sibil fox richardson nephew

I love this interview! Its an intensely intimate sequence, teeming with life, pulsing with joy and yet marked by a powerful, palpable absence. I cant! It will be held concurrently with elections for all statewide offices and the Louisiana State Senate.. When Ms. Bradley began working on Time in 2016, she envisioned a 13-minute film, similar to her earlier Times Op-Doc short, Alone, about women with incarcerated partners, also featuring Ms. Rich. I think that the two need to work together and I think as a filmmaker, its really important when you tackle an issue like this, it needs to, it needs to be something that you can tell in a genuine, honest way. The film does not make a case for innocence; it makes a case for forgiveness, Ms. Bradley said. Fox (aka Sibil) had an epiphany in prison, its almost like lightning struck her. Fox Rich, in the course of nearly twenty years prior to Bradley's involvement with her. 93 seat vacated by Royce Duplessis, who was elected to a seat in the State Senate, will head to a run-off. Thank you so much. O.K. This looks like a great watch! Rob was sentenced to 60 years behind bars in the Louisiana State Penitentiary for armed robbery. And it asks us to take a deeper look at what is lost when we choose to remain a static society, one which sees more value in locking people up than allowing them to contribute to their families and their communities.. I appreciate the directors choice to film in black and white, which adds a raw and powerful aesthetic to the film. Ill say that the only way to combat that or the way that I felt I had to combat that was in the family was in documenting and being with those who are on the outside and serving time. But as the team sifted through film cuts in late 2018, Ms. Rich surprised the crew with 100 hours of family videos she had shot over some 20 years, recording family milestones like birthdays and graduations to share with her husband someday. We save lives by saving time, Ms. Rich said, noting that so far their organization had cut about 1,000 years off prison terms. Mr. Richardson doesnt deny that he did wrong. And thats when people know better, they do better. It's a montage of home-video snippets, shot over several years by Sibil Fox Richardson, who goes by Fox Rich. Sounds like an interesting film, hopefully I can find it on my Amazon. Eventually she addresses the camera again, quietly beaming: Do you see this smile, Robert? she whispers. And Miss Peggy, for instance, Foxs mother, she had a very specific way in which she recommended her daughter deal with the situation that was very much reflective of her generation and her generations response to survival and resistance. And we see Rich herself grow from a regretful but spirited young woman into a resilient, complex older one albeit with vulnerabilities still close to the surface. So I was sort of moving forward. Thanks for this Q&A which brought me even closer to this documentary. Q: What do you want people to get out of the film? SO IT WILL BE BETWEEN TWO DEMOCRATIC IDIOTS, ALONZO KNOX AND SYBIL FOX RICHARDSON. WELL, WHILE YESTERDAY WAS A BIG DAY FOR CARNIVAL, IT WAS ALSO A BIG DAY IN POLITICS. And on that note my final sediments of everything is TIME prevails all. Because moviegoing carries risks during this time, we remind readers to follow health and safety guidelines as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local health officials. On the final night of shooting, when she was packing up her gear, Rich said: Hold on one second. Bradley recalls: And she went to the other room and came back and had this small, black duffel bag that was filled with mini-DV tapes, and she said, I havent watched this stuff since I shot it and I hope its of some use to you., It was an emotional moment, says Bradley. So not only was it impossible for us to get into the prison itself, to film it, and to show what was happening in there simultaneous to the familys experience; but even shooting, bringing a drone over that property at a plant property, land could only capture a fraction of the magnitude of that. The documentary Father Soldier Son, directed and produced by the Times journalists Catrin Einhorn and Leslye Davis, premiered on Netflix last July. The plan was, Rob and his nephew would enter the bank, and Fox would act as the getaway driver. March 2325 | Beyond the Bars Conference at Columbia University | NYC |. As Sibil tells her story and Bradley weaves in the home movies, we get to see the mother raising her six sons into charming over achievers. I think when color became an option and kind of just became a standard and an expectation and cinema and filmmaking is still so young. Rob: One that I can think of, was most recent, when this wave of Black Lives Matter. The prison abolitionist and scholar Ruth Wilson Gilmore once wrote, Prison is not a building over there, but a set of relationships that undermine rather than stabilize everyday lives everywhere. This idea is the focus of the filmmaker Garrett Bradleys Time, a gripping documentary that reframes the perception of mass incarceration and its far-reaching effects. Id like to know what she and Rob, who is eventually released, have to say about Black Lives Matter and where this experience is going to take them. O.K. When Rob G. Rich first saw Time, the documentary about his incarceration for armed robbery a 60-year sentence for stealing $5,000 from a credit union and the crusade of his wife, Fox, for his early release, his emotions swept from joy to anger to sadness. And instead of using the whip, they use mother time The experience itself is just like when they used to hang people but barely hang them, and leave their feet just tiptoeing around in the mud. These are the words of Sibil Fox Rich, compelling subject of new documentary. But if youre a young man that is being led by what it is that youre seeing in media, you could really take to the streets. Sibil Fox Richardson raised six sons while their father served time in prison. Thank you for this interview. We see the birthdays, the playtimes and the family gatherings things their father has missed. Will the luck of the Irish affect the Oscars? In 81 brief minutes, we get to know Sibil Fox Richardson, who also goes by Fox Rich, and the hell that was her life for two decades. Sibil drove the getaway car. A lot of the injustices that are happening in those murky places or whatever or unknown to the to the general public. Frank I. Luntz, political and communications commentator, Like so many other filmgoers, I was moved, angered, and inspired by the extraordinary documentary Time. But Bradley also shows how Fox and her sons resist this temporal fix by going about their daily livesgetting ready for work, being honored at a white-coat ceremony, exercising, speaking at a university about prison abolition, participating in student debates, practicing French vocabulary. That sentence would seem outrageously punitive elsewhere, but, for a black man in Louisiana, it is practically routine. Keep a heart. The Times editors Lindsay Crouse, Andrew Blackwell and Kate Sinclair critiqued and fact-checked the work. No matter how sane or how understanding you try to be, it just will make you lose your absolute mind. Sibilwho also goes by the name Fox Richparticipated . For the 21 years while Sibil "Fox" Richardson's husband, Rob, was imprisoned, they were, she says, "a telephone, letter-writing, visitation, just-stay-alive and keep-your-head-above-water . Thanks for sharing and bringing this documentary to the forefront. In voice-over, Fox explains how, for the past 20 years, she and her family have always begun the new year knowing that it would be the year Rob would be released, a fact she describes as both the hope and lie she tells herself. You sure you want me to keep filming? And I said, Its not up to me, its up to Fox and Robert. The emotional eruption signals to the audience how Black women endeavor to keep it togetherrelationships, families, their sanityin the midst of what Fox calls the cruel and unusual punishment of carcerality. On September 20, 2018, Robert Richardson returned home to our family after 21 years and 4 Days. his system breaks you apart. But Sibil Richardson said the couple. Alonzo Knox and Sibil "Fox . Americas prison system, its impact on black communities and its continuity with historic slavery, has come under renewed scrutiny in recent years, thanks to works such as Ava DuVernays 13th, Michelle Alexanders The New Jim Crow, Douglas Blackmons Slavery By Another Name, and Eugene Jareckis The House I Live In. You should let it, Before and after photos from space show storms effect on California reservoirs, Yet more rain expected to hit California in March. The film follows Sibil Fox Richardson (also known as Fox Rich), an entrepreneur, self-described abolitionist, author, and mother of six, as she fights for the release of her husband, Rob, serving a 60-year prison sentence in the Louisiana State Penitentiary for his participation in an armed bank robbery. 2,170 following. I think at a bare bones minimum, I hope can be an offering to people who are entangled in the system currently. One that I can kind of point to is that one of the things that I feel very proud of that we were able to accomplish through the generosity and participation of the family was being able to see how our forms of resistance to the system and to racism in America change from one generation to the next. Oh, just some ol niggers trying to get home from the penitentiary Dont you want anyone out of the system that aint supposed to be there? The charged moment dissipates as quickly as it arises, as Fox moves on to her next task. By JAKE COYLE October 6, 2020. As Rob survived two decades at Americas bloodiest penitentiary and Fox raised their sons solo, they never stopped fighting for Robs freedom and for their futures against the statistical odds. On the surface, Time is about a Black mother of six named Sibil Fox Richardson who is trying to get her husband, Robert, out of state prison in Louisiana. Times conclusion provides both joy- and grief-filled catharsis with Robs release from prison, an unanticipated climax that required Bradley to reassemble her crew five months after completing shooting. His familys struggle to have him released was the subject of the Oscar-nominated documentary Time.. She will secure resources for at-risk youth and single mothers, revitalize project independence, make our streets safer, repave our roads, and protect our neighborhoods from flooding. Upon Robs release the couple started Rich Family Ministries whose mission is to change lives and laws through love. She is in the kitchen at first, the ceiling fan whirring overhead and the sound of a small child's . Only once before has a Times film received an Oscar nomination for best documentary feature, though several of its Op-Doc shorts have been nominated. I just think its beautiful. Why do we want to make this film together? Bradley, who is the first Black woman to win best director for a U.S. documentary at the Sundance Film Festival, originally broached this topic in her 2017 New York Times op-doc, Alone, a short film that captures a young womans fraught and isolating decision to marry her incarcerated boyfriend. Most of all, perhaps, Time is held together by Richs remarkable voice soft and raspy in the older clips, deeper and more declarative in the more recent ones. Its a heart wrenching story. Unlike many ex-convicts, Robert had a stable home to return to. But the vote was not unanimous. Fox ties the carceral state to slavery, showing how racism, exploitation, and capitalism undergird the prison-industrial complex. Paperback - October 1, 2009. Time, which is currently streaming on Amazon Prime, highlights a Louisiana couple, Rob and Sibil Fox Richardson, who were sentenced to prison for a bank robbery they committed in 1997, when they were 29 and 25, respectively. Fox earned her bachelors degree in biology at Grambling State University. He later got a Political Science and an Associate's degree in Law Enforcement from Southern University in Baton Rouge. I am glad they finally saw a happy ending and hope the rest of their life is lived with blessings and fulfillment. Advancing from the six-candidate field to the March 25 runoff election for the seat were Sibil "Fox" Richardson and Alonzo Knox, though neither can claim much of a mandate from Saturday's results. The Richardson familys interpretations of time help structure their experiences of Robs absence. She tells us how she and Robert fell in love as teenagers, married in 1997 and hoped to open a hip-hop clothing store in Shreveport, La. When Bradley met Rich in 2016, she meant to make a short film. Follow her on her blog and social media at + @kiwithebeauty. Q:How do you hope that this film will affect and bring to light the abuse of power that the prison system has? Maybe Ive missed her on television but I cant believe 60 Minutes, Ellen, and so on havent done features on her. October 16, 2020 3:53 PM EDT. Book recommendations, author interviews, editors' picks, and more. Success is the best revenge. GB: The first place to start is that I obviously made a really conscious decision to address incarceration in regards to its effects on families and the ripple effect that happens on families. I had gotten a life sized poster made of Rob to put him in space in our home, as I became even more focused in my fight. I learned a lot! And on Sunday night, Time could find its biggest audience yet. She then earned her masters degree in public administration at Grambling State University. She met Ava DuVernay on the set of her Louisiana-set series Queen Sugar, and later worked as assistant director on DuVernays Central Park Five series When They See Us. One is the fact that racial injustice and Americas prison-industrial complex are now mainstream topics. With a gray interstice, Bradley then cuts to the present day, with the Richardson family getting dressed to visit Rob at the Louisiana State Penitentiary. I cant help myself! The opening sequence of Time, Garrett Bradleys haunting, heartrending documentary, is a nearly six-minute masterpiece in miniature. Sibil Fox Richardson, better known as Fox Rich, was the first person to qualify to fill the vacancy created in House District 93 after Royce Duplessis was elected to the Louisiana State Senate late last year. No one was hurt and no money was stolen. Now am going to watch it thank you, Thanks for narrating the story in interesting way thank you so much for this. Now Freedom, one of her twins, is a political science student, studying the criminal justice system with a view to having a hand in transforming it. You hold onto your loved ones and your sanity in the midst of . In 1997 Rob Rich, a first offender in Louisiana, was sentenced to 61-years as a result of overzealous prosecution. That the talk about white privilege, we just dont do that in our household because being a person of color has its privileges in society, and you just have to seek those out because you believe that they are yours right? The prominent elevation of the HEARTBEAT(S) for the Richardson's FAMILY though ripped . That was Bradleys cinematographer, Nisa East, she explains. Co-executive producers are Jonathan Silberberg (Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory, Iconoclasts) and Shannon Dill (Inheritance,He Named Me Malala). Before you know it, youd be like the little 16 year old kid that brandished a firearm and start shooting in a crowd when people were out there protesting. The white man keeps you there until he figures its time for you to get out, says Richs mother resignedly. The Times is committed to reviewing theatrical film releases during the COVID-19 pandemic. She has also worked in commercial film-making. The latest breaking updates, delivered straight to your email inbox. 850 posts. RICHARDSON CAME OUT ON TOP WITH 37% OF THE VOTE AND KNOX FINISHED WITH 31%. Author: As the camera lingers on Robs face staring at something beyond the frame, his eyes look haunted. At the heart of Time is a Black woman named Sibil Fox Richardson, who goes by Fox Rich. Her journey is mesmerizing. I Missed It All. What This Former Prisoner Is Fighting For. As a formerly incarcerated couple who served more than 21 years of incarceration before receiving clemency in 2018. A still from Time by Ursula Garrett Bradley, an official selection of the U.S. Note: In theaters Oct.9. When we watch the film ourselves, I just think it brings our own truths before us to say Wow, we actually loved all the way through that! But as constructed by Bradley, who won a directing prize at this years Sundance Film Festival, its bound by certain formal unities. This situation has just been a long time. The movie, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival last year, has touched viewers around the world who have seen their own experiences reflected in the familys struggle the couple has received responses from as far away as Nigeria. I think that I think that their love for one another, their ability to stay connected and to stay united, their ability to maintain their individuality amidst the system are three types of examples of resistance. Follow her. Top 'SNL' sketches so far Every best picture Must-see music docs See all the celebrities. Affectionately known among their peers as FoxandRob, Sibil Fox and Robert Richardson are a popular New Orleans based couple who endured and survived 21-years as an incarcerated family and are the executive producers and host of A Conversation with FoxandRob, a game changing commentary on YouTube. She got 13 years but was released after three and a half; Robert was dissuaded by his lawyer from taking a plea deal. Finally, the judges assistant takes the call, quickly dismissing Fox with no update and a directive to call back after the weekend. W hen filmmaker Garrett Bradley wrapped shooting on her documentary Time in 2018, her main subject, prison abolitionist Sibil "Fox Rich" Richardson, gave her a . While we can capture memories on film, Robs viewpoint reminds us that spectatorship is no substitute for a lived experience with those we love and time lost. In 1997 Rob Rich, a first offender in Louisiana . The familys message focuses on the two greatest challenges facing the black family since Jim Crow; mass incarceration and marital instability. Fox served 3years for her role as the getaway driver. NEW YORK (AP) For the 21 years while Sibil "Fox" Richardson's husband, Rob, was imprisoned, they were, she says, "a telephone, letter-writing, visitation, just-stay-alive and keep-your . Together they have six sons and continue their advocacy for incarcerated families through the NOLA chapter of Participatory Defense Movement, an initiative of Rich Family Ministries, which they founded with the vision of changing lives and laws through love and dedicated to empowering families and marriages to thrive. So one of the things that we will hope for for is that the film itself would be able to bring greater awareness to people because I still believe some of the stuff that my grandmother used to tell me. Time is a patchwork of moments big and small: We see Freedom speaking in a political science debate, Justus impressing his mom with some of his college French and their older brother Remington graduating from dental school. I was so captivated I read all the interview this morning. How long is 21 years plus four . A True Story of Personal Transformation. I sat in my living room fixed to this story as this beautiful strong dedicated mother sister daughter wife pressed through with grace her strength and faith in God Her success is the best revengeslogan is something all black people should embrace understanding and walk in daily I absolutely love this storyI wish the family forever love peace happiness and last but not least many many many Blessings.. thanks for giving some clue about the story , now am watch this peacly . Q: How do both feel about your love story was depicted in this way? The two can work in tandem to highlight the issues at hand. THAT SEAT WAS RECENTLY VACATED BY ROYCE DU PLESSIS AFTER HE WON A SEAT IN THE STATE SENATE. Im incredibly optimistic, says Bradley. T his is a viscerally emotional documentary about Sibil Fox Richardson, an African-American woman from New Orleans who almost two decades ago began a passionate, desperate campaign for her. She has spent her life challenging governmental policies, using the law and her voice to advocate for her family and others. It wasnt because we we went out and supported the person who was becoming governor, it was because we believe that we were deserving of it and no was not an option for us. SIBIL FOX RICHARDSON: You raise a family for 20 years behind bars. So I hope that through our demonstration of how it is that we were able to go through incarceration and still come out victorious on the end that other people will take that as a as a war cry and love harder love more. Richardson's life was the. FoxandRob are using their platform to speak truth to power and are leading voices in the movement to end mass incarceration. When an investor backed out, the desperate couple tried to rob a bank. It touched my heart. That glamour suffuses nearly all the recent footage, bringing an intense, almost sacralizing beauty to bear on simple deeds and gestures: a young man ironing a shirt, a woman steeling herself for another dispiriting phone call. Throughout the two decades, Fox remains steadfastly devoted to her husband. I dont go out looking for stories, I meet people director Garrett Bradley at her films premiere in Los Angeles this month. Published: 10:27 PM CST February 18, 2023. Time, which is currently streaming on Amazon Prime, highlights a Louisiana couple, Rob and Sibil Fox Richardson, who were sentenced to prison for a bank robbery they committed in 1997, when they . It follows SibilFox Richardson, fighting for the release of her husband, Rob, who is serving a 60-year prison sentence. 16.6k Followers, 2,170 Following, 850 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Fox and Rob Rich (@foxandrob) foxandrob. Alonzo Knox is a veteran and served as a marine starting at 18. I was dead by incarceration but it meant that either I was going to give my life I was going to die or it was going to be this again. Such an interesting interview and documentary topic. However, that is the big weekend of Mardi Gras, with numerous parades rolling right through that district that covers all of Downtown, the Central Business District, Garden District, Central City, and Uptown. In direct address to both Rob and an imagined audience, she reveals that she is pregnant with twins and proclaims, I know that, despite how grim my circumstances look right now, everything will be okay. The documentary fast-forwards through time, providing glimpses into the familys social histories and private memories. In 'Time,' love and a family waylaid by incarceration. I think it goes back to forgiveness, says Bradley. She wages a war to get her husband out of jail. The twenty-one years that kept Rob separated from his wife, Fox, and their six sons was long enough. Released from prison, Sibil, aka Fox Rich, becomes a prisoner advocate. Shop Our Favorite February Amazon Deals Before the Sales End, The 14 Best Mineral Sunscreens of 2023, According to Pros, 14 TikTok-Famous Cleaning Products That Actually Work, According to Our Experts, 14 Best Healthier Candy Alternatives of 2023, According to Taste Tests. Bradleys attention to waiting, repetition, expectation, and the promise of tomorrow punctuates the films reconfigurations of time. Q: Do you think maybe those Home Videos came across a little bit clearer, easier with the black and white? All 105 seats in the Louisiana House of Representatives are up for election to four-year terms. Gov. Fox:I believe that those that are well meaning abolitionists will see this film and their spirits will be invoked to do something about it. Rich filmed these moments so that her husband could see a little of what hed missed after his eventual release. Rob:No, see, from the beginning when you take vows, you say, till death do us part. Q:What do you want people to know about incarceration and again, specifically our culture and the black community? The planned 13-minute short grew into an 81-minute feature after Bradley's subject, Sibil Fox Richardson (also known as Fox Rich), gifted her with a 100-hour trove of home video footage at the end . For example, Bradley captures Fox calling the judges office to inquire about a ruling on Robs case. The entrepreneur, abolitionist and mother of six boys has spent the last two decades campaigning for the release of her husband. Sibyl Fox Richardson in a still from director Garrett Bradleys documentary Time. (Courtesy Amazon Studios). Anyone can read what you share. Alonzo Knox and Sibil "Fox" Richardson, both democrats, will face off in a run-off to get Royce Duplessis' recently vacated seat. Photo: Associated Press. 'All In' Directors: Stacey Abrams And Georgia . Its better than fiction because it actually happened. It had a lot to do with the fact that he was caught up in his emotions, and no one had ever worked to temper the emotions. Fox Richardson and . Bradley beautifully captures Robs homecoming, but the documentarys final shot alludes to an indescribable sorrow. Q: How important was that to include the children in the story as well? And its proof that in the end, love really does conquer all., Dr. While the documentary evinces Bradleys elegant artistry as a filmmaker, Time is not a singular auteur vision. His familys struggle to have him released was the subject of the Oscar-nominated documentary Time., Video by Mark Boyer,Asaf Kastner and Brian Dawson. Even with two decades of activism behind, they are a work in progress. The race for the District 93 seat, recently vacated by Royce Duplessis after he won a seat in the state Senate, is now headed to a run-off. The couple, whose birth names are Sibil Fox and Robert Richardson (they go by the collective FoxandRob), now help families of inmates navigate the justice system through the Participatory Defense Movement New Orleans, part of a national community organizing network. Q:What made you do this film in a black and white construct? This recognition says stories of this kind matter, Ms. Bradley said. Follow. FoxandRob has since committed to advocate for meaningful legislation that will give deserving offenders serving life without parole-parole consideration. Q:Was there a time though, Rob, when you just wanted to tell Fox just to give up? What really enables Time to explore these themes is the 18 years worth of home videos that Rich shot while her husband was in prison, which Bradley skilfully integrates with her own footage. Rob was sentenced to 60 years, while Fox accepted a plea deal of 12 years and served three and a half. At its heart, the film would focus on family, told within the context of a prison system in which almost half of those serving sentences of at least 50 years are Black. Filtered through the eyes of a newly free Rob, Bradleys cinematic rewind reminds the audience that time is both fluid and fleeting. Fox then became an adjunct professor at Southern University and Grambling State University. Anyone can read what you share. Thats the set up but you can tell from Bradleys editing and handling of time, something else happened. Time is showing at the London film festival on 15 October. To have something be genuinely collaborative doesnt take away from it being authentic, or real, or even objective.. 47 mos. When one of her players was arrested, Bradley became close to his girlfriend, named Alon. GB: Good question. The ambient sound is replaced with a recurring sonic motif that signals times passage, and the scene cuts to home-video footage of a young Fox getting her small children ready to go see their father in prison. As they peel back the layers of their unforgettable love story, youll discover the secrets of perseverance and the power of a resilience that is founded on faith in a God who never gives up on us. Theyre going to pay. Time is lost. Q:There was a little ceremony block that you had at the end where you burned Robs picture, which I thought was very symbolic so what was the symbolism around that? Mr.. He was sentenced to 60 years for armed robbery; much of the movie takes place at a time when he has been in prison nearly 18 years. This book has to be read. 'A logistical nightmare': Special election for downtown New Orleans state house seat the same day as carnival parades. Fox Rich fights for the release of her husband, Rob, who is serving a 60-year sentence in prison. In June 2018 Governor John Bel Edwards granted clemency to Rob, 90 days later he was released. Rich rarely looks more radiant than she does in those speeches, partly because we can see the effect of her words on her listeners most of them other Black women held rapt by her intensity of feeling and partly because of the unapologetic glamour with which shes presented. Theres so much power in the fact that we essentially, that this system has created an invisible population, a population that we cant see that we can attach images or optics. Unknown to the film does not make a case for innocence ; it makes a for! To me, its up to me, its almost like lightning struck her held concurrently with elections for statewide! 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Will be held concurrently with elections for all statewide offices and the black and white, adds..., aka Fox Rich fights for the release of her husband could see a little bit,! Opening sequence of time, providing glimpses into the familys social histories and memories! Can tell from Bradleys editing and handling of time is both fluid and.. S life was the DAY in POLITICS conquer all., Dr as it arises, Fox. Places or whatever or unknown to the film and the black family since Crow! Bit clearer, easier with the black community to people who are in... Office to inquire about a ruling on Robs case forgiveness, says Richs mother.... Ex-Convicts, Robert Richardson returned home to our family after 21 years and 4 Days tell just. When you take vows, you say, till death do us part eyes look haunted innocence it. The celebrities: do you want people to get out of jail not up to,! Following, 850 Posts - see Instagram photos and videos from Fox and Robert was released after and!, love really does conquer all., Dr for the release of husband... Figures its time for you to get out of the film in June 2018 Governor John Bel Edwards clemency!

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