timing your technology reflection

The monopoly oil has as the sole fuel for transportation could become a serious drawback for future progress and prosperity (for more about this, visit www.ceeti.org). We couldnt know for sure that such projections were wrong, and the amount of money being spent back then on AI was truly trivial (and the commercial spinoffs likely paid for it all anyway). Or were they lucky in trying at the right time, and merely captured all of the value, because a 99% adequate VR headset is worth 0%, and they added the final 1%? From the Paleolithic times to the Information Age, technology is ever so expanding and evolving alongside with us. Ehlig-Economides, C.A., Mowat, G.R., and Corbett, C.: Techniques for Multibranch Well Trajectory Design in the Context of a Three-Dimensional Reservoir Model, paper SPE 35505 presented at the European 3D Reservoir Modeling Conference in Stavanger, 1617 April 1996. Without the funds for the fuel companies, we couldnt have flown anyway. Freds luck held again. We can draw lines on a graph but we dont know the constraints. Well: researchers have a slight conflict of interest in the matter, and are happy to spend arbitrary amounts of money on topics without anything to show for it. The electric incandescent lightbulb was invented, reinvented, coinvented, or first invented dozens of times. This was oft-cited as an example of how technoweenies failed to understand that people didnt really want videophones at allwho wants to put on makeup before making a call?, people offered as an explanation, in all seriousnessbut really, it looks like the videophones back then simply werent good enough. Reflection gives meaning to experience; it turns experience into practice, links past and present experiences, and prepares the individual for future practice. Benedict Evans (In Praise of Failure) summarizes the problem: Its possible for a few people to take an idea and create a real company worth billions of dollars in less than a decadeto go from an idea and a few notes to Google or Facebook, or for that matter Dollar Shave Club or Nervana [Nervana Systems?]. Why is their knowledge so useless? The tremendous development in technology and the diversity in this industry have drastically changed the lifestyle of people in society. But you know what? The key to reflection is learning how to take perspective on one's own actions and experiencein other words, to examine that experience rather than just living it"[1], stages, reflective . As I waited somewhat nervously to give my first technical presentation in 1975, several papers were introduced with an anecdote about the speakers experiences 25 years before. In His perfect timing, all is planned We must have patience, hold His hand. 30 years later, its the same headlines. The flowmeter did have a place in transient testing, though, but during drawdown, not buildup. However, those are precisely the startups that crazy people will have done years before when they looked like bad ideas, avoiding the waste of delay. And will she walk through walls when the going gets toughwhich it inevitably will in nearly all startupsand simply refuse to even consider quitting? Rather, this is how the process of invention and creation works. The 3 Best Books on Self-Reflection and Introspection. previous similar startups failed). Thiel (Zero to One; original): Every moment in business happens only once. Summary by one VC of a16z investment strategy. Future research on the equifinal configurations we proposebroad/nonselective for early movers and narrow/selective for late moverscould thus help resolve the debate about the link between timing and performance. What he could not door could not do alonewas to direct the day-to-day operations of his troops, that is, to define the critical problems to be solved, to identify the terms of their solution, and to do the work that would carry the day. Three decades later, the book is highly dated, and the descriptions are of mostly historical interest for the development of various technologies (particularly in the 1990s). Youve invented taxis & buses. Or to look at VR; Ive noticed geeks express wonderment at the Oculus Rift (and Vive and PlayStation VR and Go and Quest) bringing Virtual Reality to the masses, and wont that be a kick in the teeth for the Cliff Stolls & Jaron Laniers (who gave up VR for dead decades ago)? The course The ICT course was not really difficult, as I had a very good knowledge about the different types of technologies that were presented, but the idea of adapting them to my classroom got me thinking. Counting for inflation, probably more money was spent [than] than Facebook just spent on Oculus. The challenge had always been to come up with a closed-form solution that related to time. . "They say, timing is everything. That is what makes a problem important. During that time, I became interested in the notion that petroleum engineers might be better educated with a broader scope, what I would call energy engineering. Timing technology are one of the products of this technology. Its worth noting that looks like a bad idea is flexible here: I emphasize that many good ideas look like bad ideas because theyve been tried before & failed, but many others look bad because a necessary change hasnt yet happened or people underestimate existing technology., How about Snapchat? There are many books out there on self-reflection, self-awareness, and introspection, but we recommend the books below as resources to help you start your journey. For instance, in the old days, in order to tell where your head was so that you could position virtual content to be standing still relative to you, we used to have to use some kind of external reference point, which might be magnetic, ultrasonic, or optical. The right moment cannot be known exactly in advance, so attempts to forecast will typically be off by years or worse. The paper I presented1 was later published in Water Resources Research, a groundwater hydrology journal. If convicted, he would have faced a prison term of up to five years. It is essential to try to have a day that is without the use of technology. Modern genomics strikes me as a bit like this. I for one will admit it, when I wake up the first thing I do is reach for my smartphone. Whoever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be entreated not to hit the nail at all. With so many disruptive technologies on the horizon, timing your move into each can make the difference between getting ahead of the competition and falling irreparably behind. Kafkas idiosyncrasy is present in each of these writings, to a greater or lesser degree, but if Kafka had not written, we would not perceive it; that is to say, it would not exist. Whatever the evidence, the fundamental question VCs are trying to answer is: Why back this founder against this problem set versus waiting to see who else may come along with a better organic understanding of the problem? This did not deter Marconi from the attempt, even though he was as unaware of the existence of the Heaviside layer as everyone else. Err It is universally admitted that the unicorn is a supernatural being and one of good omen; thus it is declared in the Odes, in the Annals, in the biographies of illustrious men, and in other texts of unquestioned authority. End-users love cryptography, right? At Rice U.s Baker Inst., we find the Shell Center for Sustainability. And, incidentally, offering an example of why stock markets are fine with paying executives so much: a good executive can createor destroythe entire company. It seems a reasonable guess that the bottleneck will never again lie in hardware speeds and storage capacities, as opposed to purely logical and programming problems. Jr.: Drawdown Behavior of a Well With Storage and Skin Effect Communicating With Layers of Different Radii and Other Characteristics, paper SPE 7453 presented at the 1978 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 13, Houston. Gamify self reflection by keeping a running streak using a Google Doc or an app like Streaks. it would have had nothing to do with Orkut (oops). Will the founder be able to explain her vision in a way that causes others to want to join her on this mission? Sensors, displays batteries! Reflection of light occurs when waves hit a surface that, instead of absorbing radiation, bounce the waves away from the surface. We won't always understand God's timing, so we have to trust that it is best for us. Whats the benefit of being the 100,000th person working on something? When Marc and Ben first started Andreessen Horowitz, they described this founder leadership capability as egomaniacal. Their theorynotwithstanding the choice of wordswas that to make the decision to be a founder (a job fraught with likely failure), an individual needed to be so confident in her abilities to succeed that she would border on being so self-absorbed as to be truly egomaniacal. Facebook is the biggest archive of photographs there has ever been, with truly colossal storage requirements; could it have succeeded in the 1990s? We just could never, never, never get it quite there., JL: The component cost. If you were sure of that back then, or even mostly persuaded, and if a lot of others were as well, what good fortune you could have harvested. If we think about multi-level optimization systems & population-based training, and optimization of evolution like strong amplifiers (which resemble small but networked communities: Pavlogiannis et al 2018), that would suggest we should have a bias against both large and small groups/institutes/granters, because small ones are buffeted by random noise/drift and cant afford well-powered experiments, but large ones are too narrow-minded.30 But a network of medium ones can both explore well and then efficiently replicate the best findings across the network to exploit them. Explains that technology refers to a wide range of electronic materials and learning methods, including video production, distance learning, and smart classrooms. We ultimately chose to abandon our word choice, but the principle remains today: You have to be partly delusional to start a company given the prospects of success and the need to keep pushing forward in the wake of the constant stream of doubters. What would you do with it? Its a weird perspective to take, but we can think of other technologies which may be like this. Each one plans, invests & commits to push results as hard as possible through to commercial viability, and then pivots as necessary when the plan inevitably fails. Dropbox: we are going to build a file sharing and syncing solution when the market has a dozen of them that no one uses, supported by big companies like Microsoft. Issues like component cost were not something that could be solved by a VR research project, no matter how ambitious. We remember the successes, and see only how they were sure to succeed, forgetting the failures, which vanish from memory and seem laughable and grotesque should we ever revisit them as they fumble towards what we can now see so clearly. Jr.: An Investigation of Wellbore Storage and Skin Effect in Unsteady Liquid Flow: I. Analytical Treatment,, Horner, D.R. Absolutely, Amazon (which has rarely turned a profit and has sucked up far more investment than Pets.com ever did, a mere ~$484.8$300.02002m) is a successful online retail business that stocks thousands of dog food varieties, to say nothing of all the other pet-related goods it sells, and Chewy, which primarily does pet food, filed for a multi-billion-dollar IPO in 2019 on the strength of its billions in revenue (swelling to a market cap of $30b mid-2021). insulin, chemotherapy of kala-azar and malaria) that are solvable and whose solutions would eliminate the reverse salients.18. Once the initial shock of the situation wore off, you'd start getting ready for work. After solving a problem, humanity imagines that it finds in analogous solutions the key to all problems. He had to publicize the companys successesa necessity for what was ultimately a commercial enterpriseand act as liaison between company laboratories and the academic and medical communities. In this case, the flowmeter acquires data while the well is flowing, which is what it is intended to do. This also illustrates the ex post & fine line between visionary founder & criminal con artist; had Frederick W. Smith been less lucky in the literal gambles he took, he couldve been prosecuted for anything from embezzlement to securities fraud. We know that a given animal with a mane is a horse, and that one with horns is a bull. A lot more is being invented with time. I basically think all the ideas of the 90s that everybody had about how this stuff was going to work, I think they were all right, they were all correct. Polarizing here could be reflect a wide posterior value distribution, or if the posterior is being approximated by something like a mixture of experts or an ensemble of multiple models (like running multiple passes over a dropout-trained neural network, or a bootstrapped neural network ensemble). One idea is that a VC firm could explicitly track ideas that seem great but have had several failed startups, and try to schedule additional investments at ever greater intervals (similar to DS-PRL), which bounds losses (if the idea turns out to be truly a bad idea after all) but ensures eventual success (if a good one). and less. It sounds like Facebook! On phones! Reflection Desktop is terminal emulation software. At the same time, our entire lifestyle and that of the developing world depends on energy. For example, even if online pizza delivery has failed every time its tried, it still seems like a good idea that people will want to order pizza online via their smartphones, so one could try to do a pizza startup 2.5 years later, then 5 years later, then 10 years, then 20 years, or perhaps every time computer costs drop an order of magnitude, or perhaps every time the relevant market doubles in size? Only Apple can build apps for it. These are tempting, but likely cant generate outsize returns because they are simply too obvious and invite too much competition that squeezes out the economic rents. But to come very near to a true theory, and to grasp its precise application, are two very different things, as the history of science teaches us. We may want things now, we may want them fast, But God knows best, our future is cast. Similarly, Mark Zuckerberg was not the first and only Zuckerberg, he was the last Zuckerberg; many people made social networking fortunes before himmaybe Orkut didnt make its Google inventor a fortune, but you can bet that MySpaces DeWolfe and Anderson did well. One of the most notorious tech business failures of the 1990s was the Iridium satellite constellation, but that was brought down by bizarrely self-sabotaging decisions on the part of Motorola, and when Motorola was finally removed from the equation, Iridium found its market, and 2017 saw the launch of the second Iridium satellite constellation, Iridium NEXT, with competition from other since-launched satellite constellations, including SpaceXs own nascent Starlink (aiming at global broadband Internet) which launched no less than 60 satellites in May2019. I cannot say whether transportation will evolve to a different fuel or whether our industry will evolve to pro- vide energy for more than just transportation. Advances in technology have brought us online banking, smart cars, smart TVs, lightning fast computers, and the latest buzz: virtual reality. Mark Zuckerberg, in 2004, wanted nothing more than to sell Facebook for a few million dollars so he could work on his P2P filesharing program, Wirehog, commenting that the sale price just needed to be large enough to propel Wirehog. Youtube was a dating site. View 3 Samsung T7 Shield Check Price 4 Crucial X6 Portable SSD View 5 Western Digital My Book Check Price Develop your point through body paragraph (s), and conclude your paper by exploring the meaning you derive from your reflection. Or look at computers: imagine an early adopter of an Apple computer saying everyone will use computers eventually! Yes, but not for another few decades, and in the long run, we are all dead. However, they also brought us cyber warfare, hackers, identity theft, cyber stalking, and a host of other bad things. As you might imagine, the use of that term in our fund-raising deck for our first fund struck a chord with a number of our potential investors, who worried that we would back insufferable founders. Yet both of these can be enablers for competitive advantage. Fedex, early on, couldnt make payroll and the founder famously kept the planes flying only by gambling the last of their money in Las Vegas, among other near-death experiences & crimesjust one of many startups doing highly questionable things.12 Both SpaceX & Tesla have come within days (or hours) of bankruptcy, in 2008 and 2013; in the former case, Musk borrowed money from friends to pay his rent after 3 rocket failures in a row, and in the latter, Musk reportedly went as far as securing a pledge from Google to buy Tesla outright rather than let it go bankrupt (Vance2015). Even the Mississippi Company worked out: The ships that went abroad on behalf of his great company began to turn a profit. The study is a descriptive one based on qualitative research. Indeed, the U. S. Department of Transportation estimates that V2V technology may eliminate or reduce the impact of up to 80 percent of crashes involving unimpaired drivers. Its important to be the last person to discover something. Huh. You cant imitate a successful entrepreneur, the time is past. Start a hobby. If Blockbusters CEO had paid a pittance ~2000 to acquihire Netflix & put Reed Hastings in charge, or if it had simply stuck with its CEO in 2007 to strangle Netflix with Total Access, its shareholders would be far better off now. Balakrishnan and B V Sreekantan. A firm's ability to maintain an advantage in market value depends on whether investors perceive that the rate of cash flow growth will be sustained. ISSN: 1944-978X (Online)ISSN: 0149-2136 (Print). My timing on the technical front could not have been better. Cell phones, computers, radios, watches, and many other devices rely for their success on an electronic oscillator that produces an output with a precise frequency to generate timing pulses and synchronize events. How do you time your startup? Many devices are in fact using oscillators which is also under this so called technology to generate timing pulses in order to function well. neural net, Bitcoin, economics, history, insight porn, sociology/tech, decision theory, [For support of website features (tablesorting, collapsible sections, image zooming, link annotation popups/popins & transclusions, sidenotes), please enable JavaScript.]. So I read a lot of old papers. In Schlumberger at that time, there were two alternative technologies competing with pressure-transient-test analysis using the derivative. Many of these models may require transients much too long to be practical in a well test, but may be quite effective for analysis of production data (Fig. Yet, how useful would this knowledge be, really? While I was at Stanford, my student colleagues included Syed Tariq and Hugo Sandal,4 two other Ramey students who wrote the first papers using the Stehfest algorithm5,6 to numerically transform analytical models for well testing from Laplace space into real space. They were correct, but many of them would be surprised & disappointed how long it took., #326, Part II. Where does this leave us? This explores all options initially but gradually homes in on the most profitable option to exploit most of the time, while still occasionally exploring all the other options once in a while, just in case; strictly speaking Thompson sampling will never ban an option permanently, the probability of selecting an option merely becomes vanishingly rare. 1. Progress will happen and can be foreseen long before, but the details and exact timing are too difficult to get right, and the benefits of R&D is in laying fallow until the ripe time and their exploitation in unpredictable ways. Ed Boyden on Minding your Brain (Ep. In2012, I watched impressed as my aunt used the iPhone application FaceTime to video chat with her daughter half a continent away. Enough progress in one domain (particularly computing power), can sometimes make up for stasis in another domain. In fact, timing is a science. You can see the smartphones come up again and again in TML, as the visionaries realize how transformative a mobile pocket-sized computer would be. Bible verses about God's perfect timing. Positive feedback about physical-exam skills or clinical decision-making occurred during encounters, positive or constructive team-based feedback occurred immediately following encounters, and individualized constructive feedback occurred in one-on-one settings following rounding sessions. When minimum and maximum score are included in the same model, the coefficient on minimum score disappears. For a recent timeline survey, see Forecasting Transformative AI: An Expert Survey, Gruetzemacher et al 2019, and for more, AI Impacts.org. This trend persists when median score is included (Model 7 in Table 3). And even when there are stocks available to buy, you only benefit based on the specificslike one of the existing stocks being a winner, rather than all the stocks being eaten by some new startup. And the Media Lab wasnt the only one, General Magic (1989), had an almost identical vision of a networked future powered by small touchscreen devices. Starting a new pastime such as playing tennis, learning to paint, riding a horse, or listening to new types of music can provide a fun opportunity to reflect on what and how you are thinking and learning. I loved modeling flow through porous media, and I thought modeling three phases instead of just water would be even more interesting. ARPA-E PDs tend to agree with the bulk of reviewers, and they also tend to agree with scores in the upper tail of the distribution. In the case of chemotherapy, these things could be effected only by the medical researcher and the chemist, each working on his own domain, and cooperatively. At that time, my technical interest was in layered reservoir testing.12 In layered reservoir tests, the combination of pressure and flow rates measured at different levels in the well in response to changes in the surface flow rate permit characterization of commingled zones on a zone-by-zone basis. As a research manager with training and experience in pharmaceutical chemistry, a lively interest in medicine, and rapport with the medical community, Hrlein was well positioned to survey the field where chemistry and medicine joined battle against disease. After all, during a buildup, the downhole flow rate was rapidly approaching zero. ChristineEhlig-Economides, through her eventful career, has been there when many breakthroughs were made that have created a step change in our understanding of the mechanisms that govern the recovery of hydrocarbons. I ended up doing more work in Japan than anything else because Japan in general is so tech-smitten and obsessed that they just love it [VR]. If an hour of reflection seems like too much, try 10 minutes. The world economy grows at something like 2% a year, labor costs generally seem to go up, prices of computers and robotics usually falls Do industry projections expect to grow their sales by <25% a year? The question constantly asked of anyone who claims to know a better way (as futurologists implicitly do): If youre so smart, why arent you rich? The lesson I draw is: it is not enough to predict the future, one has to get the timing right to not be ruined, and then execute, and then get lucky in a myriad ways. The small groups simply polluted the genetic literature with false positives, which are still gradually being debunked and purged. , instead of absorbing radiation, bounce the waves away from the surface Resources research, a hydrology... Occurs when waves hit a surface that, instead of absorbing radiation bounce... To generate timing pulses in order to function well flown anyway an of. Genomics strikes me as a bit like this wake up the first thing I do is for. Will use computers eventually dozens of times graph but we dont know constraints. Generate timing pulses in order to function well oops ), the coefficient on minimum disappears. 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timing your technology reflection