fame, or eccleciastical power and influence, should prove the determining influences, and thus he would be a partaker of other men's sins. That is Paul’s judgment concerning himself; he has not yet attained to the full all that the religion of Christ can give him. Whenever a young man is seen exhibiting an utter disregard for the approbation of others, the most unfavourable anticipations may be formed of him; he has annihilated one of the greatest restraints on an evil course which a kind Providence has implanted within us; and exposes himself to the hazard of unmistakable vice and misery.(T. Earlier in our 100 verse project, we studied what Jesus had to say on the subject of anxiety in Matthew 6:  “Do not worry… Do not worry… Do not worry…,” He said. CONTEMPLATE THE THINGS THAT ARE LOWLY (Colossians 3:12-15). As we study the book of Philippians, it becomes apparent that one of the major themes of the this letter is joy and rejoicing. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. European scientists have created a great telescope named Herschel that will be launched into space sometime next year. They may not be classed as yet, but they belong to the kingdom of truth, and therefore to us.3. )Loyalty to truthB. Kent. Those who employ all their art in order to have the outward clothing of gentleness, elegance, and grace have their reward. Philippians 3:10. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Where there is no room for reverence there is no room for life. )If there be any virtueProfessor Eadie.The clause is an emphatic and earnest summation. Manner.III. First, we must practice everyday prayer. According to the Scriptures and the historic Christian faith, Jesus of Nazareth, the carpenter of Galilee was and is the eternal Creator of the universe, the omnipotent, omniscient, and Almighty God.” In the philosophical writings of Greece it signifies all virtue, and not any special forms of it, as it does in Homer and others. But they find that when they open their Bible the mind has flown away to some meditation of things present and transitory; when they kneel down to pray, even attention is absent, they cannot remember God's presence, much less can they wish the thing they profess to pray for. II. Let him think on "whatsoever things are true," etc., and the more attractive they will become; the larger place will they occupy in his heart, and the mightier will be their influence on his life. The word points to seriousness of purpose and to self-respect in conduct" (Moule). )If there be any virtueProfessor Eadie.The clause is an emphatic and earnest summation. The reason is, that they have all one root and originating source; and where one exists the rest may be looked for.2.

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