new religious congregation in nigeria

Often, unrest between warring factions takes on ethnic and religious dimensions in Nigeria, which is divided between the predominantly Christian south and the Muslim-majority north. Although churches proliferation has certain demerits as noted earlier, but Adesanya (2011) note that they are not strong enough for total commendations of the phenomenon. The vision came to Fr. Meanwhile, the practices are not the same; they have some similarities and differences. [70], The history of Christianity in Nigeria and how Christianity came to be can be traced back to the 15th century, when the Portuguese were the first Europeans to arrive the shores of the region via the Atlantic. 2 attachments Mishpatim, February 18, 2023 . The role of religious leaders in repositioning children and youths in the -Economic development of Nigeria'' A lecture presentation on August 31st, 2016. In general, church proliferation would have been a great benefit unto this nation if this so called General Overseers and Pastors are really called by God and waited for God instructions/directions on the establishment of churches because, not all Pastors called by God are directed to establish a church but due to the calling of stomach and hand work of men, churches are springing up uncontrollably without Spiritual impact which bring about the negative impact being experienced in the nation presently. These radical Muslims were inspired by Alhaji Mohammed Marwa Maitatsine. As Sisters of Mercy, we offer spiritual resources through our prayers, spiritual reflections and our retreat centers. UCA News monitors the content of the comments and reserves the right to remove posts that contains abusive, offensive, racist, threatening or harassing comments or personal attacks of any kind. 6. On October 1, 1836, he opened the first Novitiate with seven novices. Noise pollution: The major problem of springing up of churches all over the nation is the noise pollution; it has been described as an unwanted excessive harmonious sound that has undesired physiological and institutional effects on individuals. It is then that he realised that the congregation have known the truth, that religious leaders are not there to . Mr. Tinubu has promised fiscal policy changes, and to fix the worsening security situation. Ibiyinka OA (2011). Fax: 609-927-5262 The Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary minister in many nations: USA, Canada, Argentina, Italy, Germany, Slovakia, Great Britain, Nigeria, Cameroon, India and Indonesia. [50][51] Ibrahim Zakzaky introduced many Nigerians to Shia Islam. The way of governance and high rate of crimes witnessing in the nation are clear evidence of negative impacts of the proliferation of both churches and mosques on the nation, Nigeria. Another impact is the formation of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) which stands as a pressure group and an umbrella which Christians use as a mouth-piece to fight any injustice or government politics that are against the interest of the Christians in the nation. These sects have sometimes resorted to the use of violence in a bid to realizing their ambitions on the wider Islamic and Nigerian populations as a whole. Notable among the new springs of 1930 were such Protestant Pentecostals as the Christ Apostolic Churchan offshoot of US-based Faith Tabernacle which swept through the Western Region and complemented by the likes of the Celestial Church and the Cherubim and Seraphim Church which were indigenous autonomous springs. [44] Many Sunni Muslims are members of Sufi brotherhoods. The associating of adherents of the Grail Message creates the foundation and the outer setting for the holding of hours for the joint worship of God (Hours of Worship) and Grail Festivals. This is to radiate the spirit of the Apostles and the monastic living. Hence, they were not committed to missionary work. This article is published under the terms of the Creative [148], Christians complain of widespread persecution, especially in the north and Middle Belt. The Kalo Kato rely entirely on the Quran and they are found among mostly lower-class communities across northern Nigeria.[15]. Serving diverse cultures, often much different from their own life experience, our priests and brothers help members of Gods family overcome many different challenges while leading them to deepen their spirituality and love for God. As mentioned earlier, churches use available space especially in urban area which will deny worshippers and people in the neighborhood to enjoy proper ventilation which can lead to the shortage of oxygen supply to the blood that can result to mental disorder. Ahead of the election, voters cited insecurity as their main concern. [12], Religion in Nigeria (CIA World Factbook estimate[1] based on 2018 survey data)[2], Religion in Nigeria (ARDA 2020 estimate)[3][4], Religion in Nigeria (Pew 2020 estimate)[5], Most Nigerian Christians are Protestant (broadly defined), though about a quarter are Catholic. Mr. Tinubu is revered by some as a political wizard and the man who turned around the fortunes of Lagos, Nigerias labyrinthine megacity. Most Sufis follow the Qadiriyya, Tijaniyyah or Mouride movement. In a report, Aid to the Church in Need, a papal charity, said that at least 12 priests and five religious sisters were murdered in 2022 while fulfilling their mission. Statistical descriptive method was used to analyze the information collected from the . [122] Following growth across West Africa a regional National Spiritual Assembly was elected in 1956. Box 189 3. We are a religious congregation for women within the Roman Catholic Church. [40][41] Shehu Usman dan Fodio established a government in Northern Nigeria based on Islam before the advent of European colonialism. The congregation engages in education and health care as well as social and pastoral work. Article 10 of the Constitution states that The Government of the Federation or of a State shall not adopt any religion as State Religion. [21] However, twelve Muslim-majority northern states have incorporated Sharia courts into their legal systems with the power and jurisdiction of these courts waxing and waning over the past two decades. The reason why we are having four churches sharing the same plot of land with different names and three churches occupying a two-story building thereby leading to increase in the number of churches on a street is the major concern and focus of this study. Solutions to the negative impact brought about by church proliferation lie greatly on the effectiveness and readiness of government of the nation to enforce the laws of the land such as environmental law against noise pollution. [116] After World War I, smaller denominations such as the Church of the Brethren (as Ekklesiyar Yan'uwa a Nigeria), Seventh-day Adventists and others worked in interstitial areas, trying not to compete. Since then, priestly ordinations have become a yearly event in the Society. The Society of Divine Vocations, also known as the VOCATIONIST FATHERS, is a religious congregation founded by Saint Justin Maria Russolillo, in Pianura, Naples - Italy in 1920. In February 1978, the Catholic Bishops Conference unanimously erected the Missionary Society of St Paul of Nigeria into a Pious Union. The health problem such as hearing And hypertensive aliments affecting people living in an environment where churches are located through the air and noise pollution caused by the use of public addresses system and carbon monoxides emitted from the generators and their congregation cars contributed a lot to the health hazard of the nation population. 3. [32] In Nigeria, about 52 percent of the population is Muslim, The Muslim population in Nigeria continues to grow. Against this background, the Observatory of Religious Freedom in Africa has published a Report on Nigeria Violence (2019-2022) .It is a careful and thorough piece of work, giving a monthly breakdown of religiously based killings and abductions in this period as well as the factors contributing to the variation between months. To all stomach called fake miracle performing Pastors and General Overseers, God said I know my sheep and my sheep know me definitely you know you are not of God, the bible says no liars, adulteress, thieves, wicked and evil doers will enter the kingdom of God. The Society has held four other successful General Chapters in 2001, 2007, 2013 and 2019 and an extraordinary Chapter in 2008. WCD figures predict that both Muslism and Christians will continue to grow as a proportion of the population through to 2050. The Missionary Society of St. Paul of Nigeria is a Catholic religious congregation based in Nigeria and serving parishes in Africa, North America, Europe, and the Caribbean. The Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary are represented in many nations: USA . They provided much-needed ministry to speakers of various languages and developed the first Catholic institutions of higher learning for young men in Texas. Email:, Rector: Rev. Mr. Tinubu is revered by some as a political wizard and the . 4. Like St Paul, the members are driven by the love of Christ (Cf. This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain. Major congregations of the larger Anglican and Roman Catholic missions represented elite families of their respective areas, although each of these churches had members from all levels and many quite humble church buildings. For example, two indigenous women's religious congregations were founded in the 1930's and Missionary Sisters from Ireland came to Nigeria more than three decades before Nigerian independence in 1960. [104], The bulk of religious violence exists mainly in impoverished urban centers in the northern regions of the country, although coastal centers in the south are also prone to instances of political violence based on religious beliefs, as this is where the non-Hausa Christian minorities reside that are disfavored by the predominantly Hausa Muslim government. Fairfield, PA 17320 It was founded by Cardinal Dominic Ekandem in 1976. [72], Nigeria has the largest Christian population in Africa according to Pew Research Center and it has the sixth largest Christian population in the world although the Christians in Nigeria are roughly about 40%-49.3% of the country's population. 2 Cor. 2. Churches are noted to be springing up at an alarming and unprecedented rate in all available spaces, shops, warehouses, hotels, sitting rooms, uncompleted building, both private and public school premises to mention a few. The following are some factors responsible for church proliferation in Nigeria: 1. Improper ventilation: Air as informed by the medical experts serves as nourishment to our bodies just as much as food as drink. The middle belt and the west and southwest of Nigeria remain the hold of Protestants (Pentecostal, evangelical and indigenous spring of Christian denominations). It can also lead to death of sick patient rushing to the hospital. Church proliferation has positive impact but the negative part of it is more and has covered up the good side of it which makes people to see church proliferation as menace to the nation. The proliferation of churches in Nigeria has both merit and demerit. These riots were caused by the migration of the rural poor into urban towns during the dry seasons. Statistical descriptive method was used to analyze the information collected from the respondents. Bola Tinubu, a Political Godfather in Nigeria, Sought the Presidency for Years, 2. The Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria finally made the decision to establish the National Missionary Seminary of St Paul at its meeting in Kaduna in September 1976. 5. His supporters are hoping he can repeat that performance on a national level. Although the approval of the Rules for the new congregation had been decreed in 1838, the final decree of approval was given by Pope Pius IX in July of 1846. [60] Ahmadiyyas have also established a weekly newspaper called "The Truth" which is the first Muslim newspaper in the country. Society of Divine Vocations. P 10. The acts in a given traditional carnival is dependent on the type of gods or goddesses to be worshiped. Since then, in addition to these countries and Nigeria, members of the Society now work in Botswana, the Gambia, Malawi, Chad, South Africa, South Sudan, Kenya, Central Africa Republic, the Bahamas, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, and Grenada. 5, 14) to be all things to all people (1 Cor. P.O. Falayi O (2012). Rome, Nov 4, 2020: Pope Francis has restricted the right of diocesan bishops to establish new religious congregations. The Christian association should wake up to their responsibilities of controlling, regulating and punishing ill churches that contravene the set goals to the association, they should forget about worldly pollution and face the work of God committed on their hands. Most students (Christians) especially jobless graduated Bible College students see it as a license to plant/open a church after completion of the college without considering the necessity of God calling. The proliferation of churches in Nigeria today is as a result of numerical strength of churches which was a result of church growth. [66] Poverty has been seen as the major catalyst leading to the rapid increase in the membership of these religious extremist groups. They are legally established from religious orders - the other major type of religious institute - in that members take simple vows, whereas members of religious orders take solemn vows . The participants held discussions, among others, on credible ways to improve evangelization through inter-generational collaboration. Also, during this period, Jehovah's Witnesses began their missionary work in Nigeria and soon spread throughout the country[117][118]. [112], Presbyterians arrived in the late 17th century in the Ibibio, Annang and Efik land and the Niger Delta area and had missions in the middle belt as well. Nigeria ranked as the ninth most dangerous country to be a Christian on the 2021 World Watch List. These churches have spilled over into adjacent and southern areas of the middle belt. Half of the respondents attended all weekly church services, 30% every Sunday, 6% once a month while 14% attended occasionally (Table 7). Feb. 14 Ash Wednesday. which will proclaim the mercy of God to the world and, by . While traditional carnivals usually attracts tourists, fun seekers, and community people, it is also good to note that there are certain forbidden acts which prevent people from doing certain things, probably before and during the carnivals. Ado Ekiti Paper Mills. [128], Altogether including Nigerians of Indian origin and NRIs there are 250,000 Hindus in Nigeria. To all people attending churches, they should seek for God and know the living God. Churches springing up at will, rooms and sitting rooms are being converted to churches more than shops or business organizations without any meaningful impact. [107], The majority of Christians now are found in the south east, South-South, south west and Middle-belt region. [67] The rise of these sects has also been linked to the increase and aiding of religious extremist by politicians for their selfish ambitions. Table 13, 14, and Figure 3 shows that 72% agreed that the love of money is the root of church proliteration, 12% disagree while 16% sit on the fence. Gaetano Errico was ordained a secular priest in Naples, Italy in 1815. On October 13, 1984, a new permanent site of the seminary campus was opened in Gwagwalada, Abuja, for the study of Philosophy and Theology, and the Iperu campus remained the two-year spiritual Formation House. One of the major positive social impacts of church growth which led to church proliferation is seen in the number of churches all over the country that established Nursery and Primary Schools, Secondary Schools and Universities which provided job opportunities for many people, likewise Teaching Hospitals and Mission Hospitals are also established by these churches that provided good health care services and job opportunities to many people. Secondly, to promote collaboration among religious institutes and societies of apostolic life. Such families had connections to their churches going back to the 19th century and were generally not attracted to the breakaway churches[citation needed]. This is to; 1. Three members of the Society are now bishops in Nigeria: Most Rev Anthony Adaji, MSP of Idah Diocese (2007), Most Rev Hyacinth Egbebo, MSP of Bomadi Diocese (2008) and Most Rev Anselm Umoren, MSP Auxiliary Bishop of Abuja Archdiocese (2012). The new millennium saw the opening of new religious communities in Nigeria welcoming an influx of many new candidates for the priesthood. However, the negative effects brought about by the proliferation of churches are over riding the good side of it which is reflecting in the current situation in the country where corruption and moral decadence are the order of the day. "For the past 14 years the nation has been grappling with Boko Haram, mostly in the northeast. Phone: 717-457-0114 Notable examples are the Izala movement,[45][46] the Shia movement, and many local Islamic sects that have limited expansion. 3. For this reason, they engineer little quarrel in their present church, take few people (members) along to establish their own church. Daily Champion (2009). Unhealthy rivalry among churches, pastors, ministers of God and even within the church: Boasting on the number of branches, pastors and congregations in their churches is a major problem in honoring the General Overseers in the society. ", "Nigeria Must Remain Neutral When It Comes To Religion", "Is it harder to "come out" as an atheist if you're black? Secondly, there will be economic loss; some business appointment will not be met due to the hours spent in the traffic jam and also there is uncertainty and unreliability in every service of the vehicles. 42% agreed that church proliferation also causes increase in deaf and hypertensive patients of the nation, 18% undecided while 40% disagreed (Table 25). [29][13][31], Nigeria has one of the largest Muslim populations in West Africa. Washington D.C., Feb 27, 2023 / 17:28 pm (CNA). Islam also came to South Western Yoruba-speaking areas during the time of Mansa Musa's Mali Empire.[43]. [144] In some parts of Nigeria, there are even anti-blasphemy laws. The winner of Nigeria's presidential election, Bola Tinubu, is a divisive figure in Africa's most populous country. African churches were founded by small groups breaking off from the European denominations, especially in Yorubaland, where such independence movements started as early as the early 19th centuryinfluenced by American and British missionaries in early 1900s and stimulated by the great revival of the 1930s. The study was based on the analysis of fifty structured questionnaires that were distributed among people both in and out of Churches of different denominations using purposive sampling technique method. As Nigeria, by far Africa's most populous country, headed into its February 25, 2023, Presidential election, the Biden Administration continued its almost inexplicable policy of downplaying both the ongoing rampant slaughter there and the religious dynamics behind it. The newly established Conference was made up of the leaders of Religious Institutes and Societies of Apostolic Life. People living side by side with the church constantly experienced noise pollution emanating from blaring loud speakers at no respect to time in the day even worst during the night, which can cause noise induced hearing loss which can also lead to stress induced aliments like hypertension, diabetics and psychiatric problems. The study aims to estimate the effect, causes and probable solutions of church proliferation in Nigeria. [55], The Ahmadiyya movement established itself in Nigeria in 1916,[57] and make up approximately 3% of the Muslim population. The society is witnessing proliferation of churches which has brought changes in values, created job employment, Western Education by establishing both Elementary and Tertiary Institution and Hospitals. Others deride Mr. Tinubu, the candidate of the governing All Progressives Congress party, as corruption personified and accuse him of looting state coffers as the governor of Lagos. KADUNA, NigeriaAuthorities have yet to identify suspects or make arrests after a complete congregation of Baptists worshipers was kidnapped on the morning of Oct. 31 in a rural area 50 miles . By the 1980s adherents were back in even greater numbers, and a number of new churches had been built. As at 2021, the Society has recorded the ordination of 320 priests, 2 deacons and 1 incardination. [76][27] The majority of Nigerias approximately 70 million Christians are either Roman Catholic (at least 18.9 million) or Anglican (18 million), but a diverse group of Protestant churches also claim significant members, including Baptists (the Nigerian Baptist Convention claims 6 million worshipping members), Presbyterians, Assemblies of God, Methodists, the Evangelical Reformed Church of Christ, and what are known as the Aladura churches (Pentecostal and Spiritualist independent churches which emerged out of the Anglican Church during colonialism). By and large, Protestantism particularly the Pentecostals, Apostolic and evangelicals constitute the major Christian population of Nigeria from the late 1990s to the present. By this act, churches have been turning to business ventures with different names, missions, ideas and general overseers (GOs) without any positive impact on the country. The Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) in Jebbu Miango gathered Sunday to thank God for sparing their lives during the attack which displaced 5,000 people. The major church proliferation was observed at the end of 1973 revivals and crusades that served as a venue by which Pentecostalism got introduced into the country. The Vocationist Fathers has its main charism . Christianity in Yoruba area traditionally has been Protestant and Anglican, currently Protestant Pentecostal/evangelicals, whereas Igboland has always been the area of greatest activity by the Roman Catholic Church with current infusions of Protestantism. Religious congregation View history A religious congregation is a type of institute in the Catholic Church. [106] The Zango Kataf riot of 1992 is one example of political violence in the south; when the local government announced markets would be moved out of southern Zango, riots erupted and thousands of people were killed as this was yet another instance of governmental discrimination that displaced the predominantly Christian locals. The Conference of Major Superiors of Nigeria has three objectives under the new leadership, Father Kanutold UCANews. However Christianity cannot be done with traditional practices because Christianity is the belief in the existence of the Holy Trinity(The father, the son and the Holy Spirit) while African Traditional Religion deals with their cosmology, ritual practices, symbols, arts, society, and so these two religions are entirely different from each other with different scope and vision so they cannot both be practiced together because that would be against the rules of either, so a mixture of the both of them neither Christianity nor African Traditional Religion. The winner of Nigerias presidential election, Bola Tinubu, is a divisive figure in Africas most populous country. They commonly preach peaceful co-existence and do not sympathize with Islamic extremism. The Pew Forum in a 2010 report compared reports from several sources. Peter DiTomasso, MSSCC [15] In terms of Nigeria's major ethnic groups' religious affiliations, the Hausa ethnic group in the north is mostly Muslim[16] the Yoruba tribe in the west is divided among mainly Muslims and Christians[17] with many followers of traditional religions, while the Igbos of the east and the Ijaw in the south are predominantly Christians with some practitioners of traditional religions. Religion in Nigeria (being the most populous African country with a population of over 225 million as of 2022) is diverse. Congregation of Brothers in Nigeria are: *Brothers of St. Stephen, Holy Trinity Cathedral, PO BOX 411, Onitsha, Anambra. Private prayer is a vital part of our day to help deepen our personal relationship with our Divine Savior. In 1996 it had about 710 conclaves/Lodges or Iledi in Nigeria and overseas. Copyright Union of Catholic Asian News. "Proliferation of Churches in Nigeria" August 9th, 2015. While on retreat, St. Alphonsus appeared to him in vision instructing him to begin a new religious congregation dedicated to the Sacred Hearts. Main Trends in Church Growth in Nigeria. A house of formation was also established in Indonesia, again attracting many promising vocations. The twelve religious congregations of men who worked in Texas from 1847 to 1897 provided anywhere from 30 to 54 percent of the Catholic priests in Texas during those years. A new report shows both how grave the situation is and how specious the Administration's positions are. The Leader News Online (2015). Subsequent decades have seen the problem worsen, and insurgencies and new conflicts arise. The Conference of Major Superiors of Nigeria is getting a new team as Africa's largest economy is plagued by increasing attacks on the Church. [9] Nigeria is divided roughly in half between Muslims,[10] who live mostly in the north, and Christians, who live mostly in the south; indigenous religions, such as those native to the Igbo and Yoruba ethnicities, are in the minority. Some similarities and differences 2021, the Catholic church new candidates for past! Of these religious extremist groups Superiors of Nigeria, Sought the Presidency for Years https... Into adjacent and southern areas of the election, voters cited insecurity as their main concern Nov,! Within the Roman Catholic church like St Paul of Nigeria into a Pious Union sick patient rushing the... Of church growth 122 ] Following growth across West Africa a regional National spiritual was., Altogether including Nigerians of Indian origin and NRIs there are even laws! As the ninth most dangerous country to be a Christian on the new religious congregation in nigeria and they are found the! Musa 's Mali Empire. 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new religious congregation in nigeria