japanese invasion of dutch new guinea

The operation consisted of two landings, one at Tanahmerah Bay and the other at Humboldt Bay, near Hollandia. This document was used as a measuring standard for Japanese military activities on Luzon. Similar JICPOA teams participated in succeeding amphibious assaults to examine prisoners and documents for intelligence of immediate tactical value. This information and the examination of shattered emplacements by engineers enabled marine and navy experts to construct in Hawaii exact copies of the Japanese pillboxes on Tarawa and then find the best way to destroy them. [1] All of the various organizations widely disseminated the information contained in the captured records. ATIS was established on September 19, 1942, and was headquartered in a suburb of Brisbane, Australia. [3] Of these, only one was considered to be complete. Classes began November 1, 1941, with four instructors and 60 students in an abandoned airplane hangar at Crissy Field. This deception effort proved successful. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, who later became the director of the Central Intelligence Agency. [27] As the Japanese ground forces pressed toward Port Moresby, the Allied Air Forces struck supply points along the Kokoda Track. One of the difficulties encountered by the ATIS in translating Japanese documents was the condition in which they were often received. Coming from battle fields, crashed aircraft, graves, sunken ships and foxholes, many of them torn, defaced, water-soaked, soiled and charred, making them difficult or impossible to read. [1] Among them were the Southeast Asia Translation and Interrogation Center (SEATIC)[2]; the Sino Translation and Interrogation Center (SINTIC)[3]; and, the Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas (JICPOA). At the Quebec Conference in August 1943, the leaders of the Allied nations agreed to this change in strategy focusing on neutralizing Rabaul rather than capturing it.[50]. Over the course of an hour, this feature, dubbed Pancake Hill, was captured with only minimal opposition. [13] Because aircraft carriers had not been previously used to support Allied amphibious landings in the South-West Pacific, in early 1944 the Japanese leadership judged that Hollandia was safe from a direct attack as it was beyond the range of the available Allied fighter aircraft. While MacArthur sought eight days worth of support from the fleet's powerful fleet carriers, Nimitz would only agree to commit this force for two days after the landings. MacArthur was further determined to conquer all of New Guinea in his progress toward the eventual recapture of the Philippines. Incidence of malaria was almost one hundred per cent. It was a new kind of combined operations warfare in which the Allies consistently outclassed their Japanese opponents. Army units in the South Pacific were transferred to MacArthurs direct control in June, and the U.S. 13th Air Force was moved to the Southwest Pacific Area (SWPA) to form, with the U.S. 5th Air Force, the new Far Eastern Air Force, which was commanded by Gen. George C. Kenney in addition to his position as commander of Allied Air Forces SWPA. Background. ATIS also published a how-to handbook on conservation treatment of captured records and produced a Document Restoration Kit for units in the field. Before the operation against the Japanese at Hollandia, Dutch New Guinea, 41st CIC Detachment Special Agent in Charge Duval Edwards at Finschhaven during March and April 1944 gave many lectures on the great importance of soldiers turning in any captured documents. [37], The Allies conducted a deception operation to ensure that the Japanese continued to believe that they would land at Hansa Bay rather than Hollandia. Translation of the official record by the Japanese Demobilization Bureaux detailing the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy's participation in the Southwest Pacific area of the, This page was last edited on 29 January 2023, at 09:02. On December 7, 1941, Japan staged a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, severely damaging the US Pacific Fleet. In the meantime another landing was made at Aitape in Australian New Guinea, about 125 miles (roughly 200 km) southeast of Hollandia, where Australian engineers soon completed an airstrip. [5], According to John Laffin, the campaign "was arguably the most arduous fought by any Allied troops during World War II". When the first thirty-five prisoners of war arrived in June 1942, after the Battle of Midway, Japanese interrogators had to be borrowed from other activities. Operation Reckless, the invasion of Hollandia and Aitape of 22-27 April 1944, was one of the most dramatic leapfrogging operations during the New Guinea campaign, and saw American forces bypass the strong Japanese bases at Wewak and Hansa Bay and capture key bases for MacArthur's planned return to the Philippines. Despite the disaster of the Bismarck Sea, the Japanese could not give up on recapturing Wau. 1944 battle between American and Japanese forces during World War II, "Securing New Guinea: The U.S. Navy in Operations Reckless and Persecution: 2122 April 1944", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Battle_of_Hollandia&oldid=1132691020, South West Pacific theatre of World War II, Battles and operations of World War II involving Australia, Battles and operations of World War II involving Japan, Battles and operations of World War II involving the United States, Amphibious operations involving the United States, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 10 January 2023, at 02:36. 37, No. The destroyer Yayoi, sent to recover these men, was itself bombed and sunk on 11 September. US radio crew sets up communications center just after landing on Hollandia 1944. The Netherlands, Britain and the United States tried to defend the colony from the Japanese forces as they moved south in late 1941 in search of Dutch oil. [51] Eight waves landed at White 1 after two LCIs fired rockets at the high ground overlooking the beach where several Japanese antiaircraft guns were located. As the body of available material continued to grow, individual studies based on information available to ATIS were produced as Information Bulletins on subjects of general interest. The Allied reduction of Rabaul was only made possible by relentless air strikes that took place day after day, but Yamamoto thought the damage inflicted by a few attacks of large formations would derail Allied plans long enough for Japan to prepare a defense in depth. The purpose of these campaigns was to safeguard the oil, rubber and other raw materials the Japanese needed. [7] The attack was designated Operation Reckless in recognition of the risks involved in carrying it out. In the early months of 1944, both at Bougainville and at Rabaul, large numbers of Japanese troops were effectively put out of action without being confronted in bloody combat. [25] But fighters did provide cover for the transports, and for bombers when their targets were within range. [64][66] Both Humboldt and Tanahmerah were developed with naval base, ammunition, repair and fuel facilities. 72 was published as an accumulation of documentary evidence for the Commission Regarding Breaches of the Rules of Warfare by the Japanese Forces of the Australian Commonwealth. Tweet. Gen. Robert C. Richardson became commanding general of U.S. Army Forces, Pacific Ocean Area, in which capacity he remained subordinate to Nimitzs operational control. 25 with Anti-Japanese activities in Java; and No. These documents, contrary to American intelligence, indicated that the Japanese were strongly entrenched on Parry and Eniwetok islands. Backed by a swamp just 30 yards from the shoreline, and with just one exit trail unsuitable for vehicles, it quickly became congested. Documents recovered from the bodies of dead Japanese, members of a Special Suicide Penetration Unit, killed near San Fabian, Luzon, on January 19, 1945, gave full accounts of the units and personnel involved. Between November 1943 and March 1944 18 Squadron was ordered to prevent Japanese reinforcements reaching the north-east part of Papua and New Guinea. Barbey's VII 'Phib carried out two almost simultaneous undertakings. ", Samuel Eliot Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, p. 38. "[19] Thus was the overland threat to Port Moresby permanently removed. 2 in May 1943. [13] See Seventy Years Ago: Colonel Sidney F. Mashbir and the Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS), September-October 1942.. Historians acknowledge that the deciphering of the Z Plan was one of the greatest single intelligence feats of the war in the South West Pacific Area. On 5 March, Imperial General Headquarters by Navy . This diary along with other documents relating to atrocities was used in the trials of Japanese war criminals. [22] The cost to the Allied fighters was high. [39] It is indicative of the extent to which Japanese ambitions had fallen at this point in the war that a 50% loss of ground troops aboard ship was considered acceptable. Most regrettable!!' [4], In early 1944, after the Huon Peninsula had been secured, the Allied South West Pacific Command determined that the area should be seized and developed into a staging post for their advance along the north coast of New Guinea into the Dutch East Indies and to the Philippines. In July 1944, incidental to the disclosure in ATIS documents and interrogations that a number of war crimes had been committed against Allied prisoners and non-combatants in the SWPA, the War Crimes Investigation Board was established under the Commanding General, US Army Forces Far East (USAFFE). A fire caused by Allied bombing continued to burn in the Japanese supply dump for several days and later attracted the attention of a Japanese bomber, which attacked the beach area late on 23 April, resulting in more fires and killing 24 and wounding 100 more. The submarine picked up the documents on May 11th and sailed to Darwin. graduate Hollandia. 84 dealt with The Japanese and Bacterial Warfare. [41] After rehearsals and loading, on 16 to 18 April the amphibious forces sailed from their bases at Finschafen and Goodenough Island; they joined up with other ships carrying troops bound for Aitape from Seeadler Harbour and then rendezvoused with the escort aircraft carriers providing air cover off Manus Island early on 20 April. Most important of all, the bombers of MacArthur's air forces, under the command of Lieutenant General George C. Kenney, had been modified to enable new offensive tactics. Horikoshi, upon arrival at ATIS, at first denied all knowledge of any atrocities but on being confronted with his diary, admitted that such things had occurred. Once the war ended, Southeast Asia Command Field Security Sections were assigned to seize records that, among other things, could be used for the prosecution of war criminals. [13] Eventually it would grow to over 2,500 personnel, some of who served with Advanced Echelons and combat units. It was canceled in favour of a daring jump to Hollandia (now Jayapura) in Netherlands New Guinea, bypassing the Japanese strongholds at Wewak and Hansa Bay. Only 30 percent of the captured documents needed no treatment; the rest needed cleaning, drying, and/or other conservation treatment. Philippine Series Bulletins represented special reports of items pertaining to the Philippine Islands. Gona fell to the Australians on 9 December 1942, Buna to the US 32nd on 2 January 1943, and Sanananda, located between the two larger villages, fell to the Australians on 22 January. He did successfully conduct the Western New Guinea campaign in 1944 which liberated much of Dutch New Guinea. [4] Within six months, the school had shipped its first 35 graduates to the field, just in time for Guadalcanal and the Buna-Gona campaign. Due to USAAF doctrine and a lack of long-range escorts, long-range bomber raids on targets like Rabaul went in unescorted and suffered heavy losses, prompting severe criticism of Lieutenant General George Brett by war correspondents for misusing his forces. The heavy cruiser Nachi, which was sunk in Manila Bay in November 1944, provided a massive quantity of annotated charts of minefields and defenses, diaries, logs, blueprints, fleet operation plans and orders dating back to before the Pearl Harbor attack, and numerous books on Japanese naval tactics and doctrine. Japanese plans to occupy Port Moresby were negated by losses during the Battle of the Coral Sea and Battle of Milne Bay. [54] There was little resistance initially, but further inland there was some opposition as elements of the 186th Infantry reached the lake by 24 April. In May 1945 ADVATIS followed the advance of General Headquarters into Manila. Current Translation No. In February 1944, marines and soldiers from the 27th Infantry Division captured important documents at Engebi Island. This information was transferred to a G-2 overlay and became a factor in the tactics adopted in that particular operation. After taking evasive routes to the west of the Admiralty Islands to avoid air attack,[42] the convoy turned back towards their objective late in the afternoon. In response, on 8 March General Douglas MacArthur sought approval from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to bring forward the previously planned landings at Hollandia to 15 April. Second, the Allies had become convinced that the Japanese were preparing a major seaborne reinforcement and so had stepped up their air searches. [10], The colonial capital of Port Moresby on the south coast of Papua was the strategic key for the Japanese in this area of operations. [16] Only about 500 of the 11,000 personnel were ground combat troops, being drawn from several antiaircraft batteries. White 1 would be the main landing, as it provided the only spot where the larger LSTs could land, while White 2 would be secured with smaller LVTs and DUKWs, which would be used to cross the shallow entrance to Jautefa Bay. Landings were made at two points in the Hollandia area on April 22, 1944, with the U.S. 24th Infantry Division moving ashore at Tanahmerah Bay and the 41st Infantry Division pushing inland at Humboldt Bay, 25 miles (40 km) to the east. Japanese forces began to land on the island of Luzon in the Philippines on December 10. . The campaign between Allied and Japanese forces commenced with the Japanese assault on Rabaul on 23 January 1942. The air defences consisted of P-39 and P-40 fighters. The stores situation in the forward area grew more urgent as the supply line up the single road broke down. If the transports succeeded in staying behind a weather front and were protected the whole way by fighters from the various airfields surrounding the Bismarck Sea, they might make it to Lae with an acceptable level of loss, i.e., at worst half the task force would be sunk en route. In January 1943 the Allied and the Japanese forces facing each other on New Guinea were like two battered heavyweights. The whole northern coast of the island was now in Allied hands and airfields from which bombers could strike the southern Philippines were soon in operation. On 10 January 1942, during the Dutch East Indies Campaign, Japanese forces invaded the Dutch East Indies as part of the Pacific War. 119 deals with the Japanese Military Police Service and Report No. As this would lead to gap in air cover between the departure of the carriers and airfields at Hollandia becoming operational, it was decided to make another landing at Aitape which had an airfield that it was believed could be rapidly brought into service; this was later designated Operation Persecution. At Kokoda [between Port Moresby and Buna] 268 documents were captured, at Buna 1,349, at Lae [eastern New Guinea] 1,562, while at Saipan in July 1944 the figure reached at least 27 tons.[14]. [33], Operation Lilliput (18 December 1942 June 1943) was an ongoing resupply operation ferrying troops and supplies from Milne Bay, at the tip of the Papuan Peninsula, to Oro Bay, a little more than halfway between Milne Bay and the BunaGona area. To assist researchers interested in World War II-era research regarding the Pacific and Far East, I prepared a 1,700-page finding aid entitled Japanese War Crimes and Related Records: A Guide to Records in the National Archives,which is searchable and available online. After the occupation of Hollandia and Aitape the Allies were in a strong position, but they did not stop there. SEATIC and SINTIC operating in Southeast Asia and China received and translated relatively large quantities of captured documents during the war. JICPOA personnel also served, beginning in January 1945, at the Advance Intelligence Center (AIC), established at the CINCPAC Advance Headquarters at Guam. Another document, captured on Luzon in early February, gave the Japanese 14th Army Operation Order of January 8th, bringing to light the plan of the Japanese Armys movement into Northern Luzon and the organization of the Shimbu group and its mission into Southern Luzon. It was later thought that 3000 troops from the 6th Sea Detachment were in the area, and reinforcements were being rapidly transferred there. By the end of the war, ATIS had processed over 350,000 documents (or 1,680 cubic feet of records).[17]. Beleaguered, the survivors of the Japanese garrison were evacuated by submarine on the night of 26 October. The campaign resulted in a crushing defeat and heavy losses for the Empire of Japan. target: "#hbspt-form-1677759698000-1549361125", Japanese expansion in East Asia began in 1931 with the invasion of Manchuria and continued in 1937 with a brutal attack on China. It was occupied by the Japanese during their invasion of the Dutch East Indies in 1942, who planned to use it as a base for their expansion towards the Australian mandated territories of Papua and New Guinea. The town itself was on the shore of Humboldt Bay, with a first-class anchorage. Thompson sub machine-guns jammed with the gritty mud and were unreliable in the humid atmosphere ", John Vader, New Guinea: The Tide Is Stemmed, pp. Just below the Equator, Biak stood as an outpost guarding the entrance to Cenderawasih (Geelvink) Bay and looking out across the ocean to the distant Philippines. He told soldiers that ATIS personnel had told him that they had seen Japanese documents held as souvenirs of earlier battles in New Guinea, which contained information of tactical value which if had been turned in at the time, would have saved lives and shortened battles. Between the mountain ridge and the lake was a narrow plain where the Japanese had built a number of airfields; three had been constructed by April 1944 and a fourth was under construction. After four days under these conditions the two units had reached the western airfield and on 26 April it was secured. The terrain, however, proved more problematic. I am estimating that a cubic foot of records is 2,500 pages. Lieut. The sinking of over 25,000 tones of Japanese ships earned the unit the nickname . The most important find was a set of plans and specifications for some of the defenses encountered on the island. [35], Once the Japanese had decided to give up on Guadalcanal, the capture of Port Moresby loomed even larger in their strategic thinking. For the military souveniring problem that first began at Guadalcanal see The Marines and Japanese Souvenirs on Guadalcanal August-October 1942., [11] See From Rabaul to Stack 190: The Travels of a Famous Japanese Army Publication.. As a result of immediate translation of the map, the 5th Air Force was informed and proceeded to destroy practically all of the barges. Japan's threatened military encroachment closer to Australia hinted at some type of potential invasion of the northernmost frontiers. During July and August 1944 the Japanese 18th Army, based on Wewak, mounted an attack on Aitape, employing more than 20,000 troops in the forward area. In September 1945 they seized in Singapore important documentary evidence of war crimes, including photographs showing captured Indian soldiers being executed for refusing to join with Chandra Bose and the Indian National Army. (Map 2) Invasion of Dutch New Guinea. Horikoshi was in the Philippine Islands from May 1942 to August 1943, and the diary contained a good coverage of that period, depicting atrocities, conditions in Allied prisoner-of-war camps, and conditions in the Philippine Islands in general. Accordingly, the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, directed on September 22, 1944, that Advanced Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ADVATIS) be established in the immediate vicinity of General Headquarters at Hollandia. 8, Kanji Abbreviations, Variants, and Equivalents; No. }); The Capture and Exploitation of Japanese Records during World War II, From Rabaul to Stack 190: The Travels of a Famous Japanese Army Publication., Japanese War Crimes and Related Records: A Guide to Records in the National Archives,, The Beginnings of the United States Armys Japanese Language Training: From the Presidio of San Francisco to Camp Savage, Minnesota 1941-1942,, The Sinking of the Japanese Submarine I-1 off of Guadalcanal and the Recovery of its Secret Documents., A Letter from Somewhere in Burma, June 1944, Seventy Years Ago: The Makin Island Raid, August 1942., The Marines and Japanese Souvenirs on Guadalcanal August-October 1942, Seventy Years Ago: Colonel Sidney F. Mashbir and the Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS), September-October 1942., The National Archives Arthur Evarts Kimberly and the Allied Translator and Interpreter Sections Document Restoration Sub-Section, 1944-1945., The Z Plan Story: Japans 1944 Naval Battle Strategy Drifts into U.S. Hands, Part I, Allied Translator and Interpreter Section. 73] provided the plans for the Japanese Navys operations in the Marianas and the Philippines. [43], The remaining destroyers with about 2,700 surviving troops limped back to Rabaul. When Japanese Americans on the West Coast were moved into internment camps in the late spring of 1942, the school moved to temporary quarters at Camp Savage, Minnesota. [23] The Australian and American anti-aircraft gunners of the Composite Anti-Aircraft Defences played a crucial part. per cubic foot, this works out to 1,350 cubic feet of records. Base ATIS received a document in March 1945 giving a complete record of the Japanese monitoring of Allied radio communications in the Philippine Islands during the period from October 1942 to December 1943. 5, Bibliographic Subject Index for Enemy Publications 1-200 (November 30, 1944), with a supplementary index from 201-300 (March 1945); No. He had planned to move first to Hansa Bay, but with airfields operational in the Admiralty Islands, the Hansa Bay assault was deemed unnecessary. During the early days of the war the Japanese forces were advancing. Many of the captured documents provided significant intelligence to General Douglas MacArthurs forces in the SWPA. "Within a few days, the enemy was retreating from the Wau Valley, where he had suffered a serious defeat, harassed all the way back to Mubo"[37] About one week later, the Japanese completed their evacuation of Guadalcanal. On October 22, 1944, X Corps captured four sketches, one of gun positions north of Dulag, Leyte, and three of San Roque, Catmon Hill Area, Leyte, containing gun and coastal defense positions. By 26 April, U.S. troops secured the two eastern airfields, and later that day linked up with forces advancing from the 24th Division advancing from Tanahmerah Bay. Report No. Such experiments led to improvements in naval gunfire techniques and infantry tactics in time for the Marshalls operation. The loss of Hollandia made the Japanese strategic defense line at Wakde, to the west, and all Japanese positions to the east untenable. The Z Plan [issued as Admiral Kogas Combined Fleet Secret Operations Order No. [24] A gradual improvement in their numbers and skill forced the Japanese bombers up to higher altitude, where they were less accurate, and then, in August, to raiding by night. The landings took place at dawn on 22 April after a supporting naval bombardment at each site. The U.S. 24th Division's 19th and 21st Regimental Combat Teams (RCTs) were to land at Tanahmerah Bay. In July and August 1945 CIC agents gathered more documents at Kweilin in southern China on the Gui River. As their number grew, and the volume of available intelligence increased, such a procedure became unnecessary, and also impossible due to the limited number of linguists available. 67 (Japanese Warships and Merchant Vessels Sunk, Damaged or not Previously Listed); No. 4, to acquire Japanese records, staged a contest, making awards to Burmese or Chinese turning in the most documents. This attack also destroyed 60 percent of all rations and ammunition that had been landed, and resulted in shortages amongst the infantry advancing towards the airfields. West Papua is the western half of the island of New Guinea, formerly known as Dutch New Guinea. The Japanese invasion of the Dutch East Indies began on 10 January 1942, and the Imperial Japanese Army overran the entire colony in less than three months. [40], About 6,900 troops aboard eight transports, escorted by eight destroyers, departed Rabaul at midnight 28 February under the command of Rear Admiral Masatomi Kimura. On April 29, 1944, ATIS Research Report No. In New Guinea, U.S. and Australian infantry were moving along the northern coast, pushing the Japanese before them. However, this is contradictory to the total number of Japanese combat deaths calculated across most individual battles in the campaign. 'We are repeating the failure of Guadalcanal. Before June, between 20 and 25 P-39s had been lost in air combat, while three more had been destroyed on the ground and eight had been destroyed in landings by accident. In late 1943, the Information Section was given the task of writing Briefs consisting of a summary and highlights of Enemy Publications and Current Translations. He was thrown into his own jail.[15]. [60] A total of 7,200 Japanese troops assembled at Genjem and then attempted to withdraw overland to Sarmi; only around 1,000 reached their destination. [5], Allied intelligence successes led to the decision to land at Hollandia. 16 dealt with interrogation of captured American B-24 air crews; No. In May 1943, external requests for information available from ATIS sources led to the development of Information Request Reports published only in answer to specific requests for information. [16] That summer a Document Restoration Sub-Section, staffed by six WACs (Womens Army Corps), including one officer, was established. Instructions were issued to the assaulting forces personnel not to pocket captured documents as souvenirs but to turn them over to JICPOA personnel.[10]. Copies of these ATIS publications can be found at the National Archives at College Park, the Australian National Archives, as well as other archival repositories. [9] See Seventy Years Ago: The Makin Island Raid, August 1942., [10] The Armys Counter Intelligence Corps faced similar problems with souvenir hunters. They totaled 104 in number. In addition, their bomb bays were filled with 500-pound bombs to be used in the newly devised practice of skip bombing. 9, Japanese-English Medical Dictionary; No. [11] Adachi continued to plan to make a last stand at Hollandia if he was defeated at Hansa Bay. In March General Hatazo Adachi, the commander of the Japanese 18th Army, was ordered by the Second Area Army to withdraw his forces west from the Madang-Hansa Bay area to Hollandia, with one division to be dispatched there immediately. [10] After the chief of staff of the Second Area Army travelled to Wewak to deliver Adachi orders in person, he directed that the 66th Infantry Regiment begin moving from Wewak to Hollandia on 18 April; it was expected that this unit would arrive there in mid-June. Become convinced that the Japanese could not give up on recapturing Wau VII 'Phib carried out almost... Central intelligence Agency China on the Gui River Japanese forces commenced with the Japanese Navys operations in the.... Become convinced that the Japanese ground forces pressed toward Port Moresby, the remaining destroyers with about 2,700 troops. Japan & # x27 ; s threatened military encroachment closer to Australia hinted some... 1942, and reinforcements were being rapidly transferred there a set of plans specifications! In naval gunfire techniques and infantry tactics in time for the Japanese forces facing other... Successes led to improvements in naval gunfire techniques and infantry tactics in time the. 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Of New Guinea, U.S. and Australian infantry were moving along the Kokoda.! Used in the SWPA the Allied and Japanese forces commenced with the Japanese forces began to on. ] [ 66 ] Both Humboldt and Tanahmerah were developed with naval base, ammunition, repair and facilities!

How Tall Were Giants In Norse Mythology, Daryl Chill Wills, Articles J

japanese invasion of dutch new guinea