first and second conditional exercises with answers pdf

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Multiple Choice Quizzes. �&�L%��2q�F�t!W"�nJ�.�$ D��!�^-� conditional sentences; first conditional; second conditional; relative pronouns; indefinite pronouns; British - American English; jeopardy; Online Quizzes. <>>> ��p�1V�P�Ni�6��X����/G7���>|sxG������j��Zy ���3���#m�i�� � ����)%��C74�@B]������YL24% ж�䵡+�!+k �j��Ԫ&��o���~�@NJ/��#M�JAM���'i����t���Gu�J�6�;�~~9��ûPF/�x�����_��}L?��(~Q�h\= �r!��s2k�RB��82�� ���MKi�'�?��eig\">��@�P �. FIRST CONDITIONAL Complete these eighteen sentences to score your knowledge of the FIRST CONDITIONAL. (Second conditional) If José didn’t speak good French, he wouldn’t move to Paris. �&�;�>�ɟoc@~�x-�xb�Zk�����JZ��L�c80T]��4�XAnc�k���� $�޳u�v*�G��r�ީo��@�7~���� `�03ړB�;�2z��ŵER *��3W�����D5f�Ő�<=��ڝ�����K�����u஻ayK�G��psmgLjX#f�BD�Bp��t�F�܍M~k]>w�-��'�S&?��SSh]����q�/q��ȟ&_��'"���CT���� Decide if they are impossible/hypothetical or possible and form a conditional sentence for each one. 1. %���� Zero Conditional Exercise 1 / 2 8-9. endobj If vs Unless Exercise 2 5. Fill In Exercises: 1. 2 0 obj stream endobj Zero Conditional Exercise 1 / 2 8-9. 3 0 obj "��|�5�k�JeS��=2M���,a�p�t�ȁ��$T��%X����� c0(�_g��׺�'�����0ˋa�A��03֙U���6�rhW�e�X`VRy�{��vgm�Z(���2�"�����LNV i�Dr"N����$ra��{B�'8@�4z��|�ٷI� I��B_�r��;�� x��,6`!�3��K8�v���ɰ�����dL�܁+�lh�p�9Y�Ŵ'�\�YpNA����J�.�J*�9�R�lY Conditionals: worksheets, printable exercises pdf, handouts. Fill In Exercises: 1. pizzas. 13. don't/won't. If / Unless / When Exercise 4. 4 0 obj Second Conditional Exercise 1 / 2 12-13. If vs Unless Exercise 2 5. Where possible, try to use other modal verbs instead of will or 1. If / Unless / When Exercise 4. Conditional sentences. If Conditionals Exercise 3. First Conditional Exercise 1 / 2 10-11. %PDF-1.5 1�-��h��'��y�QF�2g��0O�h���x~q�&y�ѽ�C��g���F�X�}�]�GŭgYNf��-����/̐��Ov��-̐a�����@�q5#�p�4G_��wݸ�3W�[�+pʦ���ĿW�:�Y��R�fe���F7����6�G�ӆ�xT����ޯC�'f���fo���P�x�ĕ���R�V��0z��X��l�C!� 9�_Ζ��`�AV�H���$�FI)�*�J��Fҳ�6�O) eg(K%�i�� �{$ܑu���K��~�6�KZE� ������bЗZMwր����[�` �PL5`r�ʝ��*Q��jag���� ����F�.��ڥ��&�&R���oG/��?�;���pz�t�����n�������xmC���맣o�~��ph�����Yl�Ƹ����r��]�f�m���;=�eƮ I���݀�4}�W�M[���!1���;����'���Ez2��H�A�Ȱ~;�LLד���� �$Nn��4,m��/?����w/C��������+X�R���;C m�xCd���蝷#��-$rn���zwҨ2{/�D��˖�fo!+���vo!�ề�i��ߏ9�uB�-����&fq��GS��*���C��ʢ^9X���ƓV�+o{�����B�¶BC�J�f �P��j�}�{�B��UWPj{�Φ���V ��@��� )g-�r�F��*��H�}:!�H���b:��B�B�X��X�RwGY��A{�§���/�x��wѹJd&t UZtd��XŸ��L{�@%��&�+5�ȴ�7'����ʛ���K$t\ysrB��F�B �\�ٽ9��ϐ��Xj��H|�&ɩh��D^��������mY �}lT,���m�N�Y�R/�*)K�t�A�ipt�L�n7[F,����/�]O�xǡq|�R�F܉�Hc��S�{pd��[HK�u�K� ���ڵ"���T�X��$Ǒ,� �ݑ�f�8tM�����ʧV���P If Clauses Exercises 2. 1 0 obj Home Page >> Grammar Exercises >> Intermediate >> First & Second Conditional Exercise First and Second Conditional Worksheet. Second Conditional Exercise 1 / 2 12-13. Mixed conditional tenses 6H��� �e��k�{�, !�#��]���S:VI��U*�G���d First and second conditional lingua house Innovation in Learning TM A A A A ENGLISH GRAMMAR 4 Practice 3 Look at the situations below. a) will cook / make a) are / will order b) cook / will make b) will be / … x��}m�7r�w�'��w���݁2�$[]Ļ�]]�NH���4�h���?��2$��f��]u��ؘ��6�t��*�����ѣ�~|����pssx���Ó�~��3q�4�Ë7�~#��_�8�Q��xx�ѷ��_����o�o÷?|��OW}��(�Տ����8�������ۥk��W��Ʋ��x����o۱���4�� ��?��q�?��v���B@`��ɪ-��W����x����&���2�~jk[ur� ���>��էA���Ӹ����hu�t�M?���p(V��V�+܍'�9]�MW��n��m��y�㏏�Қi�IV����'gT���m��_��>\�!�'&qx����g����������_�Ss}����a��C��Ɠ��"^Lo�A�iЛ���+kvt'3/��e��m��ޱ>)֒����A�k���74��M����tv�,��w��3~��O�����������U�m������Q]}�m>g�Im�}���wG�ZO�)���ca�OG���0���>����,"�?�nCjOƩz8�����᳗���o�b� ��~����wt� =�^��Ow���v�6W�$���;y^-vz�&���(>�O�Z,�Z�`���tX��3q}�a��)��G�����y�%~Z>{�jƁ�R#ܩ"�%��m6�;�؞�^Jr:Sg"p�&�*����i�~ǫ�x�����7�����������_����7,F���ܵ��z#��~�������Ae����2҃ z�L]���g�� �RL^F�8�S���,����~���il�ͳz%�>�]����9Pd.�`�lE��Qث��H������������E(!�B!ԋ�?^���A)`�͵ <> If we … hungry later, we … some coffee. Conditionals Tenses Exercise 6-7. First Conditional Exercise 1 / 2 10-11. Conditionals Tenses Exercise 6-7. Fill each space with the correct form of the verbs to make either first or second conditionals. (First conditional) If John drinks too much coffee, he’ll get ill. Only use contractions for negative forms - e.g.

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