frederick von mierers vanity fair

Shortly after Jacki Adams and John Andreadis fled from von Mierers, group members put out three cassettes. Montgomery quotes von Mierers: "Overnight I became an adept in the science of Hindu astrology. Just a few things that come to mind, working from memory of course. He no longer needed to suffer the dreadful slights that often beset ambitious and aging pretty boys. Many people were convinced that the world was going to end in A.D. 999, 1013, 1844, and 1914, and the year 2000 has always kept the prophets in an uproar. he advised one model. People don't even know themselves, do they? He had sold thousands of cassettes with titles such as Space People, Karma and Destiny, and Gems and Crystals. Beware the razor's edge is sharp," he told one model. The novel opens at Miss Pinkerton's Academy for young women, where readers are introduced to Amelia and Becky, the novel's female protagonists. I have rubies and sapphires! So Freddie became a prophet, so what?" Cults have always attracted those with deficiency needsmissing pieces of psychological makeup that family, religion, or education did not supply. When the cheerleading coach broke the news to Katrina Kohel that she was the only one left on the cheer squad, Kohel was determined to compete anyway. "Frederick got me an apartment in the building. Frederick walked into his body a few years ago, coming directly from that star where he knew John.. .. Frederick is a remarkable soul who has experienced every type of life on earth and on numerous planetary systems. Helen Kress Williams's will, filed in Manhattan in 1981, did not mention Frederick von Mierers. For that offense they shaved my head. . "It has been a disaster," Montgomery once wrote of von Mierers to an angry reader who had taken her book seriously, but the reader has yet to recover $17,000 he says he paid for stones. When Aliens Among Us was published, his fantasy was realized. I probably have over $800,000 wholesale of these gems in this very apartment. His followers gave him tens of thousands of dollars for rings to prove their faith. Like von Mierers, they were dressed in expensive clothes. You come to realize that given the circumstances you experienced, many other humans react the very same way. Eileen Ford said "As far as I'm concerned, he's a crumbum.". "If all my models were like John Hoyt, I would have a fabulous agency. He told his friends and Ruth Montgomery that Mrs. Williams had left him "millions and millions of dollars," an income of $150,000 a year, adjusted for inflation. "There are people like the Warburgs and the Schiffs, who are acceptable, and then there are the others, like Allen Funt." He told me, 'Give me $9,000 cash to paint it. I spread them out under a lamp. . Eternal Values is unusual in that many of its young devotees have a lot of cash to spend on von Mierers's healing gems. You have permission to edit this article. I also got a lawyer and brought a civil suit against Eternal Values. Behind him were a golden Buddha and a massive display of pink azaleas and lilies that seemed to take up an entire wall. "There was something endearing and maybe a little sinister about that." Access everything Vanity Fair has ever published.Join Now Subscriber-Only Benefit The Complete Vanity Fair Archive EVERY ISSUE. John Andreadis, a former longtime von Mierers' aide who became one of his biggest detractors, didn't return telephone messages, although his answering machine repeatedly said he was only unavailable for about an hour. "I was never paid," he said, "but I believed what Frederick said. I said, 'Freddie, you can't put this out! When you've been in a cult and you meet new people at a dinner party, you're never quite sure when to bring it up. ' If anyone in the room argued with him, von Mierers would scream, "You either come to my way of thinking or the dark forces will destroy you.". "I have a very large income, and I spend it helping children." I knew at that hour they couldn't be up to any good," the tenant told me. Uproar ensued. In my mind I was working him, kind of taking advantage of this guy and all his cool connections. "I was the most powerful political columnist in America," she told me. "Frederick is very spiritual," Wyatt later told me. . Over the years, I spent more than $150,000 on gems. His actual childhood remains a mystery. Were all in one kind of cult or another. Andreadis would put a life reading on the tape machine, and Frederick's voice, like the Wizard of Oz, with harmonic music in the background, would engulf a client with tales of past lives. From then until now, Ive worked to rebuild my life. It was common knowledge in the inner group that von Mierers had a collection of Polaroids he had taken of black men endowed with huge organs. They quickly annulled their marriage, but they have remained friends. " Von Mierers's apartment became a hangout. The evil forces are everywhere.". I don't think that is a spiritual pursuit," Andreadis says he once told von Mierers. "They eat such unhealthy food." Von Mierers told the impressionable boy that he had "a mission" to enlighten others, and he offered to teach him astrology. Part of mind control has always been to make people believe they are in danger from the outside world. Nonnegotiable! " One night in January, Andreadis conducted a seminar in the Park Avenue church. By the late 1960s, he had shed his accent and become an energetic walker who trafficked in gossip and his Rolodex. He will buy everything for you." I am creating the greatest comedy on earth. Although on the surface Eternal Values appears smalltime, former associates of von Mierers's speculate that so far he has sold close to $2 million worth of stones. As the Manhattan D.A. There was a big Vanity Fair expos at one point in the early 90s; I was involved with them for more than 20 years, from 1978 through1999. "I think of him as a junior type. "The gems are God's thoughts condensed.. .the gateways into this dimension for the ether waves.. .. Pressed about other people who claimed he had cheated them, he said, "These are jealous, sick, twisted people. He spent time at Quest, a bookshop on Fifty-third Street specializing in spiritual books, and there he met other people on their own missions. It was impossible not to notice that von Mierers's friends all wore large gems. "I come from a very rich family," he once told a TV interviewer. In 1992, the Italian mens magazine Mondo Uomo did a 58 page spread onme. A Wall Street banker designed the computer system that charted the planets for von Mierers's readings; a Brooklyn woman kept his books. We never would have signed him." It has also been eye-opening. She was saved by her intelligence and her astonishing beauty. .gemstones.". With an entire group of new friends who looked up to him as a spiritual guide, he could reject social New York as it had once rejected him. Von Mierers called Andreadis his Jesus and allowed him to teach seminars at a Park Avenue church. No matter how hard I tried, I was always Dipshit. "I was always over there on East Fiftyfourth. "Everyone fancied him," a friend told me. . So what was the harm? Montgomery soon invited Andreadis and von Mierers to meet with her at her home in Washington, D.C. "She asked me to write about alien life for her next book," Andreadis said. 69-year-old suffers stroke in his home; Realtor showing house leaves him there. "He would hear about someone rich and say, 'Bring him in!' The group now has about fifty young professionals in "leadership training" roles. I looked past Frederick von Mierers and stared at an arrangement of satin pillows in mauve, turquoise, and teal on a pale-blue sofa. In other words, he's not capitulating'. Andreadis was confronting von Mierers frequently about the gems, and angry factions were arising within the group. I called him in the middle of the night and he paid for a plane ticket to L.A. "It is the beyond," he answered. Montgomery's belief in von Mierers so overwhelmed him that he would read her chapters out loud again and again to his followers, as if to convince himself that they were true. Released in 2015, the film has been an official selection in over fifty film festivals and has won more than forty awards, including 15 for Best Picture and 10 for BestActor. He was a "sprite," as one acquaintance phrased it, "cute, cute, cute," the toast of the beaches at Cherry Grove on Fire Island in the 1960s. "That's $500,000 wholesale!" Adams was at first taken in by von Mierers's techniques. For the narcissistic young, all the talk about their diet, spiritual mission, and ego was just another way they could spend time thinking about themselves. I recently asked Eileen Ford and Joe Hunter, the company president. Often von Mierers would take a stem tone on the tapes. The gem and its harmonic vibrations are in harmony with your body. A 1988 deed transfers possession of the property from Eternal Values to Unified Cosmogony. Vanity Fair Summary. Ha, that seems so simple when you say it. ``I think this place has been very quiet, and all the action was up in New York,' said Alex Karr, the mansion's only year-round neighbor and a member of the Lake Lure Town Council.But when von Mierers, devastated by AIDS, neared death, he left behind the frenetic pace of New York City and headed south to his group's $400,000, Xanadu-like home beside peaceful Lake Lure. Then the nationally syndicated TV show ``Inside Edition' and numerous tabloids featured stories on the enigmatic leader. Look around. It is embarrassing to admit, but looking back, I didnt finally leave the group because I was being abused or because I was mad about giving them my money. "He and I went way back together. I was the living symbol of their hypocrisy. "Tell her about the gems and how great they are! Splintered family relationships of the type familiar to anyone who has had experience with cults. A year later, as a highschool senior, he ran into Frederick again. I looked over at the owner, Cipriani, and got the distinct impression he would have thrown him out if I hadn't been there. Even William Scranton III, the former lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania and son of the former governor William Scranton, once bought gems. And Freddie just laughed." I am the elite. The dark and evil forces are perpetuating the idea of soul mates. "Interior decorator 28 years old . With marketing, with the news, with politics, with the military and different religions and forms of government, I see forms of mind control all the time, everywhere. They are essential for every sincere seeker of the Truth. ") "Apocalyptic thinking is in the air," a University of Connecticut psychologist told Omni magazine recently. investigates von Mierers, MARIE BRENNER breaks the story. And no one could control Frederick anymore. I took the heaviest piece in my hand, a gold bracelet with what appeared to be lavender sapphires. It's a joke! ' One cassette was sent all over the country. A male supermodel on surviving an apocalyptic, vegetarian cult. Now she could talk about philosophy until dawn with a new group of friends who had little to do with the artificial world of fashion. To some who were Jewish, von Mierers would say, "Jews have a heavy Karma to deal with." Eternal Values does not approve of my marriage. " These are the ones that I prescribe. He had been fascinated by a Ruth Montgomery book called Threshold to Tomorrow. We all lived together in the same apartment building. In four months, she claims, she paid more than $100,000 to von Mierers and Eternal Values. Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Plus, I was supporting them. Frederick had sophisticated his operation. He would tell us, 'We are living a high spiritual life.' Its hard to imagine just how strange it would all seem without context, an insomniac flipping through the channels, stumbling upon this exaggeration of a man who claimed to be an alien from the star Arcturus. How could I have been duped like that for solong? Man died Wednesday. She wrote a letter, she called this man Frederick, and the group members said to her, 'We don't know who you are.' A few days later I called him and said, 'I don't want the ring!' And a voice said to me, 'Be calm, be calm, the transition will be easy. This is not phenomenalism and five-and-dimestore stupidities!" Why don't we call ourselves Eternal Values? LAKE LURE MANSION HOUSED STAR PROPHET LEADER SOUGHT REFUGE BEFORE DYING OF AIDS. Write to her and tell her to write about aliens next." . He seemed to enjoy titillating the group with talk of "chocolate lords." They told me then to make two payments in cashone $8,000, one $3,000. He kept elaborate ledger records, but he insisted on being paid in cash. Who Am I? "Frederick immediately began to tell me that it was my job to manipulate John," she told me. . At its peak, there were perhaps one hundred active members. von Mierers told me. Andreadis's flight released even more demons within Eternal Values. You realize it didnt happen to me because Im especially flawed or have some defect. "What could I do?" Arietta 31 in. "I was represented by Ford," he told me. The gems, he would say, are for ''special people, only the elite." ", "Terrible storms will destroy the world," von Mierers told me gravely. Often he had $30,000 or $40,000 in cash in his apartment. She has a huge audience. von Mierers would tell them. Frederick would talk about their mission and explain the need to eat grains and vegetables; he would place them on rigorous diets, which involved an elaborate system of eating known as food-combining. Subscribers have complete access to the archive. ''Germans have created everything, '' he told me. Later, in therapy, I would figure out I was repeating a pattern from my childhood. He became, he said, deeply depressed, "disenchanted with the world, and wanting out.". New York has always been a city of pretense, filled with mythomaniacs and con artists, most of them rank amateurs. They could help you. What is a famous model doing here? It was an era in New York of crazy religions, cults, and odd self-help groupsest, Scientology, Synanon, and Arica. I thought, God! In 1977, Helen Williams was in a car crash and had a stroke, which left her unable to speak. ", For years, von Mierers had a television show of his own in New York. Without Freddy to focus on, there were an increasing number of strict rules and codes of punishment. A cult is sort of like that same relationshiponcrack. Is a "Dangerous" Distortion, Says Rachel Williams. Writer Marie Brenner, who confirmed the now-dropped investigation by the . When I saw him in Venice, he just sat right down with me at Harry's Bar. But little did the world know that he was deeply involved in a terrifying cult. What a dummy I was. Once, in 1969, the producer Joel Rice ran into him in Venice. .. Frederick says that he realized 'even then' that Helen Williams had been his mother in several previous lifetimes, and they were almost inseparable. The literature and cassettes of Eternal Values appear harmless; they are similar to those of hundreds of other organizations that synthesize Eastern philosophy to cash in on the New Age boom. I'm going to smash the shit out of you!' A West Coast money manager with Prudential-Bache met von Mierers in a grand Virginia house. In August 1987, Jacki Adams began to attend meetings of the group. I realized I was being taken. a city detective recently asked a Ford model who had fled from the group. One time, toward the end, they said I was guilty of vanity because I supposedly looked in the mirror too much. Members of the Kress family, however, worried about the attention he paid to their relative. Oh. Im here. "He's harmless," Hunter told me. "Jews have been evil since the beginning of time. "All they ever talked about was money," Andreadis told me. They all had striking similarities; they were young, mostly in their twenties and early thirties, and quite good-looking, with taut, muscular bodies. Sitting in the apartment near Sutton Place, I thought of the German word Maskenfreiheit: the freedom conferred by masks. "Vuitton is too Jewish. There's no Lake Lure phone listing for Eternal Values or other names the group is known by - Unified Cosmogony or Ultimate Custom Interiors. We are sincere! She once wrote a syndicated column called "Capital Letter," until, as she says, "Arthur Ford told me that I could do automatic writing." Montgomery speaks with the same bald hyperbole that she uses in her prose. There, surrounded by a pink marble interior and numerous mirrors - that's how his last name is pronounced - von Mierers died Feb. 4 at the age of 43. Von Mierers waited impatiently for the publication of Aliens Among Us. There wasn't much around the Lake Lure home of Frederick von Mierers to indicate a fast-paced lifestyle and the idea that he was a prophet from the star Arcturus. The girlfriend of a handsome young relative of mine called me in a state of panic. "I called my cousin to warn him that his mother was in terrible danger. ' He is currently under criminal investigation for several potential charges. "And you'll never be a David Bowie unless you get a better story," Bey replied. The Manhattan district attorney's office is fascinated by the twisted history of Frederick von Mierers. He looked at her emeralds and told her they were junk. What's the harm?" Von Mierers, who believed in a master race, courted attractive young people. Control is subtle. By now von Mierers had various residences, none of them legally in his name: a Bronx loft leased to a painter who did all the redecorating in von Mierers's other properties; a pink marble palace near Asheville, North Carolina, which von Mierers was enlarging because he believed that only the Blue Ridge Mountains would survive the millennium; a house on Nantucket named Vanity Fair; and a retreat in the Berkshires, where Andreadis spent months filling the hundreds of orders for life readings Eternal Values had received since Aliens Among Us was published. Please subscribe to keep reading. Instead, they sent the body to Chapel Hill for autopsy by the state medical examiner. It was right at that time when models were becoming celebrities. Soon after that, von Mierers discovered another useful volume, a book on Hindu philosophy which related birth dates to specific stones. "Ramakrishna said, 'When flowers open, bees come of themselves, " von Mierers used to tell his new young friends. Catherine Edelmann asked on a tape. The purported healing powers of von Mierers's gems are only part of the credo of Eternal Values. You will survive the storms and be the leaders of the millennium." I had a Life Reading done by Frederick von Miers in the late 1980's. Although I did not get to meet him, I believe he was honest in the concept he passed on to some of us and that he was a Walk-In. Frederick's been working like lightning. Vanity Fair magazine came out a week later with an in-depth story on von Mierers that went to press before his death. I guess thats why they call it brainwashing. Fritz Diekmann, the TV executive, yelled out, "Stop bullshitting everyone." There were many mirrors, plump lavender sofas, and reproduction Egyptian furniture. Life after a cult has been challenging and terrifying and liberating. The hardest part, really, has been forgiving myself. When she came upon Aliens Among Us, she was profoundly moved by the descriptions of von Mierers and Andreadis. I reminded him of his participation in the tape. She wrote in Aliens Among Us that the Guides responded, "John is from Arcturus. He would tell prospective buyers that he was able to get stones at a tremendous discount, which the inflated appraisal papers would confirm. We all know its not. "He kept saying, 'John is not working hard enough producing the tapes.' He would always say, 'You know how you are.' So says Frederick von Mierers, a self-styled leader of the New Age elite who can be found in an elaborate Manhattan apartment near Sutton Place. "Let me tell you something! "Everywhere you looked there were mirrors and ostrich-skin accent pieces, parchment-covered Parsons tables, a lavender bedroom," a friend remembered. Although not a member of the group, the great New York arts patron Alice Tully reportedly had a life reading, as did Sylvester Stallone, the actress Rae Dawn Chong, and the daughter of an Iranian Cabinet minister close to the Shah. He chose to come back because of an urgent need to reach the young people who will be founding the new society after the shift of the earth on its axis.". . ``I have no complaints about them at all,' Karr told The Asheville Citizen. . "Then it became something else. Recently, odd sexual practices have been encouraged by the group. Call the super!' One appraiser on West Forty-seventh Street routinely gave von Mierers papers which showed that his stones were worth two or three times what he was charging for them. . . You have to do all the therapy and the research. Frederick Von Mierers, a deeply tanned cult leader with a shocking crown of platinum blond hair, spoke to his followers through their television sets. ``You can't miss it,' he advises lake visitors curious about the house. By now von Mierers had perfected his pitch. "He was always accusing me of ego, as if that were a bad thing! ' This last year, in the early fall, I received another call, this time from a close friend. ``They were rather reclusive,' Police Chief Frank Fritts said. One client tried to force me to hire him. The real reason I left was because I felt like a failure. Ruth Montgomery had devoted three lengthy chapters to his status as a "Walk-in" from Arcturus, his genius as a psychic, the distinguished quality of his followers, and his rejection of his privileged past. ", In gay circles, von Mierers was called ''the mignon." From the time he was twelve or thirteen years old, he had been interested in Hindu philosophy. Beware.. .the path of the razor's edge is sharp," he told one model. That's $3 million. The New York Post reported that the late male model and interior decorator was under investigation for possible involvement in a multimillion-dollar drug ring. You are here to listen to me.' "How could an obvious phony like this convince so many smart, attractive young people in New York that he was for real?" Vanity Includes Mirror. When Aliens Among Us was published, von Mierers's fantasy was realized. He and his friends would go to Freddys parties for the free beer; for a moment, at least, Hoyt was using him. Had fled from the group Mondo Uomo did a 58 page spread onme about... Like a failure was able to get stones at a Park Avenue church, in therapy, would. Lot of cash to spend on von Mierers in a grand Virginia house out three cassettes the property Eternal! Are for `` special people, Karma and Destiny, and reproduction Egyptian furniture I spent than. 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frederick von mierers vanity fair