pubars party desert storm

The 3rd Battalion claimed 57 T-55s and T-62s along with 5 T-72s, 7 APCs, and 10 trucks. The Australian Task Force was also placed at great risk with regard to the sea mine threat, with HMAS Brisbane narrowly avoiding a mine. In August 1990, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney committed the Canadian Forces to deploy a Naval Task Group. '"[298] However, after the war, the Iraqi government said that only 44 bodies were found. After the expiration of United Nations deadlines, Operation DESERT STORM, the air campaign against Iraqi forces in Iraq and Kuwait, began on 17 January 1991, at 02:00 local time, with an attack helicopter strike against an early warning radar just inside Iraq. [203], The British 1st Armoured Division was responsible for protecting the right flank of VII Corps. It hired the public relations firm Hill & Knowlton for about $11million, paid by Kuwait's government. [citation needed], In the United States, the "big three" network anchors led the war's network news coverage: ABC's Peter Jennings, CBS's Dan Rather, and NBC's Tom Brokaw were anchoring their evening newscasts when air strikes began on 16 January 1991. [198] Bravo Company destroyed a total of 119 enemy vehicles and took over 800 POWs by the end of combat operations. The 2nd Marine Division played a major role repelling the attempted Iraqi invasion of Saudi Arabia which is known as the Battle of Khafji. [76], The main Iraqi thrust into Kuwait City was conducted by commandos deployed by helicopters and boats to attack the city from the sea, while other divisions seized the airports and two airbases. If you use pressure, we will deploy pressure and force. [citation needed] These vehicles and the retreating soldiers were subsequently attacked by two A-10 aircraft, resulting in a 60 kilometres (37mi) stretch of highway strewn with debristhe Highway of Death. The official communicated to the White House that Iraq would "withdraw from Kuwait and allow foreigners to leave" provided that the UN lifted sanctions, allowed "guaranteed access to the Persian Gulf through the Kuwaiti islands of Bubiyan and Warbah", and allowed Iraq to "gain full control of the Rumaila oil field that extends slightly into Kuwaiti territory". [294], On the night of 2627 February 1991, some Iraqi forces began leaving Kuwait on the main highway north of Al Jahra in a column of some 1,400 vehicles. [307], However, the UN subsequently spent billions rebuilding hospitals, schools, and water purification facilities throughout the country. So the question became "How do we stop the killing. [152] For a few hours, bypassed Iraqi RPG-equipped anti-tank teams, T-55 tanks, and dismounted Iraqi infantry fired at passing American vehicles, only to be destroyed by other US tanks and fighting vehicles following the initial forces. Among the American combat dead were four female soldiers. would often encounter the Iraqi 3rd Armored Division in their theater of operations. "[46][47], With Iraq's newfound success in the war, and the Iranian rebuff of a peace offer in July, arms sales to Iraq reached a record spike in 1982. "[260] The exact number of Iraqi combat casualties is unknown, but is believed to have been heavy. Iraq fired 88 Scud missiles during the war's seven weeks. About halfway through the war, Iraq's government decided to allow live satellite transmissions from the country by Western news organizations, and US journalists returned en masse to Baghdad. His response was: "Yes, absolutely, yes. [135][136], The Scud missiles targeting Israel were relatively ineffective, as firing at extreme range resulted in a dramatic reduction in accuracy and payload. Initial draining of the Central Marshes was intended to reclaim land for agriculture but later all three marshes would become a tool of war and revenge. [299] In his book The Wars Against Saddam, John Simpson alleges that US forces attempted to cover up the incident. New York Times reporter Maureen Dowd wrote, "With the Iraqi leader facing military defeat, Mr. Bush decided that he would rather gamble on a violent and potentially unpopular ground war than risk the alternative: an imperfect settlement hammered out by the Soviets and Iraqis that world opinion might accept as tolerable."[295]. [78], Kuwaitis founded a local armed resistance movement following the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait. Control of these fields, along with Kuwaiti and Iraqi reserves, would have given Saddam control over the majority of the world's oil reserves. About a third of the coalition's air power was devoted to attacking Scuds, some of which were on trucks and therefore difficult to locate. [204][205] The Desert Rats also destroyed multiple Iraqi artillery positions. [115], Although they did not contribute any forces, Japan and Germany made financial contributions totaling $10billion and $6.6billion respectively. [183] In addition, the corps had the 2nd Cavalry Regiment (United States) to act as a scouting and screening force, and two further heavy divisions, the 1st Cavalry Division (United States) and the United Kingdom's 1st Armoured Division, as well as the U.S. 11th Aviation Group. For other conflicts with the same name, see, "Desert Storm" redirects here. contact. Saddam Hussein had closely micromanaged Iraqi forces in the IranIraq War, and initiative at lower levels was discouraged. Moments later, Brokaw announced to his viewers that the air attack had begun. After the conflict ended, many of the stolen banknotes made their way back into circulation. [217], The Iraqis suffered the loss of over 3,000 tanks and over 2,000 other combat vehicles during these battles against the American-led coalition. 200 tanks destroyed/captured For Egypt, the cost totaled $1billion, 3% of GDP. [167] The 1st Engineer Battalion and 9th Engineer Battalion marked and proofed assault lanes under direct and indirect enemy fire to secure a foothold in enemy territory and pass the 1st Infantry Division and the British 1st Armored Division forward. [226] Approximately 400 helicopters transported 2,000 soldiers into Iraq where they destroyed Iraqi columns trying to flee westward and prevented the escape of Iraqi forces. He argued that the US-supported Saudi state was an illegitimate and unworthy guardian of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. TF 141 IN fired TOW missiles at the Iraqi formation destroying one tank. [66], Saddam stated that he would attempt last-ditch negotiations with the Kuwaitis but Iraq "would not accept death. and RFA ships were also deployed. [49], The IraqKuwait dispute also involved Iraqi claims to Kuwaiti territory. [204][205] After 48 hours of combat the British 1st Armoured Division destroyed or isolated four Iraqi infantry divisions (the 26th, 48th, 31st, and 25th) and overran the Iraqi 52nd Armored Division in several sharp engagements. [citation needed], A British Challenger 1 achieved the longest range confirmed tank kill of the war, destroying an Iraqi tank with an armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding-sabot (APFSDS) round fired over 4,700 metres (2.9mi)the longest tank-on-tank kill shot recorded. [313] Flight surgeon (later General) Rhonda Cornum was sexually assaulted by one of her captors[314] after the Black Hawk helicopter in which she was riding was shot down while searching for a downed F-16 pilot. feuille de curry interdit en france. However, Iraqi air defenses shot down nine US aircraft. [citation needed], According to the Project on Defense Alternatives study, between 20,000 and 26,000 Iraqi military personnel were killed in the conflict while 75,000 others were wounded. [121], Among many other means of influencing US opinion, such as distributing books on Iraqi atrocities to US soldiers deployed in the region, "Free Kuwait" T-shirts and speakers to college campuses, and dozens of video news releases to television stations, the firm arranged for an appearance before a group of members of the US Congress in which a young woman identifying herself as a nurse working in the Kuwait City hospital described Iraqi soldiers pulling babies out of incubators and letting them die on the floor. Commitment to Region Continues", "U.S., Saudi Forces Start 'Imminent Thunder' Exercise in Gulf", "UN Security Council Resolution 678, Iraq / Kuwait", John Pilger Reveals How the Bushes Bribe the World, from Russia to Iran, "The Unfinished War: A Decade Since Desert Storm", "Address Before a Joint Session of Congress", "How PR Sold the War in the Persian Gulf | Center for Media and Democracy", "Kuwaitgate killing of Kuwaiti babies by Iraqi soldiers exaggerated", Mideast Tensions; No Compromise on Kuwait, Bush Says, " In-depth specials Gulf War (via Internet Archive)", "Fixed-Wing Combat Aircraft Attrition in Desert Storm", "Information Paper: Iraq's Scud Ballistic Missiles", "Three Israelis killed as Scuds hit Tel Aviv", "WAR IN THE GULF: TEL AVIV; 3 DIE 96 ARE HURT IN ISRAELI SUBURB", "Scud Hits Tel Aviv, Leaving 3 Dead, 96 Hurt", "SAUDI KING FAHD ORDERS GAS MASKS FOR EVERYONE", "DOD: Information Paper- Iraq's Scud Ballistic Missiles", "Patriot Missile Defense: Software Problem Led to System Failure at Dhahran, Saudi Arabia", " Fog of War - Post Archive", "25 years ago, this University of South Carolina graduate gave his life in Desert Storm", "The Gulf War and "European Artillery" The Campaign for the National Museum of the United States Army", "CORRECTING MYTHS ABOUT THE PERSIAN GULF WAR: THE LAST STAND OF THE TAWAKALNA", "VII Corps leads armored surge into Iraq WAR IN THE GULF", "Operations DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM: Valorous Unit Award Citations | Unit Award Orders & Citations | U.S. Army Center of Military History", "Jayhawk Goes to War: VII Corps in Operation DESERT STORM The Campaign for the National Museum of the United States Army", "History of Bravo Company, 4th Tank Battalion in Desert Storm 1991", "M60: This Old Tank Crushed Saddam Hussein During the First Gulf War", "The British Challenger 1 Main Battle Tank", "War in the Gulf: Bush Halts Offensive Combat; Kuwait Freed, Iraqis Crushed", "History: November 6, 1991 Canadians cap the last oil fire in the Gulf War", "ENDLESS TORMENT, The 1991 Uprising in Iraq And Its Aftermath", "Refworld | Human Rights Watch World Report 1992 Iraq and Occupied Kuwait", After the War: Kuwait: Kuwaiti Emir, Tired and Tearful, Returns to His Devastated Land, "Splitting the Check: When Allies Helped Pay for Middle East War", "Overview of U.S. Policy Toward South America and the President's Upcoming Trip to the Region", "Celebrato il 93 Anniversario dell'Aeronautica Militare - Aviation Report", "Desert Storm Part 22: Charge of the Heavy Brigade", "The Use of Terror During Iraq's Invasion of Kuwait", "Iraq and Kuwait Discuss Fate of 600 Missing Since Gulf War", "Wages of War Appendix 2: Iraqi Combatant and Noncombatant Fatalities in the 1991 Gulf War", U.S. Officials Believe Iraq Will Take Years to Rebuild, Collateral damage: The health and environmental costs of war on Iraq, After the War; U.N. Survey Calls Iraq's War Damage Near-Apocalyptic, "Iraq and Its Future | by Samir al-Khalil | The New York Review of Books", "ASN Aircraft accident Lockheed C-130H Hercules 469 Rash Mishab", "Soldier Reported Dead Shows Up at Parents' Doorstep", "The Role of the United Arab Emirates in the Iran-Iraq War and the Persian Gulf War", "Muere en accidente de trfico en Abu Dabi un cabo de la fragata 'Victoria', "Role of Kuwaiti Armed Forces in the Persian Gulf War", "FESTA, LACRIME E AMAREZZA PER I MARO' RIENTRATI DAL GOLFO", "podporuk in memoriam Petr IMONKA |", "Steleck sout - Memoril ppor. [195] The Marines also destroyed 25 APCs and took 300 prisoners of war. US and British special operations forces had been covertly inserted into western Iraq to aid in the search for and destruction of Scuds. Resolution 678, passed on 29 November 1990 gave Iraq a withdrawal deadline until 15 January 1991, and authorized "all necessary means to uphold and implement Resolution 660", and a diplomatic formulation authorizing the use of force if Iraq failed to comply. CNN correspondents John Holliman and Peter Arnett and CNN anchor Bernard Shaw relayed audio reports from Baghdad's Al-Rashid Hotel as the air strikes began. [71] In spite of Iraqi saber rattling, Kuwait did not mobilize its force; the army had been stood-down on 19 July,[72] and during the Iraqi invasion many Kuwaiti military personnel were on leave. [43], The US remained officially neutral after Iraq's invasion of Iran in 1980, which became the IranIraq War, although it provided resources, political support, and some "non-military" aircraft to Iraq. A few combat sorties were flown against Iraqi ground forces. Many have cited its use during the war as a contributing factor to a number of major health issues in veterans and in surrounding civilian populations, including in birth defects and child cancer rates. Spearheaded by the United States, the coalition's efforts against Iraq were carried out in two key phases: Operation Desert Shield, which marked the military buildup from August 1990 to January 1991; and Operation Desert Storm, which began with the aerial bombing campaign against Iraq on 17 January 1991 and came to a close with the American-led Liberation of Kuwait on 28 February 1991. It is powered by a 26 horsepower snowmobile engine and has a range of about . [113] It was the largest coalition since World War II. While the coalition itself did not include Israel, the Iraqi leadership had launched the campaign under the expectation that the missile barrage would provoke an independent Israeli military response, and hoped that such a response would prompt the coalition's Muslim-majority countries to withdraw (see ArabIsraeli conflict). Iraqi vehicle losses included 357 tanks, 147 armored personnel carriers, and 89 mobile artillery pieces. [citation needed], Within 12 hours, most resistance had ended within Kuwait, and the royal family had fled, allowing Iraq to control most of Kuwait. [116], Many of the coalition countries were reluctant to commit military forces. [191] The 1st Marine Division destroyed around 60 Iraqi tanks near the Burgan oil field without suffering any losses. The British 1st Armoured Division fielded approximately 176 Challenger 1 tanks. [210][211] The first three of these had a strength of over 660 tanks, 660 infantry fighting vehicles, and thousands of antitank weapons, self propelled artillery, and other combat systems. Operation Granby was the code name for the operations in the Persian Gulf. The operations were designed to prevent any possible Israeli intervention. About 25% of Saudi Arabia's contribution was paid with in-kind services to the troops, such as food and transportation. However, Baker believed that Saudi Arabia should assume some of the cost of the military efforts to defend it. Some of them historical in scope and size. It was determined that the conflict would likely spread into Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf states, but that the United States had little capability to defend the region. However, the jeopardization attempt was ultimately unsuccessful as Israel did not respond to any Iraqi attacks, and Iraq continued to remain at odds with most Muslim-majority countries. The Soviet Union condemned Baghdad's aggression against Kuwait, but did not support the United States and allied intervention in Iraq and tried to avert it. Throughout the war, footage of incoming missiles was broadcast almost immediately. This came after the Kuwaiti government formally forgave the group. Initially, Iraq ran the occupied territory under a puppet government known as the "Republic of Kuwait" before proceeding with an outright annexation in which Kuwaiti sovereign territory was split, with the "Saddamiyat al-Mitla' District" being carved out of the country's northern portion and the "Kuwait Governorate" covering the rest. [344] The Dutch Ministry of Defense, which also sent Patriot missiles to protect civilians in Israel and Turkey, later disputed the higher claim. The increased importance of air attacks from both coalition warplanes and cruise missiles led to controversy over the number of civilian deaths caused during Desert Storm's initial stages. [citation needed], US policy regarding media freedom was much more restrictive than in the Vietnam War. It was assumed by the Corps' planners the Iraqi 52nd Armored Division would counterattack VII Corps once their penetration into Iraqi defenses was discovered. Once the allies had penetrated deep into Iraqi territory, they turned eastward, launching a flank attack against the elite Republican Guard before it could escape. pp.92-93. January 17, 2016, marks a milestone in our nation's military history. Allied forces were keen to demonstrate their weapons' accuracy. [120], Although the Iraqi military committed human rights abuses during the invasion, the alleged incidents that received the most publicity in the US were fabrications of the public relations firm hired by the government of Kuwait to persuade Americans to support military intervention. Post author By ; Post date does non alcoholic beer make you bloated; janie dean died . On April 5, the Iraqi government announced "the complete crushing of acts of sedition, sabotage and rioting in all towns of Iraq." [51] Kuwait's ruling dynasty, the al-Sabah family, had concluded a protectorate agreement in 1899 that assigned responsibility for Kuwait's foreign affairs to the United Kingdom. Iraqi troops offered only light resistance. [197] Marine Reserve unit Bravo Company, 4th Tank Battalion, 4th Marine division was assigned to the 2nd Marine Division. The coalition advance was preceded by a heavy artillery and rocket barrage, after which 150,000 troops and 1,500 tanks began their advance. The Marines destroyed 30 to 40 Iraqi T-72 tanks which had taken up defensive positions around the airport. Some crews simply abandoned their vehicles upon realizing that they could be destroyed by guided bombs, stopping the divisions from massing for an organized attack on the town. "Appendix - Iraqi Death Toll | The Gulf War | FRONTLINE | PBS", "The Use of Terror during Iraq's invasion of Kuwait", "Kuwait: missing people: a step in the right direction", "The Wages of War: Iraqi Combatant and Noncombatant Fatalities in the 2003 Conflict", "George Bush (Sr) Library Margaret Thatcher Foundation", "Livraria da Folha Livro conta como Guerra do Golfo colocou a CNN no foco internacional 08/09/2010", Guerra/Terrorismo O maior bombardeio da histria, "These were the 6 most massive tank battles in US history", "Tenth anniversary of the Gulf War: A look back", "ISN: The Second Gulf War (19901991) Council on Foreign Relations", Operation Iraqi Freedom: Strategies, Approaches, Results, and Issues for Congress, "A 1991 Dossier on the Role of the Iraqi Air Force in the Gulf War", "Inverse Engagement: Lessons from U.S.-Iraq Relations, 19821990", "On this day in 1990: The world decides to stop Saddam Hussein's forces marauding around Kuwait", "Confrontation in the Gulf; The Oilfield Lying Below the Iraq-Kuwait Dispute", "Iraq Threatens Emirates And Kuwait on Oil Glut", "U.S. Baker, James Addison, and Thomas M. DeFrank. 57 aircraft lost With Iraqi forces reeling from the air campaign, the ground offensive began on 24 February and in less than 100 hours, dislodged Iraqi forces from . Iraqi ground forces consolidated their control of Kuwait City, then headed south and redeployed along the Saudi border. Formerly covering an area of around 3,000km2 (1,200sqmi), the large complex of wetlands were nearly emptied of water, and the local Shi'ite population relocated, following the war and 1991 uprisings. And the question in my mind is, how many additional American casualties is Saddam [Hussein] worth? This movement's left flank was protected by the French Division Daguet. Iraqi forces in Khafji had 60300 dead and 400 captured. [108], A series of UN Security Council resolutions and Arab League resolutions were passed regarding Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. [322], On 23 January, Iraq dumped 400million US gallons (1,500,000m3) of crude oil into the Persian Gulf,[324] causing the largest offshore oil spill in history at that time. M270 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems contributed an additional 4,900 rockets fired at Iraqi targets. [175] 1st Infantry Division Artillery, which included 4-3 FA battalion, was decisive during artillery combat operations performing multiple raids and fire missions. Specifically, he called for Israel to withdraw from occupied territories in Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon, Syria to withdraw from Lebanon, and "mutual withdrawals by Iraq and Iran and arrangement for the situation in Kuwait." At the conference, Iraq was authorized to fly armed helicopters on their side of the temporary border, ostensibly for government transit due to the damage done to civilian infrastructure. Monday, February 29, 2016. We'd be running the country. In addition, the US moved to support its ally Saudi Arabia, whose importance in the region, and as a key supplier of oil, made it of considerable geopolitical importance. The real reason was to help them succeed in the war against Iran. The sorties were launched mostly from Saudi Arabia and the six carrier battle groups (CVBG) in the Persian Gulf and Red Sea. On the 23rd, the CIA reported that Iraq had moved 30,000 troops to the Iraq-Kuwait border, and the US naval fleet in the Persian Gulf was placed on alert. [215] The Iraqis fielded them in great numbers. Israel prepared to militarily retaliate, as its policy for the previous 40 years had always been retaliation. The US, the UK, and the Soviet Union rejected it; US Ambassador to the UN Thomas Pickering stated that the French proposal was unacceptable, because it went beyond previous Council resolutions on the Iraqi invasion. The Coalition campaign that began in January 1991 opened with five weeks of air strikes that attacked both strategic targets and tactical units. The station was short-lived, ending shortly after President Bush declared the ceasefire and Kuwait's liberation. [215] The Iraqis also had elements of two other independent armored brigades in theatre, those being the 50th and 29th Armored Brigades. Meanwhile, forces from Arab states advanced into Kuwait from the east, encountering little resistance and suffering few casualties. On the ground, special operations forces also infiltrated Iraq, tasked with locating and destroying Scuds - including the ill-fated Bravo Two Zero patrol of the SAS. In the video, he asks a young British boy, Stuart Lockwood, whether he is getting his milk, and goes on to say, through his interpreter, "We hope your presence as guests here will not be for too long. Military buildup continued from there, eventually reaching 543,000 troops, twice the number used in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. [238], Germany and Japan provided financial assistance[239] and donated military hardware, although they did not send direct military assistance. [165] The group's commander stated his unit lost 83 of its 100 guns to the artillery preparation. The policy had been spelled out in a Pentagon document entitled Annex Foxtrot. Baker then moved to enter talks with Egypt, whose leadership he considered "the moderate voice of the Middle East". Iron Soldiers: How America's 1st Armored Division Crushed Iraq's Elite Republican Guard. They'd already learned to scamper off into the desert when our aircraft started to attack. It was the spearhead of VII Corps, consisting primarily of the 1st Battalion, 41st Infantry Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 66th Armor Regiment, and the 4th Battalion, 3rd Field Artillery Regiment. [344], The Gulf War has been the subject of several video games including Conflict: Desert Storm, Conflict: Desert Storm II and Gulf War: Operation Desert Hammer. The United Kingdom played a major role in the Battle of Norfolk where its forces destroyed over 200 Iraqi tanks and a large quantity of other vehicles. A fourth ship, HMCSHuron, arrived in-theater after hostilities had ceased and was the first allied ship to visit Kuwait. [301] After the Gulf War, the Kuwaiti authorities forcibly pressured nearly 200,000 Palestinians to leave Kuwait in 1991. [330] About $52billion of that amount was paid by other countries: $36billion by Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and other Arab states of the Persian Gulf; $16billion by Germany and Japan (which sent no combat forces due to their constitutions). Also, the uranium-235 that remains in depleted uranium emits only a small amount of low-energy gamma radiation. [122] She hadn't lived in Kuwait during the Iraqi invasion. Assad had a deep personal enmity towards Saddam, which was defined by the fact that "Saddam had been trying to kill him [Assad] for years." [52] Resulting revenues struggled to support the government's basic costs, let alone repair Iraq's damaged infrastructure. These combat operations resulted in the destruction of 50 enemy tanks, 139 APCs, 30 air defense systems, 152 artillery pieces, 27 missile launchers, 108 mortars, and 548 wheeled vehicles, 61 trench lines and bunker positions, 92 dug in and open infantry targets, and 34 logistical sites. [289][290][291][292], Depleted uranium has 40% less radioactivity than natural uranium, but the negative effects should not be overlooked. But repeated American statements last year made it apparent that America did not regard us as friends. The plan was implemented and became the basis for US preparedness to respond to the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait in 1991. They were responsible for a report which included an "infamous cruise missile that travelled down a street and turned left at a traffic light. American, British, and French forces continued to pursue retreating Iraqi forces over the border and back into Iraq, eventually moving to within 240km (150mi) of Baghdad, before withdrawing back to Iraq's border with Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. [158] Later that evening the Task Force received enemy artillery fire but suffered no casualties. [44] Kuwait had been a part of the Ottoman Empire's province of Basra, something that Iraq claimed made Kuwait rightful Iraqi territory. New York: Random House. The agreement called for Iraq to withdraw troops to pre-invasion positions within six weeks following a total ceasefire, and called for monitoring of the ceasefire and withdrawal to be overseen by the UN Security Council. Two examples of this are the US Navy's Grumman E-2 Hawkeye and the US Air Force's Boeing E-3 Sentry. January 6, 2021. The Iraqis resisted fiercely from dug-in positions and stationary vehicles, and even mounted armored charges. Not a single American was killed during the attack. However, these positions were poorly defended, and were overrun in the first few hours. [152] The Task Force found itself engaged in six hours of combat in order to clear the extensive bunker complex. Stated his unit lost 83 of its 100 guns to the troops, twice the used..., Saddam stated that he would attempt last-ditch negotiations with the Kuwaitis but Iraq `` would accept! Guns to the artillery preparation barrage, after which 150,000 troops and 1,500 tanks began their advance T-72s. Had begun headed south and redeployed along the Saudi border ] Bravo Company destroyed a total 119... Iraqi air defenses shot down nine US aircraft from dug-in positions and stationary vehicles, 10... Mecca and Medina defend it pubars party desert storm Battalion, 4th tank Battalion, 4th Battalion! 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pubars party desert storm