stewart ainsworth leaves time team

But its also the fact that they didnt just impart accumulated knowledge, they made new discoveries as we watched. I am! I loved Time Team in its early format but over the years got fed up listening to the boffins suddenly announcing a high status (Favourite phrase of TT) building eg temple or palace had been found after unearthing a piece of stonework that would get lost in my rockery. If you had to justify the value of television as a medium that can inform as well as entertain, Time Team would be the perfect example. Lets not overlook Public Broadcastng with its excellent programming, either). Beautifully expressed, Andrew. Series Producer and creator of Time Team, Tim Taylor says . INCREDIBLE ! share. The show ran on the chemistry among the original team, and failed to work as they left or lost interest. what my 11 year old gran daughter is looking into training for..shows like these are needed more. This series is in my opinion (and hubbys) a satisfying end. We totally agree with Nick Robinson, we too will be enjoying repeats and cursing Channel 4!. What can replace the jovial banter of all the dedicated team that gave us an insight to what was going on thousands of years ago. What screwed up Time Time was poor scheduling two years ago and an attempt to sex up the show and this failed miserably. I have offten mention to my husband, I wonder what the site look like after the the TT have left. I have loved Time Team since episode 1, and have never, not once, missed an episode. Thanks. I have no idea which series I am watching, I think it must be a mixture as Tonys beer belly ebbs and falls and Phils hair waxes and wains, though Mick never seems to have changed. Requested by a commissioning editor to wear more colourful clothing Mick turned up in the most garish garment he could find as a joke, only to be told it was perfect. Recently went to Jamestown where the 1st Time Team America was tapedthat was amazing. It is the programme really. I watch time team on more 4 We always joke about that, but I think its indicative of how people understand archaeology is a process. Please bring together the old team Mick, Phil, Carenza, John, Francis and Stewart. Its December 2016, My Hubby and I live in Queensland Australia,we have Foxtel and have the old shows on a series link and never get tired of watching the Time Team. Thank you to everyone who made this such a wonderful programme. Whatever happened, wed all thought, well complete the 20th series. It is practically unheard of for a factual, specialist programme to spend two decades as the public face of its subject and become a national institution along the way. It has also helped me find out more about my own history that goes back to U.K. Have caught onto Time Team on the History Channel. Stewart Ainswort. The producers screwed it with the inevitable dumbing down and trying to make it a show for the 20 to 30 year olds. Your Upper Classes have been re-inventing themselves as New Romans and Empire builders for some time now, particularly in the last few centuries.They lost touch with who they ACTUALLY were and their own people. I loved the banter between Tony, Phil and Mick and anyone could see they enjoyed their jobs. It was the highlight of my life ! Channel 4 obviously think we are all brain dead morons who need to watch the endless mind numbing soaps or the even more pathetic American rubbish that now dominates our screens. Cutting some excellent TV and radio presenters in favor of younger ones. I agree with you . This was highlighted by having a member of the public read out a letter of invitation at the beginning, posing the question they wanted answered. Tamara Cohen for the Daily Mail I have four sons we have been Time Team fans for years. The site, discovered by historian and metal detectorist Keith Westcott after years of research, could be one of the biggest villas uncovered in recent times. Inever felt patronised and loved the interation beteen Tony, Phil and Mick. The attempted dumbing down of Time Team smacks of dim executives meeting to dish corporate cliches out to one another. Dont judge based on the rubbish you get over there. Like Concorde, should be rescued by someone BBC and revamped ASAP. i like everything about it. An episode where a workplace expert was on stand by for structural shoring when common sense would have not wasted this kind of expense. Stopping TT is just another step in the dumbing down of TV and radio. just found TT on Acorn streaming. 03:12 EST 08 Feb 2012. Time Team turned this particular builder into a complete archaeological anorak and made one increasingly curmudgeonly old fart in a sweat stain hat the one person in the world Id most love to meet, hang out on a dig with and sink real ales with thereafter! Watching the archaeologists and seeing their enthusiasm at even the smallest find,is to me infectious. The marvelous experts have described items, historical facts and what could have been, may have been and what was likely to have been and possibly how the ancestors [residents and visitors alike] changed the landscape. At least we can watch past programmes on More 4 on on the On Demand. The Mick Aston informative, involving wide range of age and expertise-or students out in the field working version, not the americanised teenybopper version as touted by c4 accountants. Team Team gang were so funny with their understanding of each other and professional approach to their subject, their knowledge of it all and portrayal to the audience was so entertaining, and Tony added an open view to a usually flat subject, with his level headed approach to academics and gave it life. Many bad decisions for all the wrong reasons. But for me the real genius is Stewart who can look at a landscape and tell you what it was like hundreds of years ago. Long-serving archaeologists Helen Geake and Stewart Ainsworth would appear less often. He joined the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (now part of English Heritage) in 1985, and is now head of its Landscape Investigation Team based in York, England. What better way of introducing archaeology to young people than for them to see it on a Sunday afternoon? And Ive always thought tony was perfectly great as the show presenter, interested and fun, a joy to watch. It is made up of real people and I have learnt so much from it. The major players seem tired and cranky, and while they are all professionals and are trying very hard to be positive and upbeat, its obvious that they are trying, and that ruins it. His presentation throughout all of the series, which I have almost finished running though for the second time, is stellar. I still watch the series on U-tube. So apart from discovering the female cleavage (along with Kleenex tissues) looking for Saxon pottery designed to hold bovine waste, expanding your knowledge of Saxon tea services as well as teaching both Vivian Westwood and Tony & Guy a thing or twowhat other skills have you learned since watching Time Team? Series Producer and creator of Time Team, Tim Taylor says, They did it! swinging camera booms. Tony Robinson seems an entirely likeable guy and does his presenting job with good humour and humility. Pay per view TV? I have watched and enjoyed Time Team for many years I am one of the oldies watching but my children grandchildren and great grandchildren are all avid viewers I feel the makers of this program had no perception of its impact on different generations when they set out to close the program down. I agree Shiela, a long read but entertaining, and an indication of TTs popularity. Our investigation of the villa and the landscape it occupies will aim to preserve and enrich our understanding of the past and the people who inhabited it. Yet despite bringing the past to life using the familiar ingredients of excavation, landscape survey and reconstructions including Phil felling a tree with a flint axe Timesigns is a very different beast. What a bunch of idiots. Hi Serena, you can find a complete episode and series guide of all 230 programmes plus the specials on this website: Plenty more to come for you yet, if only More 4 would stop repeating the same episodes over and over again and show some of the others they could keep you (and the rest of us) happy for years to come. There was a youthful energy to them back them, which was part of the attraction. Time Team excavations at Binchesters Roman fort also helped kickstart a research project that is still in rude health (see CA 263). This was the best educational programme that looked forward to every week and also all the repeats that were broadcast on more 4. This biographical article related to British television is a stub. He worked for several commercial units including Oxford Archaeology and MoLAS (as was), until he started a career at L-P Archaeology. If those of us who have never met him mourn today, how much more must his friends and family be feeling his passing? Envelopes hidden at strategic points would set challenges along the lines of find the Medieval high street in two hours. Headed by D Macall. He asks the questions that some people must be sat in front of their TV asking. Yes very sorry to see TT go, Sky at night still going both are just as important to us here on Earth and I think it will be missed in the future though the recordings are still available to evertbody but the forum is lost, Grrrr channel 4. Not any more. Real shame its leaving our screens but it did give us so many hours of pleasure along with the odd glimpse of a young Alice Roberts and the occasional grumpiness of Mick. I think the only things we didnt like so much were the cleavage shots and the daft re-enactments. Time Team isnt the same without Mick and Phill is the token hot tottie (uh hum!) Maybe it will work with time team too. I hope its not the end of Time Team. tony and all made history come to life to the public and we {as a family] looked forward to the one great programme aweek but know more,,,,how old are the producers ,if they watched t t perhapes they could learn that life does not always mean MONEY MORE MONEY , What a bummer! These are absolutely awesome! I live in Minnesota and am anxious to explore sites of the indigenous people who lived and continue to live here. What do other TT viewers think? Who made the decision to axe time team but it is a mistake they will regret. He trained as a surveyor before entering the archaeology section of the Ordnance Survey. While Time Team unquestionably experienced problems, particularly in its final years, this much-loved show was an astonishing success, propelling modern archaeology into the public conscious as never before. It encouraged me to study the Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages. No, sadly when it comes to TV, viewers dont get what they want, they get what they are given Trouble is, the people who make these decisions can be misguided, and very stupid. It also produces some amazing factual programmes to expand our knowledge and it is extremely worrying that the latter are being sacrificed for moronic programmes like Big Fat Gypsy Wedding which add nothing to our cultural enlightenment. Sir Tony I salute you and the team,its been a good innings! Ive enjoyed watching all the archeologists old and new & think Tony Robinson is a great presenter. As an aside seeing your label Non-Richardian Yorkist what are your feelings about the parking lot discovery? This programme could have run and run with the younger people such as Helen Geake, Brigid, Matt and Raksha taking it into the next 20 years. My wife was unwell for many years but TT was one of the few TV Shows that she got pleasure from. thank god for the repeats. Its prototype was Timesigns, a four-part series that aired in 1991. (Bog Latin). BBCs own channels will have BBC prefixing the number and anything not by the BBC will obviously by without this prefix. . People understand it isnt treasure hunting well, we probably still have some way to go with that one! Tim points to Over 230 films that have been seen in 36 countries. The Team had a comradery like that of an elite military unit. After graduation she did some modelling, including shoots for Special K. She was the anthropologist on the BBCs Castaway Exposed and has presented a number of other programmes using her expertise. I found her to be frightening and tedious at the same time, and to this day I fast forward through the segments where she is featured. Please, please would someone bring the show back, This is just another example of Managements old adage: Its perfect; lets New and Improve it I just can not believe we will not see his fabulous jumpers again.. ( except in repeats of course ). It is a great shame it is finishing and I am very sad!! I will miss Mick and Phil and Tony. Yes, Upton Castle was a bit of a mess in terms of style, but it held our interest. Not on the Live I dug at. It may be in fifteen or so years a new Time Team will go digging in the archives of the defunct Channel 4 to explain how with the audience Channel 4 had for an entertaining and informative programme Which bright go ahead executive (IDIOT) came up with the Idea, if its not broken we must fix it. NEVER. But Channel 4 has dumb it down, the last episode i watched was at Henham Park down the road from me, They found out nothing that wasnt local knowledge already. If you ever wanted to check anything academically, you ran a brick wall which amply demonstrated it was seen by C4 as a Reallity show, complete with Dymock shots. He has worked on a number of archaeological sites in Britain and abroad. i never knew the show existed until last year 2021. any chance for reunions and a chance to interact as like conventions do here in the usa? They should have known how appealing it would be. Please BBC take this show under your wings ! Is Phil Harding a Phd? Thank you to all of Time Team for 20 wonderful years. with the Amazonian co-presenter with the huge bonded teeth. I would be very interested in acquiring DVDs of the whole series to watch at my leaisure. This is a project in its preliminary stages, run by Tim Taylor. Its prototype was Timesigns, a four-part series that aired in 1991. I wonder whether the viewing figures took in the worldwide audience I know lots of people watched and enjoyed it here in Australia. It works when the product and the people who are involved are so good. We have it so easy in this day and age to compare to others in the past and we so loved it when Tony came to Australia and did some shows about our ancestral heritage,we all walk past so much and never notice whats in front of us,we miss so much rich knowledge right under our feet. (and its cost increases). Steve Singleton He is 10. do they ever have reunions whereby you could meet the surviving characters.. i hate computers these days, they act up. The students became instant converts to the program. This is in no doubt as a direct result of the post production. . The only thing that surprises me is that they didnt include a so called comedian. My husband said I bet you want to get Phill round now. The original team brought an impressive breadth of skills to the programme. The writing was on the wall when it regularly began featuring cleavage shots of diggers and the dreaded re-enactments. My favourite show. Have to admit they are probably the main reason I now spend a lot of my spare time out on the Thames foreshore with the Thames Discovery Programme- enjoying it hugely, and probably have them to thank, they showed us that anyone can get involved. Learning? Shame on Chanel 4! Sir Tony Robinson, who is an honorary patron, says: I was delighted to hear about the plans for the next chapter in Time Teams story. Such speed was certainly not ideally suited to showcase all of the techniques available to modern archaeologists. Loved Time Team and will miss it [endless repeats are not the same but I still find myself watching them anyway]. So so sad, the only one of its kind and they axe it. The Isle of Mull episode in season 17 is a great example of what could be discovered. Close. Wouldnt it be lovely if all teams could be like the Time Team? You have left us wanting more which of course is the best way to end a show. Big Thanks Time Team,will never get tired of watching the shows,fingers crossed you can make some more. There was a early chemistry here of personalities, as well as expertise. Posted by 27 days ago. My politics are not Tony Robinsons or Mick Astons, but both deserve warm congratulations for what they did for archaeology and viewers over two decades.Tony Robinson seems to be largely responsible for the successful populist formula, the zest and the humourand the succinct resumes to stop viewers getting flummoxed., He deserves a knighthood but presumably he would just wrinkle his nose. This show has been a wonderful joy to follow over the years, and I shall so miss it. I dont know. It was over when Mick went AWOL. IT WILL WORK, IT WILL BE SUPPORTED. I am watching repeats on Yesterday but hate the constant adverts. I hope there are more DVDs on the programs will be made as I have every current one at the moment. along with Mick Aston, Robin Bush & Beric Morley. In relation to earlier comments concerning Mr Robinson, all I can say is that if he was patronising us then it must have been a residual echo of Baldrics most cunning plan. My oldest son and my husband dream of being as good in tapping flint as Phil! Tim Taylor explains because weve involved Wessex Archaeology in our work for the last 10 or so years the reports are really good quality. My cable TV subscription gives us awesome selections for history, science, and information buffs! My second eldest is 18, and we only watch one program together as our interests are so different (that would be Time Team). I owe a debt of gratitude to the wonderful Time Team ensemble. I would echo it completely. Its put me very on edge not to know where Im up to and I think Channel 4 should be funding my medication for hypertension, blurred vision (tears I think) and severe withdrawal already before its ended. Just watched the first instalment of Time Team America (H2,Thursdays,9pm). I am Canadian-born but living near Atlanta, Geogia, and travel to the UK often. Give it back all the back room staff and put new life into it , a great progame killed off for no reason , Len. very sad day for us and the time team cast. CHANNEL 4, YOU ARE A COMPLETE BUNCH OF IDIOTS!!!. Time Team To Be Reinstated! Really gutted TT has finished, and shame on Channel 4 for this decision! What a shame to see it go, but what a swan song. We, Yahoo, are part of the Yahoo family of brands. Big Bang (repeat), Simpsons (repeat), Simpsons (another repeat), Maid in Manhattan (good grief!). It seems there was no need for one before Womens Studies and all those other nonwhite studies. With its awkwardly embarassing reality programming and multitude of dream come true talent shows American television is NOTHING to emulate. It was supposed to be about archaeology. I have told so many people about Time Team & my grand daughter has been trying to decide should she be an archaeologist or a geologist because of it. Ive got to say I think he handled the shows well. Tags: The focus groups of today, the council chambers of yesteryear; all determined to make their mark, put their talent on show. He trained as a surveyor before entering the archaeology section of the Ordnance Survey. Some single episodes already . Tapped into the national zeitgeist, its stars were household names and at its zenith Time Team was pulling in audiences of 3 3.5 million viewers. He joined the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (now part of English Heritage) in 1985, and is now head of its Landscape Investigation Team based in York, England. .As always it will, I supposed be replaced by some run of the mill program, American sit com or soap. but they wont last forever and young blood is always needed. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. A good friend of mine was a guest archaeologist on several T.T programmes and it was my good fortune to go along on production. very sad day that channel 4 are taking time team off the air.when time team started my husband and watch the show and we were hooked from then on. Partly, we all feel we are losing old friends after all this time but theres so much trash on TV that its no surprise that its loss is so keenly felt. This photograph was taken at a recent catch-up with some of the Team: John Gater, Helen Geake, Carenza Lewis, Tim Taylor, Dani Wootton, Jim Mower, and Stewart Ainsworth, all of whom are . People than for them to see it on a number of archaeological in. Up Time Time was poor scheduling two years ago and an indication of TTs popularity for years Shiela! Down of TV and radio presenters in favor of younger ones run by Tim Taylor reality... Very sad day for us and the daft re-enactments, not once, missed episode! 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stewart ainsworth leaves time team