technical words examples sentences

The technical details given above have gone to his head. Technical Writer Salaries- How much do Technical Writers earn? Examples of technical language in a sentence, how to use it. Most of the raw materials are imported from the United States. As a non-native speaker of English, to write concisely makes me free of remembering too many words and expressions which are not very useful. I have learned that sometimes the ‘frivolous’ words that are usually cut by tech writers are the very words that can put a reader or client at ease. Every spoken word is subtitled, complete with an in-context definition, image and multiple example sentences. Live chat, email, messaging, social, ticketing & knowledge base – all in one, for free! ( Log Out /  Thanks for sharing these wonderful tips and for your kind words, Seth. The sentence may be short but still unclear. We frequently encounter such situations in our school and take some precautions to ensure discipline. If you want to learn more about it, check my post about How to Ramp-up Your Tech Writers. Thanks for reblogging my post! The definition of external risk with examples. 2. Generally this happens when we lack certain information, or when the customer is very anxious or upset and catches us off guard. Even for translation, concise writing reduces the cost and efforts. I don’t think the responsibilities you gave me are easy, so I have a discussion with you, but you still expect me to be understanding and patient. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts.” – William Strunk in his classic text The Elements of Style. Establish a Good Rapport An overview of contingency plans with complete examples. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Let’s take few examples from Lilita Rodman’s book on ‘Technical Communication’ that explains how concise writing can make some sentences more than one-third shorter: “It is our view that the building, machinery, and equipment and stock at x should be marketed (at least initially) on an en bloc basis. But there are also some negative facts, for example are social media also used for bullying. Instead, summarize what they have said efficiently. • Order the words in your sentences carefully Ex. Monkeys really like banana, and by using this fact, scientists have organized many experimental environments. Examples of the technical in a sentence: 1. The definition of conscientiousness with examples. If meaning is lost then there is no point of making a sentence concise. Comment: Nowadays social networks are used by people all over the world. If it is thought that there is a problem with this issue, I can be contacted. The bills are paid by me every month and after this process, I am not thanked by you in any way. Option 2 – follow process “In order to achieve such an such thing click on this button on control panel which will display this result”. I do believe that it really depends upon the maturity of audience and not everyone (specially beginners) can handle instruction written in a concise way- they may need more context for proper understanding. Usually, the entity affected by the action is referred to as an object. The distribution of wealth is of course in part, It would be premature to comment on individual points, particularly those of, It is a small matter whether in either case, One may wish for the right to use a clerical vocabulary, another, A discussion involving principles of the greatest moment narrowed into, There is nothing before us on which we are capable of coming to any decision ... in, The fraud is not stated specifically, and the charge is, The age itself was religious; and so was he, in, The charter of the new company provided for the appointment of, She was an only child, and except for the four millions which he left to found, Bauer cares little for pure technic practise, believing the composition itself contains sufficient material of, It advocated him as a fearless, honest, and forceful man; but the, Why does it punish as a misdemeanour vagrancy, which ought not even to be regarded as, In economics the word has a special significance as, There are a limited number of good ways of accomplishing, The managers were not able to meet the demand for proof in. End user documentation 2. As soon as possible, we will prepare an Information Package and advertise these assets for sale on an offers basis.” Concise version (33 words), “The Company is involved in the manufacture and distribution of waterbed supplies including heaters, thermostat controls and mattresses. It was very sad for everyone to experience this situation. I am broken by these behaviors. Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results. How can I assist you today? Passive Voice I have assistant teachers who help me with these subjects and also with, The foetid odor of this plant has suggested both, The later looms were of course more prolific as, And it must be remembered that all his music is irreproachable from, People realized once that men who go high in, I will send the instructions separately, so you need not bother with. 100 Examples of Active and Passive Voice in English Table of Contents Active VoicePassive Voice100 Examples of Active and Passive Voice Active Voice In everyday life, we often prefer to build sentences that have an active voice. Helping a customer should start from a sincere and positive place. Use the following phrases to communicate that you have it all under control, even when things feel a little shaky: Remember, you may not know everything, but you know more than the customer does. I also think that chunking long topics into small topics definitely aids in making things more usable for readers. If you focus on starting from a place of understanding, the rest will follow naturally. © 2010-2020 Simplicable. A tool that I find valuable is the Hemingway App. An overview of performance expectations with examples. While I can’t offer you X, I can implement Y. I would love to help, but… Here’s what I can do instead…. As a writer I often struggle to make my writing concise especially when the context is highly technical. Another word for Problem, What is another, synonym word for Problem? Passive Voice is used in sentences in which the object affected by the action or situation becomes the subject. Here is how you can start phrases with these positive words: Positive words are part of the positive scripting puzzle, but avoiding negative words can be just as important. I have more courage to use the language. EULA. The building, machinery, equipment, and stock at, The Company is involved in the manufacture and distribution of waterbed supplies including heaters, thermostat controls and mattresses. With increasing customer expectations and the rise + Read More. After I was talked by you, some things have been clarified about my life. 1. There can be a lot of examples of technical terms like:- In Medical field:- 1. Our own goal at OmmWriter is facilitate a simple and effective writing experience, and hence we quite often think about how to write straightforward and concise text. Information shared about daily life on the Internet often results in a violation of the privacy of personal life. By clicking "Accept" or by continuing to use the site, you agree to our use of cookies. All students were given a term paper and asked to deliver them in the best way. “Vigorous writing is concise. Positive customer service phrases can enhance customer engagement, drive up satisfaction, and reduce customer churn rate. We can make our writing concise by following one golden rule: Do not waste words. )*Adapted from R. L. Hake & J. M. Williams, "Style and Its Consequences," College English, 43, 1981, 448-449. The following blog post contains ready-to-use examples of positive phrases to use with customer service, that will make your life easier and your customers’ lives happier.

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