military police metl tasks 12/27/2004 OVERVIEW security (AS), internment and resettlement (UR), law and order (L&O), and police intelligence As in a daylight defense, MP manning OPs and LPs withdraw before they become engaged in close combat. have been confiscated are of intelligence value. CONDUCT THE MARCH Easily defendable positions are preferred over those that are more difficult to defend. imagination. http ://atiarn. Commanders and public affairs officers must be prepared to address media questions and concerns regarding the use and role of NLW, and they must make it clear that the presence of NLW in no way indicates abandoning the option to employ deadly force in appropriate circumstances. On order, MP maintain continuous surveillanCe of all the assigned NAIs or enemy He includes a rough sketch of the terrain around the weapon (Figure 4-1) . Azimuth and distance to the final-approach marker or the 8-digit grid coordinate of the final-approach marker that is entered into the teams Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. DODDOA-009803 12/27/2004, FM 3-19.4 Chapter 3 Page 2 of 7 The platoon has limited antiarmor capability and normally uses antiarmor weapons for self-protection and to break contact. Figure 6-2. primary sectors of fire have the guns firing across the front of the unit. using all possible measures to prevent any action that could be .-- Screen the bypass route, if possible, before diverting an element. In any military operation involving US forces, accountability and the safe and humane treatment of detainees are essential. Use camouflage, movement control, and light and noise discipline. Coordinates with the perimeter on the reentry procedures to the perimeter from the withdrawal route. the flexibility to influence the situation favorably with reduced risk of noncombatant fatalities and collateral damage. Battles that occur at close quarters, such as within a room or hallway, must be planned and executed with care. Breaching This is a different type of fight then the one the Army has . REF B IS CHARTER FOR THE MISSION ESSENTIAL TASK LIST GOVERNANCE BOARD. Each division MP platoon supporting a The platoon An MP platoon may collocate with a company HQ or an existing base. and, on the order of the platoon leader or PSG, fires the FPL. return to their primary mission. Information on enemy activity and likely avenues of approach is coordinated with military intelligence (MI). MP support the passage of lines operation to assist a maneuver unit in contact with the enemy to maintain movement. Support Planning When an MP base is set up on its own, the base is responsible for its own security and protection. 4-7. There are three types of ambushes. The general location of a forward collecting point is given in the brigade OPLAN or OPORD. If the vehicles cannot leave the road, they are parked at an angle so alternate vehicles face opposite sides of the road. A squad leader has the same responsibility for the squad When dispersing the assets into small combat elements, consider the classic ratios of friendly to enemy forces (3 to 1) to help ensure that the elements can concentrate enough combat power to accomplish the mission. 1. basic military knowledge/skills. RLs are located on both the far shore and nearshore and indicate a change in the HQ that is controlling the movement. The units exchange information on- One or more GS MP platoons operate the division central collecting point. - FM 7-0 provides clarification to the confusion of determining MET proficiency ratings. Line Ambush Formation . This is true whether the firing vehicle is moving, the target is moving, or both are moving. The techniques and principles of defense are the same for defending a separate squad, platoon, company, or base. Determines if the convoy needs a movement credit or a clearance to use the given route. MP leaders must consider the following: NorJelhel zone As the enemy NOTE: These routes form a fan-shaped pattern around the ORP. The OINVOON/ Formerly known as Sustainment Unit One Stop (SUOS), this portal is managed by the U.S. Army Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM) and provides consolidated access to Army sustainment resources, including training, doctrine, lessons learned, and more. They enhance the capability of US For example, received without wounds, illness, or injury or wounded in upper left arm. MANEUVER SUPPORT Personal items, such as diaries, letters from Saws or axes to clear the wooded areas. entry. MP conduct L&O to remove the conditions and opportunities that promote crime, thereby preventing diversion of military resources and maintaining military discipline. Most units in the U.S. Army have a Standard Mission-Essential Task List (METL) that assists commanders as they prioritize training. http://ati am. The assault and support elements parallel the long axis of the kill zone to engage the enemy with flanking fire. NOTE: United States (US) policy regarding the use and employment of antipersonnel land mines (APLs) outlined in this FM is subject to the convention on certain conventional weapons and executive orders (EOs). . An MP platoon may conduct a combat patrol to establish an ambush on a dismounted enemy avenue of approach. In order to safeguard captives according to the Geneva Convention and When he wants to control the exact moment of fire, he says, "At my command" (then pauses until ready to commence firing). MILITARY POLICE Units whose assistance to the main effort is vital normally receive the highest priority for protection. Hasty minefields must be covered by fire. Depending on the scope of the operation, a division MP company may not be enough to support a passage of lines operation. If the company is deploying a platoon-size force to conduct a number of coordinated, related ambushes (an area ambush), the principles are the same. He locates the CP and the OP where he can best see and control the platoon. as communications nodes; and air bases. HIGH-INTENSITY VERSUS PRECISION CLEARING TECHNIQUES However, Know how long it will take to obtain and process information, make decisions, and issue orders. Standard Range Card Use the converging-routes method from each ORP to each rendezvous point. background by- 3-13. When possible, march elements using the same route should stop at the same time. LAY HASTY PROTECTIVE MINEFIELDS (If a base is not part of a base cluster, the Prepare and issue the WO as early as possible to allow maximum time for preparation. 3-3. firing at an angle and the bipod when firing to the front. Observes the surrounding terrain. normal lighting, reduced lighting, or blackout. A forward collecting point (Figure 7-1) should not be set up near local inhabitants. MPRC. httn:// /f-mn-194/rhan4 htm.1 '7/1-7nnnet. A small tent houses the platoon's HQ. When gunners change their fires MP commanders prioritize, assign missions, and allocate resources where they can best support the higher echelon commander's intent. 5-16. The platoon leader selects the 4-63. The automatic weapons fire along interlocking PDF or FPLs. Order restoration. Preparing alternate and supplementary positions. When the quartering party arrives at the site, it clears and then secures the site. using., This reduces the chances of being spotted. http://ati sc/view/nublic/297074-1/fm/3-19.4/ch an7.htrn 1120700(14 it easier to obtain supplies, transportation, and additional medical support from the DSA. Be cautious. 6-10. Combat Operations 2-6. destruction to prevent the target from functioning. Refer to FM 90-40 . which include- Evacuate . MP platoons are not organized or equipped to fight for extended periods or to destroy Lane training can be modified to achieve benefits in L&O scenarios, such as special- reaction team (SRT) incidents, patrol incidents, traffic accidents, and so forth. improvements to be made. Lanes are marked to safely pass units through the obstacle. MP do not use coercion of any kind to obtain any information from the captives. Distribute Fire MP often lay mines to restrict enemy 2) with limited risk of noncombatant casualties and collateral damage. When used properly, a temporary defensive position can enable the platoon to rest, recover, repair damaged equipment, and plan for future operations. The gunner fires _ other units. MAGNETIC CO _&_ NORTH Firing on the move is less accurate than firing from a halt. The platoon has one critical wartime mission which is to provide MP CS to an 1-27. Refer to AR 190-8 and Defense Finance and Accounting Service-Indianapolis (DFAS IN) 37-1 for more information about confiscated and impounded property. interpreted as sexual molestation or assault. Elements that set up separately usually defend their sites by deploying in a 360-degree perimeter. Decide on the best COA. 4-17. Appendix F FRATRICIDE AVOIDANCE Fratricide Fratricide Effects Fratricide Causes Fratricide Risk Assessment Preventive Measures Friendly Fire Incidents Leader Responsibilities Develop short- and long-range goals. MP employ AT weapons, such as AT-4s, for defensive purposes Commanders rely on fast, accurate reconnaissance information to plan successful operations. problems, and rerouting traffic as necessary and conducting AS around the crossing area. train. BREACHING 4-47. OPs/LPs on a defensive perimeter need ESTABLISH A NEW OPERATIONAL SITE This area describes how an MP leader is to plan and conduct MP support to the passage of lines. obstacles. Usually it collocates with the maintenance section or the operations section. Are constructed of nonflammable material. Confirm whether enemy casualties are wounded or dead. An additional duty of ERP personnel is to give the drivers final instructions on site-specific procedures and other information, such as speed and vehicle intervals. Guides meet the vehicles as they arrive at the RP and lead them to their new positions, usually in an AA. Suppress Fires their fellow soldiers, or personnel in their charge are threatened with death or serious bodily The platoon continues to defend until the enemy is repelled or until the platoon is ordered to disengage. PLT la lAby be word he el typos Mimi Go wooers. Refer to Chapter 6 army.miliportal/atia/adlseview/public/297074-1/fin/3-19.41chav5.htm 112127/2004 support for the river crossing. Change 1 Headquarters The commander sets the conditions under which military traffic moves at night. with augmentation, as a subordinate maneuver component within a division or corps, in a The Department of Defense (DOD) defines NLW as weapons that are explicitly Use a 12-gauge shotgun loaded with buckshot or slugs to breach most standard doors quickly. Effective early warning Rigid control of civilian movement is necessary to preclude congestion on movement routes. The Universal Joint Task List (UJTL) is the authoritative menu (or library) of all approved joint tasks required for planning, readiness reporting, training and exercises, lessons learned processing, and requirements. Dig the firing platform at a level that allows the gun to traverse the sectors of fire. SGM Richard B. Adams, Jr. 27 . 1-12. PASSAGE OF LINES SUPPORT It also participates in stability and/or support operations as an Wear armored vests, earplugs, and goggles for protection from dust and debris. Unfortunately, even when well executed, it is very stressful and hazardous for friendly Prepare fighting positions so that their Retrograde Crossing The team camouflages the OP/LP and their vehicle while the gunner clears a field of fire and prepares a range card. Analyzing the mission to determine tasks, their complexity, and their relative importance. Five Ss-and-T Methods Why are mission essential task list ( Metl ) development? 2-3. The brigade TOC notifies subordinate units where the collecting point is located so capturing units with detainees can take them there. Knowing the location of each item allows for quick retrieval during the move. DODDOA-009814 He cannot delegate this responsibility, and the final decision and responsibility rest with him. 4-80. set and conduct a point ambush. MP consider bundling a detainee's property or placing it in bags to keep each the following is done: FM 3-19.4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 2 of 6, Situational Awareness Command Post Operations MP leaders must concentrate their efforts on key The BDOC initiates contingency planning that enables the base to- Wks NUV 0 5 1. Temporary EPW collecting points. Triple concertina A light infantry division is supported by three MP platoons. They advise commanders of these facilities on security measures designed to prevent the threat from gaining access to friendly forces and facilities. Load plans and diagrams are The support element provides enfilade fire to interlock with fire from the other leg. coordinated with the platoon's defensive fire plan. These missions may be conducted primarily in the rear area, but may occur anywhere sustaining operations are conducted. both the weapon and the tripod to the secondary sector, if required. 1-4. *FM 3-19.4 HMMWVs may be loaded in many configurations, AUTHENTICATION All positions and units near the platoon are mutually supporting. MP tasks that support maneuver include- During stability and support operations, MP support may include- The platoon provides support and security. internal facilities (the water point. the collecting point. stationary units. http://atiam. 3-16. DODDOA-009834 Marks the tripod's position and the limits of their sectors of fire with aiming stakes. When required to operate in crowds, maintain eye contact with team members. halfway between the doorknob and the frame, not at the doorknob itself. Squad sector sketches show the following: disadvantage of the dismounted OP is the time it takes to remount and move if necessary. .12/27/2004 CONSTRUCT FIGHTING AND SURVIVABILITY POSITIONS %. train. 7-6. mission, coordinated with appropriate units. If nuclear weapons have been used at least one team using radiation detection_ , indication, and computation (RADIAC) meters monitors the site for radioactive contaminants. reconnaissance vehicles. 4-93. 6-38. They use the cover of darkness for their operations. The crossing area commander (CAC) controls movement from the staging areas into the crossing areas. Individual EPW and CI handling. 7-19. The Army Reserve's 38th Regional Support Group conducted annual training here in early March as part of MOBEX'21 to test the base's viability as a Mobilization Force Generation Installation. value, and other inappropriate items. A smoke round from Have enough area for dispersing a battalion-size unit. Appendix H COUNTERMINE OPERATIONS Overview Detect Report Mark The The intent is to merge the divergent military operations and standards of the AFs into a common set of tasks and standards by implementing a training system . COVER MP support to breaching operations includes- During combat operations or anytime there is a threat, the team leader quickly assesses the MDMP DODD0A-009771 At collecting points and holding areas, MP work closely with MI determining if captives, their equipment, or their weapons have intelligence value. a/adl sc/vi ewinubli c/297074-1/fm/3-19.4/chan4litrn .12/770004 Use current information on the threat to identify known enemy activities and threat (2) training personnel engaged in demining and countermine operations. 12/27/2004 The movement order specifies the march speed, march rate, and the maximum safe catch-up speed to reduce column whipping . The OP and LPs and squad leaders' positions. Preparing routes and trenches between positions. obstacles. Establishing initial base security. Conditions that are more restrictive may be imposed C2 its squads. army.miliportallatia/adlsciview/roublic/297074-1/ftn/3-19.4/chan7 .htm.12/27/2004, MP conduct AS operations to protect critical functions, facilities, and forces. http://atiam. 4/chan4 him.11/17/1004 the process to explore the full range of probable and likely enemy and friendly COAs and to This provides backup to ensure that all information is passed onto higher HQ. Range. Area reconnaissance is performed to obtain detailed information concerning the terrain or enemy activity within a prescribed area, such as a town, ridgeline, woods, or any terrain critical to the operations. LEGEND Consider the speed and ease of reassembling the elements if dispersing them to distant sites. MP select positions with cover and concealment to reduce their vulnerability on the battlefield. Allow following traffic to pass. 50/t/9 125 This policy applies from the moment detainees become the responsibility of US forces and continues until the time they are released or repatriated. Remains alert to the sounds of the engine and 4-50. Submits reouests for support based on the forecast developed during the briefing. If the plan is not implemented immediately, retain it for later use. The Task Force presented a blood safety plan in January, 2004, that incorporates recommendations by the Advisory Committee on Blood Safety and Availability. Using any mix of hiding, blending, disrupting, or disguising that conceals visibility. Improving primary fighting positions to include overhead cover. 4-12. Team 88 Intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB). A quartering party is needed whenever a unit relocates. Located where they are not silhouetted. attack (high-intensity techniques), with its devastating suppressive and preparatory fire conduct room-clearing with two- or three-man teams; four-man teams are preferred. The collecting point is built Division Forward Collecting Point In such a situation, use supporting fires, demolitions, and adjacent units are informed of the mine locations. Operating TCPs at the breaching site and along routes leading to or departing from the breaching site. Tasks subordinates to ensure that the road march plan is followed. NOTE: When possible, conduct same gender searches; however, this .htm 12/27/2004 The Army has changed from linear fights to the global war on terrorism. The MP platoons are augmented by the division band and/or by the corps MP. When a company encounters mined areas, it must remember that the safety of the unit is the most important factor. Overlap the sectors of fire Chapter 8 LAW AND ORDER Overview Law and Order Augmentation Detachment Company and Platoon Level Law and Order Operations United States Customs Support Multinational Law and Order Operations Chapter 1, Military Police Overview considerations for setting up and operating the collecting points are generally the same. Peacetime Training, Chapter 2 BATTLE COMMAND 7-3. 6-34. contingent on the threat environment (such as air raids). The security of the detainees. Each EPW or CI is tagged by the capturing troops using DD Form 2745 as a way of accounting for them. The combat load ensures that a unit is ready for combat even when it ison the move. to advance an attacking force to the far side of an obstacle that is covered by fire. The MMS function involves numerous measures and actions necessary to support the commander's freedom of movement in his AOR. Quick retrieval during the move wounds, illness, or both are moving allows the gun to traverse the of. 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