pbs frontline special league of denial apa citation

He died.". ROBERT STERN: For some reason, the repetitive brain trauma starts this cascade of events in the brain that changes the way this tau looks and behaves. NARRATOR: Besides Mike Webster and Terry Long, Omalu also found CTE in the brains of Andre Waters and Justin Strzelczyk. Simpson gets the call. All those parameters are removed. MARK FAINARU-WADA: The players, initially, they were requesting around $2 billion, or a little more than $2 billion. Annoyed. Jon and Jo Ann Hagler on behalf of the Jon L. Hagler Foundation. What causes some of the injuries that our players are still dealing with? Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers and by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. And I remember the technician telling me, he said, "What are you fixing this brain for? I really think it shouldn't be published. LEGAL AIDE: OK, representing the National Football League will be Paul Clement. NARRATOR: Dr. Feuer insists Dr. McKee is mistaken about how she was treated. STEVE FAINARU: One of his mantras was to "protect the shield," the NFL shield, to protect the integrity of the game. We don't know the concussion history in many of these. NFL NARRATOR: When you talk about big-hitting safeties, the Eagles Donnie Dawkins always emerges. You know, there are other issues that we've got to look at. MARK LOVELL, Ph.D., Neuropsychologist: I look back on some of the papers, yeah, I think I could have done it differently. For FRONTLINE, ESPN and in their own book, they've been investigating how the NFL has handled evidence that football may be destroying the brains of NFL players. His helmet went off. I mean, that's the truth. Be sure to include an APA-style reference for each article. I said, "Yeah, I think I do." The question is, do you want it to be your child? With Will Lyman, Harry Carson, Steve Fainaru, Beth Wilkinson. FRED SMERLAS, Buffalo Bills, 1979-89: Well, Webby would hit you with his head first. Dr. Bailes called me and said the NFL is putting together a conference on CTE, that you were not invited. LISA McHALE: I never hesitated to be public with Tom's findings because I was so fully blown away to know that Tom could have had the kind of injury he had to his brain and that it could have been caused by football. It's still being debated. For 70 years, they've loved their football team, the Steelers. That's the equivalent of driving a car at 35 miles per hour into a brick wall 1,000 to 1,500 times per year. New: 87 Deceased NFL Players Test Positive for Brain Disease, Study of Former NFL Players Shows Risks for Brain from Youth Football, NFL Concussion Settlement Wins Final Approval from Judge, Top NFL Rookie to Retire, Citing Concussion Risk, Questions Over Brain Disease Again Stymie NFL Concussion Settlement. NARRATOR: Indianapolis Colt team physician Dr. Henry Feuer was one of the NFL doctors the meeting. Ah! I had no idea that she was a super football fan. Glossary; Forum; pbs frontline special league of denial apa citation. It really was a turning point. LEIGH STEINBERG: He looked at me and he said, "Leigh, where am I?" Tagliabue had begun his career as a lawyer. Not long after her trip to Tampa, Dr. McKee received a phone call. NEWSCASTER: The NFL will have a new commissioner. September 30, MARK FAINARU-WADA: There's no question the NFL marketed that violence. ANN MCKEE, M.D., Neuropathologist, BU CTE Center: I'm really wondering if every single football player doesn't have this. NARRATOR: For Chris Harvard, the performance often ended with a blow to the head. PBS (Producer). But he literally slid it across the table in an envelope. And the medical examiner requested that I come down they've never had such a big case before, I'm an expert in this field to help him. In a special two-hour investigation, FRONTLINE reveals the hidden story of the NFL and brain injuries. And that problem is that he had just gotten off the phone with Tyler Seau, and according to Tyler, the NFL informed him that Omalu's research is bad and that his ethics are bad, that he's essentially unethical. ANNOUNCER: A major FRONTLINE investigation of what the NFL knew and when it knew it. NARRATOR: Pittsburgh. Now, that kind of statement don't make news if anybody else says it. Jim Gilmore. NARRATOR: McKee's warnings about the danger of the game have made her the subject of sharp criticism. DOCUMENT: "indicate that his disability is the result of head injuries he suffered as a football player.". But the little mini-concussions are just as dangerous because you might be sustaining six to ten, maybe a dozen of these hits during the course of a game. NARRATOR: But fundamental questions remain about how the game will be played, and who will play it. He gave us verbal consent. There was dismissiveness on his part. MARK FAINARU-WADA: Five minutes later, they're sitting there, they're continuing to hang out, and Aikman suddenly turns to Steinberg and says, "What am I doing here?" ROBERT CANTU, M.D., Neurosurgeon, Boston University: If you're going to put together a blue ribbon committee to study brain trauma, it should have as its chair somebody who has that as a background, either a neurologist, neurosurgeon, neuropathologist, preferably a clinician. JANE LEAVY, Author, The Woman Who Would Save Football: I don't think anyone else but the wives, sisters, mothers, daughters, and Ann McKee, could have forced this issue into American consciousness. NARRATOR: McHale's addictions spiraled out of control pain killers, cocaine. We strong we strongly deny those allegations that we withheld any information or misled the players. FAITH HILL, Entertainer: [singing] All right, what a night, it's finally here. I'm just tired and confused right now, that's why I say I can't really I can't say it the way I want to say it. How many NFL players are suffering concussions every season? LEAGUE OF DENIAL: The NFL's Concussion Crisis. According to Raney Aronson-Rath, the deputy executive producer of Frontline, it drew 2.2 million viewers. At some point, he interrupted me again, "Bennet, do you think you know the implications of what you're doing?" All of my power is coming from my big rear end and my big thighs into my forearm, and I hit him in the face. NARRATOR: Mike Webster's body was delivered to the Allegheny County coroner's office. NARRATOR: Pellman's committee began writing a series of scientific papers, and in 2003, got the first of them published in the medical journal Neurosurgery. And Mike's favorite games were the ones that were cold and snowy and frigid. And then, all of a sudden, I wouldn't hear from him. A center for the Pittsburgh Steelers throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Webster was seen as . We're not going to help you.". NARRATOR: Some researchers say Dr. McKee has examined only a limited sample of players and too few brains to justify her conclusions. APA produced and directed by Janet Tobias and Laura Rabhan Bar-On ; written by Michel Martin and Janet Tobias. NARRATOR: Nowinski's press conference was no match for the show the NFL was putting on across town. pbs frontline special league of denial apa citation. The NFL has a serious issue around the question of concussions, around the issue of brain trauma, on the rising suggestion that there is a link between football and neuro-degenerative disease amongst its former players, and that there is a growing body of science that clearly establishes this link. And he said, "What's going on?" STEVE FAINARU: There's almost a Darwinian quality about the NFL. ALAN SCHWARZ: It was the people who the league hired to find out the answers to these questions giving them the answers. In a midtown Manhattan restaurant, an internal NFL research document was leaked to a reporter. ROBERT STERN, Ph.D., Neuropsychologist, BU CTE Center: What it showed was that former NFL players seem to have memory-related disorders at a much, much higher rate than people in the regular community. NARRATOR: Webster's final application for disability contained over 100 pages and the definitive diagnosis of his doctors football had caused Webster's dementia. I played football when I was a kid. NEWSCASTER: A former Tampa Bay Buccaneer was found dead this morning, NEWSCASTER: A former Tampa Bay Buccaneers player. MIKE ORIARD, Kansas City Chiefs, 1970-73: NFL Films captures the essence of football itself, that tension between the violence and the beauty. And they had asked players, or their representatives, their wives, "Have you been diagnosed by a physician as having Alzheimer's, dementia, or any other memory-related disease?"". So we continued talking again. "Yes, you played well." And he said, "I used to be." NARRATOR: Casson had once joined Pellman in attacking Omalu's work. New York published from McGraw Hill Companies. Stallworth touchdown! He was the right person to do it. Steve Fainaru & Mark Fainaru-Wada. NARRATOR: To outsiders, the choice of Pellman was unusual. Get ready to receive more awesome content from WFE soon! And she's told she's not allowed to enter the room. MARK LOVELL, Ph.D., Neuropsychologist: There's been a sense of fear that's been put into parents that "Maybe I shouldn't let my kids play sports." I am fighting it. If they went back into the same contest with a concussion, it didn't matter. NEWSCASTER: historic settlement today with the NFL. NARRATOR: Presiding over it all, the most powerful man in sports. NARRATOR: It was now in writing. STAN SAVRAN, Pittsburgh Sports Reporter: This is a tough town. We're talking in the year 2013. January 28, NARRATOR: In the months following Seau's death, the NFL went on the offensive. The papers were published despite his objections. nintendo account nickname change; winco lentil rice blend recipe; delanco dmv road test route; advantages and disadvantages of budding reproduction STEVE FAINARU, FRONTLINE/ESPN: The level of denial was just profound. NARRATOR: The final diagnosis in Seau's case was national news. He was taking on something that was bigger than him. 911 OPERATOR: Where did he shoot himself? You'll receive access to exclusive information and early alerts about our documentaries and investigations. League of denial : the NFL's concussion crisis. ANNOUNCER: Another nice play by Owen Thomas. STEVE FAINARU: From a scientific perspective, there's this secret that's being unlocked. You know, these all look like they could be frontal temporal dementia." NARRATOR: Then there was the matter of Webster's forehead. ANNOUNCER: You see it right here. The commissioner helped to promote a youth football safety initiative, the Heads Up program. NARRATOR: They had even invited outside scientists who had become some of the league's biggest critics. A high school senior, a straight-A student, he'd played multiple sports. He committed suicide.". COLIN WEBSTER, Son: You know, he was supergluing his teeth back into his head, and he actually made that work. And I went through the same sequence of answers again. ALAN SCHWARZ, The New York Times: The cover says, "What is a concussion," question mark. The National Football League, a multibillion-dollar commercial juggernaut, presides over America's . You know, like, she had the experience and they didn't. He looks like he's out cold, and now he's walking off. ROBERT CANTU, M.D., Neurosurgeon, BU CTE Center: No one, I think, would have thought that you were going to find chronic traumatic encephalopathy in a high school athlete. STEVE FAINARU, FRONTLINE/ESPN: And so you had this behind the scenes, you know, this dynamic going on where you had a guy, Elliot Pellman, who very clearly believed that this wasn't a problem, it just wasn't a big problem for the NFL. SCL 6_APA in text citation_references quiz_AK .docx. And especially when you're learning the thing, you know, you fall on your head a lot. NARRATOR: They insisted the league had done nothing wrong. Dr. ROBERT CANTU: They were making comments which were greatly at odds with prospective, double-blinded studies done at the college and the high school level that just weren't finding the same things. NARRATOR: In the early 1990s, Steinberg represented one of football's top stars, Dallas quarterback Troy Aikman. Discover digital objects and collections curated by the UW-Digital Collections Center. NARRATOR: One at a time, committee members went after Goodell. STEVE FAINARU: You've got a half dozen prominent researchers immediately began to mobilize to try to get their hands on this brain tissue. For a majority of Mike Webster's adult life, he was defined by his work as a professional football player. Frontline. Dr. ANN McKEE: This is what I do. I really, sincerely wished it didn't cross my path of life, seriously. FAITH HILL: [singing] The whole world's ready, kick that ball off the tee because it's Super Bowl rocks on NBC. This is not good science. I'm just going to show them what I have. NARRATOR: Aiello insisted the study's design was flawed. The threat was that the league was going to have to pay out in the billions with a B, not millions with an M. NARRATOR: About one third of NFL veterans, including some of the biggest former stars, claimed the NFL had fraudulently concealed the danger to their brains. (2001). MARK FAINARU-WADA, FRONTLINE/ESPN: There's going to be a meeting that the commissioner is holding with former players. MARK FAINARU-WADA: Roger Goodell's on notice. But at that point, I was just kind of you know, I don't want to hear all these things. NARRATOR: It was a disease never previously identified in football players, chronic traumatic encephalopathy CTE. NARRATOR: It took Goodell 24 years to work his way to the top. NARRATOR: It was a controversial theory that raised fundamental questions about the way the game was played. NEWSCASTER: The National Football League says it will encourage current and former players to donate their brains, NARRATOR: As the story of the deal broke, NEWSCASTER: The NFL is donating $1 million towards the study. NARRATOR: For Steinberg, there was a growing recognition of just how dangerous the sport was. NARRATOR: Still, McKee and her colleagues at BU acknowledge there are limits to her research. A text book: The second edition of Psychology and Your Life by Robert S. Feldman written in 2013. Junior Seau's daughter says the focus of her dad's induction into the NFL Hall of Fame this weekend should be on his time as a player, not brain disease. NARRATOR: For years, Pellman's committee would insist they were studying the problem, that the danger from concussions was overblown. In this case, it showed the prevalence of brain disorders was far higher among football players than the NFL anticipated. ", NARRATOR: insisted that players could return to the same game after suffering a concussion, DOCUMENT: "Return to play does not involve a significant risk of a second injury. NARRATOR: Dr. Ira Casson and others on the committee expressed their skepticism that playing football was the cause of CTE. I look at brains. contracts manager Talya Feldman . Yes, you're the guy with all the research, you're the guy who's published the papers, you're the guy who's got the brains. In fact, if I want to relax, that's one way I can relax. NFL NARRATOR: On this down and dirty dance floor, huge men perform a punishing pirouette. PBS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. home > Latest News > pbs frontline special league of denial apa citation. Watch part one of "The Power of Big Oil," a three-episode FRONTLINE docuseries investigating the fossil fuel industry's history of casting doubt and delaying. Oh, let's go to Tampa Bay where the Super Bowl's about to play out, where there's 4,000 media members who are there waiting to watch. You know, it was just. NEWSCASTER: From now on, teams should consider a concussion a game-ending injury. CHRIS NOWINSKI: There were thousands of reporters across the street and probably two dozen who were willing to walk across and learn about CTE. HARRY CARSON, Author, Captain For Life: These players come down with dementia. Troy Aikman took a knee to the head. NARRATOR: In a letter to the journal Neurosurgery, Dr. Pellman and other members of the NFL's MTBI committee attacked Dr. Omalu's paper. NARRATOR: Dr. McKee soon had three brains, all with CTE. He said, "All you got to do is tase me right here." . The people here are tough, tough-minded. STEVE FAINARU: Webster's forehead was essentially fixed to its scalp. He's he's up in the autopsy room." Unfortunately, it cost us everything. NARRATOR: Fitzsimmons pulled together Webster's complicated medical history. What possible motive? PETER KEATING, Reporter, ESPN: People have suggested strongly to me that he picked up a lot of techniques about how to aggressively defend things that could turn out to be class actions. And while he's up there, Casson is off to the side and he's rolling his eyes. We don't know the cause and effect. He now admits there were problems with the research. No one from the NFL talked to. I'm, like, "Wow! He's the one that made the decision to publish papers, no matter whether the reviewers felt they should be published or not, no matter whether the section editor felt they should be published or not. NARRATOR: He had used his body and his head for 20 years in the NFL. NARRATOR: And Goodell offered Dr. McKee something she needed even more than money brains. STEVE FAINARU: Here's a guy who's spent more than half of his life in the NFL, and more than anyone should be acutely aware of the sort of dangers that are lurking in this problem. UNV 504 Week 2 APA Activity 2: Citing Practice. Search the physical and online collections at UW-Madison, UW System libraries, and the Wisconsin Historical Society. Jim Gilmore STEVE FAINARU: He was very much a creature of this expanding juggernaut of the NFL. And I remember thinking, "Why is Ira Casson calling me?". There's no increase in concussions. PBS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. CHRIS NOWINSKI, Author of the Book/Film Head Games: I'd be a fool not to worry about CTE personally. STEVE FAINARU, FRONTLINE/ESPN: They call him, like, the designated brain chaser, like that's his job, to go out and get the brains. In this section, the new framework is examined and potential benefits and costs discussed. JEANNE MARIE LASKAS: He is shunned. The league actually never got around to looking at it in any kind of valid way. website to help you, but do not use citation generators. "This is just not the right thing to happen.". ANNOUNCER: Here's the run-up, and Super Bowl 43 is under way with the flashbulbs a-poppin'! And is it related to football?". ANNOUNCER: And the Pittsburgh Steelers become the first franchise in history to win six Super Bowls! And he said, "Did we win?" MARK FAINARU-WADA: And one of the first things McKee notices is that there's only one other woman in the room, and it's not a doctor, it's a lawyer. NARRATOR: Back in New York, with the pressure mounting, the commissioner decided to make some dramatic changes. Dr. BENNET OMALU: When I opened up his skull, in my mind, I had a mental picture of what his brain would look like, based on my education. It became sort of like his little private mission. : We don't know who is at risk for it. NARRATOR: Owen Thomas had hanged himself in his off-campus apartment. STAN SAVRAN: People liked the violence of it. See production, box office & company info, Self - University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Self - Neuropsychologist, Boston University, This documentary is better than what "Concussion" and Will Smith could ever think to create. CHRIS HARVARD: You people should be grateful to have someone of my intelligence in your presence! FRONTLINE is a registered trademark of WGBH Educational Foundation. NARRATOR: The committee members believed Dr. McKee could not answer two important questions. She's done a great job. And she didn't drop a beat and said, "Are you kidding!" And it starts destroying the integrity of the brain cells. NARRATOR: In 1994, during the NFC championship, Aikman took a knee to the head. KEVIN GUSKIEWICZ, Ph.D., NFL Head, Neck and Spine Cmte. BOB FITZSIMMONS: So I took the binder of records and got four doctors together, four separate doctors, all asking them, "Does he have a permanent disability that's cognitive? The drive is used a lot of times. The NFL's own retirement board linked playing football and dementia. Dr. ANN McKEE: We have examined thousands of brains, and this is not a normal part of aging. And not that everybody was looking down. He looked drained. NARRATOR: It was a scientific study of former players commissioned by the National Football League itself. From the beginning of the autopsy, Dr. Omalu could see the effects of 17 years in the football wars. Popular AMA APA (6th edition) APA (7th edition) Chicago (17th edition, author-date . Once his career was over, McHale ran a successful chain of restaurants. Is he from outer space? // ben cafferty quotes, maine maritime academy boats for sale, fayetteville, nc deaths this week, sales insights integration user salesforce, do not go gentle into that good night mla citation, brian epstein . NARRATOR: Aikman's concussion was bad enough that he could not return to the game. I don't know." What's the answer? PAM WEBSTER: We didn't understand what was happening. ANNOUNCER: Well, that's a sight we thought would be impossible. . STEVE FAINARU: Just as they're finishing up the autopsy, the chaplain comes walking into the room and he says, literally, "Houston, we have a problem." ANNOUNCER: Tonight on FRONTLINE, the epic story of football's concussion crisis. YOUTH FOOTBALL TEAM: What time is it? He was chief operating officer when the league's scientific committee sent those controversial papers to the journal Neurosurgery. Dr. BENNET OMALU: When I saw Terry Long's case, I became more convinced that this was not just an anomaly, a statistical anomaly. ANNOUNCER: Third down and 9, Young throws, and that's incomplete, and down! Create an Annotated Bibliography from the 10 references used in your Reference List assignment. Steve Fainaru Whoa! PAM WEBSTER: He took a knife and slashed all his football pictures. And the headache didn't go away for five years. He would just go off on the tangents at that point. Dr. ANN McKEE: I was born with football my brothers, my dad. MIKE WEBSTER: No, I'm talking about no, I'm just trying to find yeah, well, everybody went through trauma as a kid. They granted Webster monthly disability payments. You may use your text or the OWL. NARRATOR: Dr. McKee had examined thousands of brains, but the location of the damage from CTE was different. Maybe there should be better evidence by now. STEVE FAINARU, FRONTLINE/ESPN: He began to assemble a case with Webster to basically say that Webster had suffered brain damage as a result of his 17-year career in the NFL. NARRATOR: One week later, the commissioner made the league's position clear. Who is this guy who doesn't know Mike Webster in Pittsburgh?". NARRATOR: Then 11 years after he retired, the people of Pittsburgh received some bad news. NARRATOR: Tom and Lisa McHale had three sons. NARRATOR: Casson insisted there was no evidence that football players were at risk for CTE. And so Webster would duct tape his feet, as well, to sort of close those cracks and keep them and keep them together. NEWSCASTER: talked about NFL owners as being like tobacco executives, NEWSCASTER: but I think it's seen as being plausible, NEWSCASTER: the NFL, similar to what the tobacco industry engaged in. But one night, in a private meeting, he brought his CTE slides and finally met face to face with one of the NFL's doctors. The FRONTLINE investigation details how, for years, the league denied and worked to refute scientific evidence that the violent collisions at the heart of the game are linked to an alarming incidence of early onset dementia, catastrophic brain damage, and other devastating consequences for some of footballs all-time greats. Every play was a fight. They said, "Oh, you don't" just like Mike Webster, "You don't know Junior Seau?" Don't watch the dramatized version of what happened, as this is the original documentary based off the book of the NFL's coverup of head injuries. Had three sons walking off to looking at it in any kind of statement do n't '' just Mike... 'Re learning the thing, you fall on your head a lot once joined Pellman in attacking 's! This section, the Steelers the Wisconsin Historical Society your Life by Robert S. Feldman written in 2013 had... Become some of the NFL was putting on across town Besides Mike Webster and Terry Long, Omalu found... 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pbs frontline special league of denial apa citation